Ghost Moon let the horse come | Ayi, you are good to go, personal experience of being a soldier

Ever since I was a child, I had a strange idea, that "ghosts are not scary. If a ghost wants to harm you, then you will become a ghost after you die and then seek revenge for him. If a ghost doesn't want to harm you, you might as well make a ghost friend and get to know him." That world is also a good experience." Unfortunately, this is the first time in my life that I have seen a ghost, and the only time so far.

Being a soldier is the easiest place to experience ghost stories, and many horrifying ghost events happen in the barracks. I was a soldier in Matsubeigan, because water ghosts often landed on the outer islands when the cross-strait relations were tense. I heard that once, a mainland amphibious force went ashore and killed more than a dozen soldiers in a stronghold, and then put their heads on the shore. On the stairs, in the end, the Ministry of Ma Defense closed the base for fear of affecting morale. At that time, when many soldiers were patrolling at night, they heard ghost howls vividly, so some strange legends were never heard in Mazu. lack.

When I got off the troops to report, there was a soldier from the central and southern part of the company, and everyone called him Ayi. Ayi is sluggish by nature, and because of the tense relationship, he frowns and puts on a bitter face every day, which of course makes even the platoon leaders dislike him. Ayi arrived at Matsu two months earlier than me. I was the pre-office officer at the time, and I started to notice him in the first week after I checked in.

Anyone who has been in the army should know that sooner or later, there will usually be a round of physical training after the roll call, hoping to cultivate the physical strength of the soldier. It was the first time I led the troops to call late, and then I heard the squad leader on duty say, "Ayi, you're still messing around, it's been two months since you've been on the road, and you can't even stand up for 30 times, you're living too much. Are you comfortable? I told everyone in your class to accompany you to do it, and the whole class to do 20 push-ups to stand up." After speaking, he saw the veterans in Ayi's class looking at Ayi with resentment, saying He murmured, "Damn Ayizai, being lazy and hurting us."

When Ayi was paralyzed there, he really couldn't do it anymore. I called him over and asked him, "What's your name?"


"The platoon leader asks, you won't be louder." The platoon leader on duty next to him yelled at him.

"Ayi, being a soldier here is both training and learning. It doesn't matter if your physical fitness is not good. As long as you work harder every day, you will improve. Don't give up, come on." This was the first time I talked to him.

Later, because he belonged to a different platoon and was stationed in other strongholds, I seldom saw him except when I was a star on duty, but I heard that he was often "called late" because of his poor physical fitness. After that, every time I saw him, I greeted and encouraged him a little, but he always had a sad face, as if he had something on his mind. At that time, we had already made three applications and five orders not to beat Brother A Bing, but many squad leaders were still very strict with the verbal or physical punishment of soldiers.

About two or three months later, on a light rainy morning, I suddenly heard a gunshot of "Beng" at the base. At first, I thought it was a shooting at the mainland fishing boat, but it took a few hours before I heard the news from Brother Ah Bing from the company, saying that Ah Yi committed suicide while standing guard. The company commander summoned all the cadres to come back to the company, explain the whole incident, and asked us to "manage with humanity" when managing the soldier. The battalion headquarters also began to investigate and notify the family. I was very worried at the time, thinking that if I cared more or told their monitor to pay more attention, maybe this tragedy could have been avoided.

On the third day after Ah Yi committed suicide, he contacted the only brother Lai who was relatively talkative and said that he saw him appear in the early morning, but disappeared immediately. After I heard it, I thought it might be an illusion, so I told Ah Yi at the base Brother Bing, tell them not to spread rumors. On the fourth day, around five o'clock in the morning, the sky was slightly bright, and I just got up when Ayi suddenly appeared in front of my bed, and there was a bullet wound on my chin. I was shocked when I saw it, but not terrified. I asked Ayi, "Ayi, do you have any grievances? What do you need me to do?" He didn't say anything, just looked at me with the same sad face as before. I told him again, "Your parents will be on the line in a few days, should I tell them something?" He shook his head, then turned and disappeared. I checked the time, it was 5:40, about the same time as Ayi died.

I hurriedly ran back to the company to report the incident to the company commander. The company commander was afraid that the incident would expand and affect the morale of the troops. Do simple "super crossing" rituals. The next day, I was looking forward to seeing Ah Yi again, but he hasn't appeared since then.

Ever since I was a child, I had a strange idea, that "ghosts are not scary. If a ghost wants to harm you, then you will become a ghost after you die and then seek revenge for him. If a ghost doesn't want to harm you, you might as well make a ghost friend and get to know him." That world is also a good experience." Unfortunately, this is the first time in my life that I have seen a ghost, and the only time so far.


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