[Good Book Sharing] "Long Victory Mentality": Persistent Pursuit of the Ultimate Goal

Victory is not about gritting your teeth for a long time, and finally getting great ecstasy and excitement, but in the process of moving forward, doing what you really like, and you can feel your progress every day, and get an extra sense of accomplishment, "Victory" and "failure" are not a simple dichotomy, but whether there are new gains and whether there is continuous growth is the focus of the "Long Victory Mentality".

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[Reading Notes] "Long Victory Mentality": Persistent Pursuit of the Ultimate Goal

Today I want to share Kath. The Winning Mindset by Cath Bishop The Long Win: The Search for a Better Way to Succeed ( The Long Win: The Search for a Better Way to Succeed ), the author starts from his own Olympian and diplomatic experience, and the discussion often focuses on specific and quantifiable such as winning medals In terms of achievements, it ignores the continuous improvement and continuous adjustment efforts behind it, and calls this a "long-term winning mentality".

[Reading Notes] Improve your personal value: "Building the Strongest Personal Productivity"

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The dichotomy of "victory" and "failure" has been reinforced in the environment we grew up in since childhood. "Victory" is good and should be praised. It can be obtained as long as you work hard, and no matter what means you use, as long as you can achieve the final result. The achievement is victory. On the contrary, everything else is a failure. It is only good to be praised under the spotlight. As for the other people, it is not important at all. The winner takes all. I can do my best to get the first place that I may not even know why I want it.

This kind of thinking of winning, the idea of wanting to compare others and be the best everywhere, is not only limited to the sports field or business, but also from every aspect of life, from childhood games, to the first place in the test during school. , after entering the society, we always want to win, and we are too obsessed with winning, which can easily hinder our development, and even cover our eyes and form a relativistic competitive relationship. The most common metaphor is that if you make 80,000 yuan a month, but all your colleagues make 100,000 yuan, or you only make 50,000 yuan a month, but your colleagues only make 30,000 yuan, you will Which do you want to choose?

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[ Reading Notes] Cultivate nine good habits to get rid of indecision: "90% of things can be decided in 10 minutes"

The vast majority of people will choose the latter. Even if 50,000 yuan is much less than 30,000 yuan, it is at least more than other colleagues around. This kind of want to compare others, want to compete with others to win, and have outsiders. In this sense of superiority in the label, it is easy to miss the best reward. Like not wanting to teach others their own unique secrets, fear of being surpassed by others and the sense of superiority, it is not easy for the group to continue to progress.

The author puts forward the concept of "long-term winning mentality", and think clearly about what is really important to you. The three most important keys (3C) are: 1. Think clearly (clarity) 2. Continuous learning ( continue learning) 3. Establish a connection, know your clear goal, and continue to move towards this goal, constantly absorb new knowledge and continue to grow, instead of being defined by external achievements, and jumping out of the zero-sum game competition, Help each other make each other better together.

[Reading Notes] Try to improve your ability: "Why do you need to be too aggrieved when you go to work, change your career and get promoted again"

[Reading Notes] "For you who always feel that you are not good enough"

After reading this book, I understand that it should not be limited to short-term success, but to take a long-term perspective, and I really enjoy the process of being in it, enjoy the process of hard work, and support each other with other competitors Go forward, and continue to optimize your shortcomings from it. Even if you win, you are just stepping on the shoulders of others and climbing up. After a short period of happiness, it is easy to fall into endless emptiness and loss. The goal has been achieved, and the center of life has been hollowed out in an instant.

Emphasis on performance rather than just results. In addition to the competition ranking, what is more important is whether this performance is not as good as expected, and what can be improved continuously. The desire to be better than others does not equate to doing things well, especially in the form of results regardless of motives, which can only be twisted into winning at all costs. For example, the performance evaluation in school, or the quantitative indicators of work in large companies, will only limit the different possibilities of each person.

[Reading Notes] The secret to transforming life through positive optimism: "Open Your Positive Talent"

[Reading Notes] How to make good use of the evening time after get off work: "Atomic Time"

Integrate learning into existing life, and continue to maintain enthusiasm from it, continue to explore and discover new things, and regularly review and give feedback. , but I can know that I am better today than I was yesterday, and I feel happy and fulfilled from it, moving forward together with competitors, and being partners in battle rather than enemies.

【Self-growth】Continue to optimize yourself every day

[Self-growth] 3 tips for immersing yourself in the "flow" of enjoying work

In the end, victory is not a long period of gnashing of teeth and a huge ecstasy and joy at the end, but in the process of moving forward, doing what you really like, and you can feel your progress every day and get extra achievements I feel that "victory" and "failure" are not a simple dichotomy, but whether there is new harvest and whether there is continuous growth is the focus of the "long-term victory mentality".

"Long Victory Mentality: Winners do not win for a while, but lose their lives! Success is a slow-moving, life-sustaining action" (from blog)

The latest article is first published on my blog : Hao Chi's Flight Log

and Potato media

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