Unexpectedly, the answer obtained from a special experience was made into a photo album! ! !


At the beginning, you must share a knowledge related to the game to warm up the field (OS: Others don't necessarily want to watch...)

In the past games, players will find some very interesting phenomena, including that the sun may always be in a fixed position (what about sunrise and sunset?), or the sun is on the left, and the shadow is also on the left (what about the opposite direction? ) That's because when the game was developed in the early days, the position of the sun and the parameters of the sun's light and shadow were defined separately, but there would inevitably be omissions, so some game companies decided to directly make the protagonist have no shadow, or the day is only early. Three periods of noon and evening.


About 10 years ago, Nvidia launched the big breakthrough in graphics card technology, so that the graphics card not only runs the game animation background that has been developed, but also has more computing power at the same time, which can be automatically detected through computing. Metering the light source, and even adding details to the blasting effect ( glass shattered the same way before, no matter where you broke it from ). What did the beginning of this revolution change? Of course, a bunch of people snapped up graphics cards to mine! Therefore, in the later game development engines, the operation of light and shadow, weather, and environment interaction became popular! ! ! What does this have to do with the theme? Be patient with this shit for a long time.

Because the album to be discussed will explode, so if you want to watch the album yourself, you can close this article as if you have heard a piece of knowledge . This album is an Amazon Prime album called "Upload" . In the future world of storytelling, in addition to the cemetery or the golden tower, there is one more option for dying arrangements, that is, you can upload your consciousness and memory to a compiled world. The difference between game development in the past and present is the same. The affordable version is to project your consciousness into a beautiful scenery, but you cannot interact with the scenery. The main axis of the album takes place in Lakeview, which belongs to the highest level of service in this kind of service. In this world, you can buy SKIN, you can feel the food, the sunrise and sunset are the same as the real world, and you can even interact with the living through VR. Servo There must be a lot of high-end graphics cards for mining , and the billing method inside is somewhat similar to network traffic. The traffic you buy determines what kind of life you live in it.

Real shot of the hotel scene

At present, for the issue of consciousness transfer or copying people, if it is presented in the form of technology, most of them will have a storage device. This storage device can store the memories of life, including the reflexes of the brain before the memory is changed. The first reaction is usually maladaptive or a sense of the presence and absence of parts of the memory, like a hangover .

There is a very interesting twist in the middle of this album. When many people are uploaded to Lakeview to enjoy a happy dying life, there is a Lakeview resident who volunteers to be the first Lakeview revival experimenter. In reality, it has been successfully used. His general DNA replicated a body that was not sick, and he was successfully downloaded while the live + live broadcast was in full view! ! ! But after a while, he started to feel sick and his head started to swell. . .

Then his head exploded! ! !

Then his head exploded! ! !

Then his head exploded! ! !

In the next second he's headshot

Spoiler spoiler so far, if you are interested, you can still watch it! (Remind children not to!!!)

Looking at the concept of storage devices from the headshot incident, how much capacity is needed to store our consciousness, and how much capacity does the new body need to be able to re-download our accumulated consciousness and memory?

I once tried to find the answer to this question in the Ayahuasca experience (a year before watching this album), and the picture I received was very interesting, I think it is because I have a secondary technical soul , so show it to me like this! ?

 The picture I see is the moment when a person encounters a thing that is running, the magnitude of emotions, the cells affected by hormones, the brain's reflexes against things, and then a notice board full of numbers, with the operation of various units on it. , each present is logged, and each present is recorded.

If the secondary technology soul attack is calculated in bits, we are producing records of at least gigabytes every moment. Faced with such data, I think it should only be possible for streaming servers to do it! ? I think about it now! Eh! ? Isn't that the concept of blockchain (far away)? ? ? If the chain itself is an AI that can operate on its own, then the original memory storage device is enough to keep your original operating code and memory fragments. The AI can operate on each person's code by itself. The purpose of autonomous operation! ! ! However, if you want to download it again, you should only use the computer instead of the human brain, because the computing power of the human brain needs to be exercised over time.

Conclusion: I am looking forward to the release of Hacker Quest IV at the end of the year ! ! ! In fact, I'm quite curious about my theory that everyone understands whether they read it or not.
If you have any ideas, please leave a message and tell me 😆😆

Warning: Due to the risks of the Ayahuasca experience, it is recommended that a professional guide and caretaker be present, otherwise you may be uploaded directly to the kingdom of heaven, so don’t try it lightly! ! !


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