About "read"

In the final analysis, it's just because this person is -- yes, yes, yes, no.

When I finally unknowingly "read" others, I suddenly understood what kind of mentality the person who "read" me was. To be able to become the object of one's "read", first of all, this must be a dispensable person. Perhaps this person has brought you a little novelty and comfort in some places and moments. But slowly, maybe with the difference in your life circle, or the topic always repeats on the same point, or even maybe he shows his cards too early, for you, there is no point Attractive; and when you receive a message, you no longer have the motivation to click in or even reply. However, he has not yet reached the point of being extremely annoying; or, this person still has the meaning of his existence, and he cannot tear his face off and cut off the connection, so he has to "unread it".

Moreover, after receiving the message, I put it away for a long time, waiting for a random moment, on a whim, to open it and "read it". To tell the truth, you are not very busy and use your phone all the time. Or to put it another way, you are very busy, busy chatting with other people, watching Facebook IG, playing games, buying things on which APP... Mainly busy enjoying the things you enjoy, watching his messages, never in Within the scope of what you enjoy doing, let alone replying.

In the final analysis, it's just because this person is -- yes, yes, yes, no.

Light as clear water, calm as a mirror, and a lifeless relationship. He's not yours, you're not his, and even being a friend doesn't seem interesting, so just do whatever you want. Whenever you "read" an interesting and important message, you can respond if you want to; such a "communication method" seems to have become a convenient and arbitrary asymmetric relationship.

All of this is because one side "behaves" and "cares a lot", and if this trump card is seen by the other side early, the mystery will naturally disappear, and the attractiveness will also diminish. So, be true to your heart, but don't be treated as something cheap and can be consumed at will. Unless, you are willing to be wasted by someone for whom you have no regrets and no regrets; like that song by Lin Youjia. Then, I can only bless you: don't let yourself get too tired.

Author: @王木木
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王木木【散文 | 創作 | 品味生活 | 細嚼情感】 從前年輕,所以喜歡什麼都得轟轟烈烈;後來長大了發現,凡是細水長流的才不累。小時候喜歡在風花雪月裡堆砌詩情畫意,現在恬靜安逸便是幸福。其實偏愛哪些都沒有對錯,不過是歲月給人帶來不同的風景罷了。 方格子:(王木木) https://vocus.cc/user/@jadewoodwood
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