[Self-study in Japanese] "-Teru" <Basic version>

Just like every tense in English hides various usages, Japanese certainly won't make it so easy for you to learn. In this article, let’s first look at the basic usage of 「~ている」.

table of contents:

  1. Equivalent “-ing” Present Progressive
  2. status quo
  3. display habits

1. Equivalent “-ing” Present Progressive

1) Sato is working.
2) Sato is having dinner with her.

Henceforth, the ``present'' is the standard point of progressive action, and the verb is actionable. Indicative past action (past progress) form, so ``~ had been''.

2. Sustainability

3) Flowers are blooming in Hokkaido now.
4) Sato is married.

Denotation ``changed'' verb attachment ``-iteru'' general denotation continuation and non-action progression.

5) Mr. Yamada is at my house.

In the same way, when ``go, come, return'' dynamic movement verbs appear, the subject is displayed at the correct position, such as (5) Yamada 已 跲来来至我家了.

3. Display habits

6) I drink two beers every night.
7) That photographer takes pictures of Mt. Fuji every day.

Display habits can be excluded from the dictionary form, only boarding display frequency adverbs of time (everyday, always, well, etc.), or "to be" form display overlap behavior and habits. In addition, the past habit of displaying the rule of "~ teita".

How many types of usage are you familiar with?

  1. That store doesn't sell shochu.
  2. Does Fujiwara smoke?
  3. I always buy tofu at ○○ya.
  4. That person keeps a lot of cash at home.
  5. I walk home from the station once a week.


"I'm not" <Basic version>


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