$LIKE + $OSMO Dual Incentive Launch, Tech and Marketing SubDAO Established|LikeCoin Community News

Liker Land
Provide liquidity to LikeCoin and get additional double rewards. In addition, LikeCoin DAO is actively developing.
LikeCoin in Osmosis's external reward pool is live

🤖LikeCoin in Cosmos

Osmosis Liquidity Mining Dual Incentives

LikeCoin Proposal 37 After Osmosis passed 15,000,000 LIKE external incentives for 553 LIKE/ATOM and 555 LIKE/OSMO liquidity pools, the Osmosis community also passed Proposal 163 to agree that the daily OSMO rewards of the two liquidity pools match the LikeCoin external rewards, After the weekly liquidity pool adjustment of Proposal 164 is passed, users who engage in liquidity mining in pools 553 and 555 can be provided with quite decent OSMO and LIKE double rewards. It's better to act now and invest in providing liquidity immediately! For related teaching, please refer to LikeCoin Encyclopedia .

【Tips】What are External Incentives?
This is a fund provided by anyone other than the Osmosis official, generally the community representing the project side (eg: LikeCoin Proposal 37), to reward users who provide liquidity for the project's tokens on Osmosis. The bonus will be distributed to the user's Osmsosis chain once a day according to the proportion of the user's participation in the liquidity pool, which can be viewed on the "Assets" page of Osmosis. After LikeCoin provides external rewards, the Osmosis community has also passed additional funds (eg Osmosis Proposal 163) to be paired with this external reward to further increase the incentives for participants.

【Trade to Osmosis】

validator node

"LikeCoin by Liker Land" node's 10% commission income has been donated to support Ukraine
  • The 10% commission income that LikeCoin by Liker Land's validator nodes on the Osmosis and Desmos chains received in February has been donated to support Ukraine.
  • The other 10% commission income has also been used to purchase LikeCoin for commissioning .
  • The remaining 80% of the revenue will be used to pay the operating expenses of the IBC relayer to integrate with other Cosmos ecosystem blockchains.

IBC Relayer

  • Thanks to the validator Yasu and his partner Jack Ho for establishing the IBC relayer of Juno channel-69 and LikeCoin channel-11. Help LikeCoin connect more blockchain fields.

LikeCoin Airdrop Data

The LikeCoin airdrop started on February 21, and the number of LikeCoin wallet addresses increased from 29,154 on that day to 50,631 on March 7, showing that new LikeCoin users are constantly joining.

Data as of March 8:

  • The wallet address that has received the airdrop: 20,539
  • Distributed: 8.8 million LIKEs

85% of the users successfully completed the four tasks to receive the full amount.

【Receive Airdrop】

👍Appreciate Citizen Web3

The Appreciation Citizens Web3 Rewards Event has ended successfully at 12:00 noon (GMT+8) on March 7, 2022. During the event, a total of 436 users became Appreciated Citizens, and a total of 4,176,896 LIKEs were commissioned to the Appreciated Citizens node.

The rules of the event are that if the total commission amount reaches 5 million LIKEs, Liker Land will issue an additional 50,000 LIKEs as rewards. Although it was only a little short of reaching the target in the end, the commission volume of 4.17 million LIKEs is already an exciting result! In order to express its encouragement to the event participants, Liker Land decided to still issue an additional 50,000 LIKE bonus, a total of 100,000 LIKE for the event participants to share.

All eligible users will receive the event bonus within days, and the bonus will be sent directly to the wallet address associated with Appreciation Citizen, and a notification email will be sent to the registered email address. The bonus is distributed according to the commission return amount generated by the user during this event, so the more commissions and the longer the commission time, the more bonuses will be issued!

POAP badge

From left to right: Appreciate Citizen-Classic, Appreciate Citizen-Web3, Appreciate Citizen-Founding

Liker Land will issue 436 "Citizens of Appreciation-Web3" POAP badges, available to every participating user. In addition, users who have participated in the old version of Appreciation Citizen can get an additional "Citizen Appreciation-Classic" or "Citizen Appreciation-Founding" badge in this event. The email for receiving the badge will be sent to the registered email address of the eligible user of Appreciation Citizen within days, please pay attention.

【Citizens of Appreciation – Classics】 On May 21, 2019, Stand News, Zhongxin, Hong Kong Independent Media Network and Matters announced to join the Citizens of Appreciation Program to build a content community with a group of independent websites and authors.

[Appreciate Citizens – Web3] On February 21, 2022, Appreciate Citizens can repay the author with the return money entrusted by LikeCoin, and have the voting rights of LikeCoin DAO, and the whole process of on-chain transactions will take another step towards the goal of sustainable publishing.

【Citizens of Appreciation – Founding】 On January 1, 2019, Citizens of Appreciation beta was launched. Dozens of early supporters took the lead in joining the experience program, becoming the forerunners of the Citizens of Appreciation movement, turning praise into rewards for creating.

Liker IDs of users who have shared the bonus have been announced in the comments section of Matters articles. If you have any inquiries, please contact customer service .

Thanks for participating. Let us continue to turn praise into appreciation and give back to creation.

🗳LikeCoin DAO Flash Report

Motion 39 – Let Tech SubDAO take over the rest of Motion 33

  • Proposal 33 Hire OurSky to develop LikeCoin chain. This proposal proposes that the newly established Tech Subdao will take over the rest of the work, including payment and management of service providers.
  • March 4th proposal, currently voting.

Motion 40 - Deposit 2,000,000 LIKE to Tech SubDAO's Multi-Signature Wallet

  • After Motion 36 was passed, kin ko , Firsthand Ventures CEO Dr. Simon Chan and OneSky co-founder and CEO Greg Sung established Tech SubDAO and managed a multi-signature wallet that only requires two of the three to sign to access funds. After this proposal is passed, 2,000,000 LIKE will be transferred to the wallet as the funds for the development of payment technology.
  • March 7th proposal, now raising deposits.

Proposal 41 – Modify the inflation rate parameter from 25% to 100%

  • The current inflation rate parameter is a maximum of 25%. When the liquidity pool incentive is much higher than the delegation reward, it will lead to the loss of the delegated funds and transfer to the liquidity pool, making the LikeCoin chain network less secure. Therefore, it is recommended to speed up the change in the inflation rate to respond to the rapidly changing market demand. To learn more please join the discussion in the Discord #proposal-discussions channel.
  • March 8 proposal, now raising deposits,

Tech SubDAO

Proposal 36 Participate in and manage the development of LikeCoin by establishing Tech SubDAO, including:

  • Prepare to use Cosmovisor in the next LikeCoin chain upgrade to make it easier for validators to upgrade; upgrade to Cosmos SDKv0.44 and introduce cosmos1 + like1 dual address prefix.
  • Developed LikeCoin Faucet to assist new users
  • Integration with Numbers Protocol.
  • Research on NFT modules based on the Cosmos SDK, Oursky has created relevant technical documents on GitHub , and welcomes comments or PRs from the community.
  • Improve dao.like.co.
  • Write a draft for the functional requirements of the DApps expected by the LikeCoin community.
  • Reach out to engineers interested in developing for LikeCoin.

Please visit the LikeCoin Discord #tech-subdao channel to learn more.

Marketing SubDAO

  • The proposal to establish UDomain CEO Zhang Tao and Phoebe Poon as founding members to help identify LikeCoin's promotion needs, find suitable resources and services, and drive marketing decisions 38 was passed on March 2. The next step is to request marketing funds from the community pool to pay to service providers such as Irtysh Digital, and plan promotion plans in different directions such as improving DePub copywriting, community operations, brand ambassador programs, etc. If you are interested in participating, welcome to the Discord #marketing-subdao channel to contribute.
  • Irtysh Digital has moved all Twitter monthly reports to depub.SPACE and can be found by hashtag #MarketingSubDAO #IrtyshDigital .
  • The Twitter promotion, CosmosEcosystem x LikeCoin, is in the process of awarding rewards, with approximately 1-15,000 eligible participants in total.
  • Another $DSM “Reclaim the Web” campaign is in full swing, hoping to raise awareness for LikeCoin and boost Desmos Profile registration and the popularity of depub.SPACE.
  • Provide basic price, order ratio, proposal and decentralized exchange data on Twitter every week, as well as the number of wallets, the number of websites, the registered ISCN content and other data.

Creation Fund Committee

The Creation Fund Committee held its third meeting on March 3. After discussion, it was decided that starting from March 7, 2022, the daily allocation of the Creation Fund will be adjusted to 13,300 LIKE.

According to the appropriation principle agreed at the first meeting of the committee, the monthly appropriation amount of the Creation Fund is based on the actual sponsorship amount paid by the readers, and is matched in a ratio of 1:1. However, it is estimated that the actual monthly sponsorship amount of readers last month was only about 62,500 LIKE, which was a sharp drop from the original. In order to prevent the creator's income from being greatly affected all at once, the committee decided to add an additional amount to the original 1:1 matching amount. Allocate a sum to maintain the monthly fund sponsorship at 400,000 LIKEs, which is approximately 13,300 LIKEs distributed daily for a one-month review.

When the actual amount of the author's sponsorship (that is, the total amount of rewards for appreciating the entrustment of citizens) increases, the committee will adjust the total amount of grants with reference to the current funding amount. The committee hopes that the patronage of readers will gradually become the main income of the author, and the supporting role of the creative fund will become less and less, and finally help the author to establish an independent economic cycle.

The committee will meet again next month to discuss related adjustments. If you have any comments, welcome to the LikeCoin Discord #creators-fund channel for discussion.

Community Commission

As of March 7th:

  • The community entrusted funds are 101,568,234 LIKE.
  • Received 514,637 LIKEs from commissions last month.
  • And the funds are entrusted to 16 validators, of which 14 people's nodes obtain basic delegation, and 2 people obtain high community delegation.
  • The validator who successfully renewed the community delegation in the 9th round is John Shao, and Liker.Social has obtained high community delegation.

【Vote now】

🎯Talent recruitment

With the rapid expansion of LikeCoin, more talents are needed to join this exciting and interesting industry, if you are interested in decentralized publishing, building Web 3 media tools and NFT economy, Liker Land is hiring the following positions with referral bonus , join us today to build a new world of blockchain!

  • Full end developer
  • development advocate
  • business development
  • designer

Follow LikeCoin

LikeCoin assists authors to publish content to the blockchain and own their work forever.

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Liker LandLiker Land 讓故事成為收藏品,是內容愛好者的廣場。 主頁:https://liker.land Discord: https://discord.gg/likecoin
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