Leftover Recipes | Corn Silk

Following the previous sharing, here comes the second recipe 😘😘 The ingredient introduced this time is corn silk! Corn silk is often discarded, but it is actually a nutritious ingredient. Now let's see how to cook corn silk, shall we?

🌽Introduction to corn silk

Corn silk, also known as dragon whisker, is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. It is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It has the effects of diuresis and swelling, clearing the qi and gallbladder. It is helpful for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia .

🌽 Corn Silk Recipe × 3

1. Corn silk tea <br class="smart">Everyone should have heard of corn silk tea to eliminate edema, right? It is a tea drink made by drying corn silk and then using it to make tea! If it is troublesome, you can also use it directly Corn silk is used to make tea (take it to dry, mainly for convenient storage)

Corn silk tea (Image credit: Dazhi Image)

The ingredients are: fresh corn silk, appropriate amount of water, etc. After boiling, add corn silk, cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat, and then remove and drink when the water changes color 👍

2. Corn silk eggs:
Ingredients: corn silk, eggs, a little salt, pepper

Wash the corn silk and cut it into small pieces, mix it with the egg mixture, add seasonings, fry it and it's done!!!
Isn't it super simple, adding corn kernels is another flavor 🥰

3. Vegetable boil/soup:

Corn silk borsch, corn silk + corn scrambled eggs

Boil the veggies with the corn silk, add the seasoning, and other ingredients as you like!
Once cooked, you're done, super easy 😘

🌱Personal thoughts:

I like to use it for scrambled eggs, because it is the most convenient cooking method, and the second is to add various soups as ingredients~
In addition to corn, bamboo shoots also have corn silk.
When cooking corn next time, remember to keep the corn silk and use it to cook one more dish. It is not only nutritious, saves money, but also reduces waste. Isn’t it awesome~~ Also, vegetarians can try its variations 🤩
❗In addition, the corn husk can also be used. Tear off the outermost green husk, wash the inner green husk, put it in hot water and cook with some vegetables, and finally take out the green husk to enrich the taste of the soup base. ~I used corn husks to cook the soup base of lemongrass hot pot before, although I can't feel the taste 😂

The above, the cooking method is for your reference~ The leftover recipes in the next issue, please look forward to it ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶…⋆ฺ


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