Manchuria Railway Song


Fuji Kotaro/Lyrics Yuji Koseki/Composition

Soundtrack: Manchuria Railway Song (Upper/Lower) Noboru Kirishima, Misao Matsubara/Akira Matsudaira Production version

Asia Train at Shinkyo Station


  1. Ah, dawn on the continent
    Dalian, where even the waves smile
    leaving behind the old tales
    Behind the rocks of Lushun Mountain
    Human bullet history remembered with tears
  2. A world-class rapid train with the lively sounds of Asia
    The field beyond the railroad tracks is clear, and waves of millet in the traces of blood
  3. Behold, the flag of Manchuria, the forerunner waving in the sky of Mukden.
  4. The gateway to the east The Sankai Pass on the west border of Ando City Nijo connects Japan, Manchuria and China.


  1. Koa's timetable madness Hina royal road, China-Kyoto map line Rakudo-no-Sakae while watching the waves
  2. The Keihin Line with many memories, I heard that if you go to the north of the five-colored cloud country capital that smells like a banishment to the tall towers that are growing, you will be able to change the track overnight.
  3. The station has already passed the new Harbin, the black river of the country, Manzhouli Suifenhe, now the wheels of development are spinning tenfold and twentyfold
  4. Ah, the royal road advances day by day from the railroad.

Creation background:

In commemoration of the Manchurian Railway exceeding 10,000 km, the Manchurian Railway Passenger Section collaborated with the Manchurian Newspaper Company and Columbia to create "Manchurian Railway Song". was solicited from the general public.

Koseki, Yaso Saijo, and Yoiji Kubota were invited to Manchuria as the chosen ones, but Saijo could not go to Manchuria due to inconvenient circumstances.

"Manchurian Railway Song" was sung by three singers, Akira Matsudaira, Misao Matsubara, and Noboru Kirishima.

On May 11 of this year, the Nomonhan Incident broke out on the Soviet-Manchurian border, and the Kwantung Army and the Soviet Army were fighting.

At that time, Koseki and Kubota embarked on a trip to inspect all of Manchuria. We visited Qiqihar in the west, Harbin in the north, Chams, Mudanjiang, and Tumen in the east, and Dalian and Sinuiju in the south.

Due to the Nomonhan Incident, all places had blackout lights, and it was a dark trip to Manchuria.

Yuji Koseki is 30 years old.

Origin: green fingers and beggar


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