lost pomeranian

A friend of my sister gave her a Pomeranian dog, and whether my parents accepted it or not, that Pomeranian became our first domestic pet.

Sometimes, looking at my cat, and it looks at me, I think, "What are these animals thinking when they look at us?"

Do they think like I do: "What the hell are humans thinking?"

I also often think that when these animals or insects don't understand human beings, everything we do to them, whether it's good or malicious, may be mistaken for them as malicious because they don't understand, What to do to it is for its good or for its harm.

Like when I knew God, of course I knew God wouldn't hurt me, but how do I know that everything I've been through is good for me? Is there a good intention in every arrangement He makes in my life? I can't help but ask this question. Just like we do to animals, when we want to help it, will it understand?

Hana eating cat legs

After we moved from the military dependents village to the house that my father bought, I had already started working. A friend of my sister gave her a Pomeranian dog, and whether my parents accepted it or not, that Pomeranian became our first domestic pet. Because it likes to run with motorcycles, we named it "Pop".

This small Pomeranian is sensitive by nature and will bark at the slightest movement, always feeling a little noisy. We are its masters, so naturally it will not bark at us casually, and will only be particularly sensitive to outside sounds.

Whenever Dad got off work, he could hear the sound of his father's locomotive from a distance. Before Dad arrived, he had already run to the door and greeted his father with his cry and tail, as if he was warmly welcoming him home. I think my dad was quite satisfied with it at the time, at least one of the "boy" children who welcomed him so warmly (my family are all daughters, Pop is a boy), although he often said that it was a hassle to keep a dog and so on. if.


Maybe it was because it was so loud that it angered the neighbors and it was taken away. And this is just my guess. After all, things that have not been confirmed cannot be said nonsense.

It was a holiday, and I didn't want to get up early. I was lying in bed, listening to Pupu happily chatting with my aunts outside with my mother. At first, I could hear it running around, playing and barking, but gradually it seemed to become obedient, and finally became silent.

I didn't notice anything unusual until I went downstairs and found my mother looking for the dog, and I didn't know it was gone. And within a short period of time when my mother came in to get something, it disappeared (taken away) for no reason.

The day we found it was missing, our whole family went all over the neighborhood, trying to find it without success, and the result was very frustrating for our whole family.

Although I am afraid of dogs, it has been at home for a while, and I have developed a basic relationship with it. I still feel very uncomfortable about its loss.

At that time, there was a stray dog called Laifu, which my father picked up from the field. To be correct, it should be because it was injured and was trapped in the field and could not climb up. My father found it, so he would go to the field to feed it every day.

After its wounds healed, it stayed at our house and did not leave. It has always been at the door of the house to help the family and never entered the house. This should be regarded as a repayment of blessings.

Pupu went missing, and our family's Laifu also disappeared on the same day. At that time, the atmosphere at home was all in a downturn, and I didn't understand why I lost two dogs on the same day.

Not Laifu, the picture is taken from unsplash

While we were still in the grief of losing our dog, Laifu came back on his own. However, there was a beast trap hanging on its feet. After a closer look, it turned out that its feet were caught, and it was a big wound. It was really unbearable to see.

I wanted to help it remove the trap, maybe because of the pain, it was quite vigilant and couldn't obediently let me remove it.

The process of catching it was not easy, but it made it more frightening and resisting, and I couldn't bear it and had to stop them.

I remember my neighbors also told me not to be "women's kindness". This sentence actually made me very angry, but I couldn't refute it. I could only resolutely let them use brute force. Finally, I finally grabbed it and removed the trap, successfully completing this difficult task.


We guessed on our own: it should be a neighbor who thought my Pupu was too noisy, but it happened to be alone again and took it away in a fit of anger. And this move was seen by our family Laifu, so Laifu followed the neighbor all the way and wanted to bring Pupu back, but he was caught by a beast trap, so he had to give up and walked home slowly with his injuries.

This is our conjecture, and the small theater in our hearts is just being staged by our minds. As if the only way to relieve the guilt (not taking care of it well) was to think so, as if that were the case, the grief in the heart seemed to be answered in the slightest. We couldn't find Pupu anyway, so we could only make up a story that made us feel at ease. (Of course this could also be true)


When we wanted to help Laifu take down the trap, Laifu didn't understand our good intentions at all, thinking that we were going to do harm to it, so it was reluctant to do so, and in the end it could only be done in a tough way. The whole process may seem crude, but it is actually very meaningful.

It was like when God intervened in my life, I didn't understand and resisted it for a while. It is always at the enigmatic moment, as if the eyes of the soul will be brightened, gradually realizing the love of God, and entering into the arms of God.

And can the cats at home also understand our love? Perhaps the mutual understanding and comfort that they have cultivated over the years is the main reason why they can stay by their side with peace of mind.



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