The inner child has something to say

Enjoy the satisfaction of the moment, and happiness will follow.

I think I will remember the special year 2020 for the rest of my life, love you love you year. The epidemic has forced us to let go. Learn to live slowly. I joined Matters that year, I was not alone that year, thank you for your company.

Today, my inner child has something to say. Today, the child especially wants to write a few paragraphs in English, so I randomly posted an article on Facebook. I don’t care about grammar, but I just like it. There are allusions behind each language, and the beauty is like poetry, and different languages have unfinished charm. I don't particularly like English, it just feels right. So share it with those who like to watch it.

Do you talk to your Inner Child?

Why do we need to have a childlike character?

Because it doesn't matter what age group you are in, we all need to have a pure heart, hope, trust, joy, innocence, curiosity, wonder, forgiveness, and so much more. So, keep smiling and extending your infinity love to people around you, then happiness will follow unconsciously.

do you know? Day by day, year by year, I realize that each of us actually has an inner child. Do you talk to him often? 2020 has given me more time alone with my inner child, and I have also learned from him simple happiness and a pure heart. Thank you for every inadvertently arranged story in my life.

No matter what age you are now, life is very simple. Even if it is a small matter, the more you can enjoy the satisfaction you have at the moment like a child, the happiness will follow. If you are always bound by the past, happiness will not find you. If you are still so self-willed, your mind and body will be exhausted.

So remember to keep your childlike innocence, maybe your inner child is happy and you will be happy.

Every holiday or Mother's Day, as always, I pray in my heart that my mother will love herself more, let go of the past, trust others, and be safe and happy.

I hope mom and dad can relearn how to be content and happy children.

I hope that parents can check in from the new person to the old person in the subject of love .

Don't forget to give a little love and you can get a little love of your own.
Don't forget to give a little love and you can get a little love of your own.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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