I realized after I died, who was the most important to me when I was alive -- 5 people I met in heaven

高階人類圖 - 亞洲人類圖中心

After I die, I realize who is the most important to me when I am alive

If a person hates the environment in which he grew up, and has always dreamed of wanting to leave here, but fate always makes fun of him, and every time he tries to leave, there are various accidents that prevent him from leaving, he will probably live a very miserable life in his life. hapiness.

Eddie, the protagonist of the movie "Five People You Met in Heaven", is such an unfortunate person.

Today I will introduce the "Five People Met in Heaven", which tells the story of 5 people who met in heaven after the death of the protagonist Eddie. These 5 people made Eddie look at his life again from 5 different angles, and finally found that his life was not as bad as he thought.

The movie has a total of 6 stories, and this article has selected 4 to share with you.

first story

Eddie is 83 years old. His parents, wife, and brothers are no longer around, he is just a lonely playground maintenance man, his daily job is to ensure the safety of playground facilities. He fought in World War II when he was young and suffered a gunshot wound to one leg, and has since been unable to walk normally. So he was limping every day, patrolling every facility in the playground.

He spent his life guarding the safety of playgrounds and children, but did not expect an accident "today" that would cost him his life.

When one of the rides reached the highest point, the cable suddenly snapped.

After all the tourists on the facility were rescued, the cable broke and the entire seat fell from the sky. The tourists under the facility scattered, but a little girl didn't have time to leave.

At this moment of crisis, Eddie rushed over.

He doesn't remember everything after that, except he remembers holding a pair of girls' hands...

At this time, Eddie had already passed away because of this accident. However, death is a beginning, and his story is about to unfold in another dimension...

second story

When Eddie woke up, he found himself in an empty playground. All facilities are as old.

What's even more surprising is that his leg, which has been crippled for decades, unexpectedly recovered. He started running and playing in the playground.

Soon after he entered a circus theater. This circus theater Eddie has been familiar with since he was a child. Eddie's father is also a maintenance worker at the playground. Eddie often went to the playground with his father when he was a child. While his father was working, he would leave Eddie in the care of the circus.

At the circus theater, Eddie meets a man. He said to Eddie, I've been waiting for you here for a long time.

The blue-skinned man was a circus actor, Eddie had only met him when he was a child, and had hardly had any communication with him. Eddie didn't know why he would see this man after he died.

The Blue Man takes Eddie back to a scene from his childhood when Eddie was playing baseball on the street.

Little boy Eddie did not know that the blue man also drove a car to this street at this time.

Eddie, who was playing ball, ran to the front of the car in pursuit of the ball.

In order to avoid Eddie who suddenly ran out, the blue man's car crashed into the curb. Unfortunately, the thrilling crash induced a heart attack that killed him on the spot.

No one knew the real cause of Blue Man's death, everyone thought he had a heart attack and crashed the car.

The blue man said to Eddie, now you know why you are here?

Eddie said sadly: Is it because of my fault?

The Blue Man took Eddie to his funeral and told Eddie that he wasn't here to atone for his sins, he was here because the Blue Man wanted to teach him something.

What the Blueskins are teaching Eddie is that everyone is connected, and those who seem unconnected may be having a huge impact on your life.

When Eddie felt sorry for his rash killing the Blue Man, the Blue Man comforted him that his own death had brought good results.

Because Eddie survived.

The truth that the blue-skinned man taught Eddie will continue to appear in Eddie's later encounters, and most of the people he meets later seem to have little to do with him.

As Eddie prepares to leave the Blue Man to the next heaven, he still wonders if he has saved the little girl, because all he remembers is that he took a pair of children's hands.

The blue-skinned man regretfully told him that he didn't know, and let him continue to go down to meet other people.

third story

Eddie arrives at the second paradise he's going to, but this one doesn't look like paradise - because it's a battlefield. This battlefield is where Eddie once fought.

Here Eddie meets his captain.

The captain seemed to have expected it long ago, and Andy didn't expect to meet him.

During the war, Eddie, the captain, and some other teammates were captured by the Japanese. After becoming prisoners, they worked hard every day, often running out of food, and faced the danger of being killed by grumpy Japanese soldiers anytime, anywhere.

One night, Eddie lured Japanese soldiers to stone himself, saying he could perform a stone throw for them.

In fact, Eddie wanted to use these stones as a weapon to kill the Japanese soldiers guarding them.

The Japanese soldiers were quickly fooled and kept giving Eddie stones to perform.

After getting the stone, Eddie and several other comrades in the room quickly attacked the soldiers guarding them, killed them, and grabbed the weapons.

Fearing that other soldiers would hunt them down, Eddie and his comrades burned the entire village out of hatred.

During the fire, Eddie appeared to see people in the burned house.

Eddie tried to rush into the fire to save someone, but was hit in the thigh by a bullet.

It was this bullet that made him unable to walk normally again and made all his ideals come to nothing.

But the captain said the bullet saved his life.

For years, Eddie thought it was an airstrike that wounded him, but the captain admitted to Eddie that he had shot Eddie. Hearing what the captain said, Eddie was mad.

Facing the angry Eddie, the captain just said calmly that if he hadn't fainted because of his leg injury, he would have rushed into the sea of fire, and he would have lost not a leg but a life. In order to save Eddie's life, the captain chose to break Eddie's leg.

When their group was about to escape successfully, they had to pass through an iron gate. The captain took the initiative to get out of the car to check whether the front was safe, but unfortunately stepped on a mine and died on the spot.

At that time, Eddie was still in a coma because of a leg injury, and had no idea that the captain had died.

As he was about to say goodbye, the captain told Eddie that what he had to teach Eddie was the "necessity of sacrifice".

Sacrifice is sometimes difficult and requires one to give up one's dreams or plans just to protect something more important. Eddie sacrificed a leg, but saved his life, and the captain sacrificed his own life, allowing more soldiers to escape.

Each of us will face various sacrifices in our life, sacrificing one possibility in exchange for another possibility, and sometimes it is difficult to judge which one is more worthwhile, such as a mother sacrificing her career in order to better take care of her children. Like the captain said: Sometimes when you think you've lost something, you just passed it on to someone else.

Life is a journey of constant choice and sacrifice.

fourth story

Eddie is finally about to meet the last man in heaven when he comes to a riverbank.

Here he saw some children washing each other's bodies.

A little girl suddenly motioned for him to go over.

The girl told Eddie that her name was Tala.

Soon, Tala told Eddie in not fluent English: You set me on fire.

At this time, Eddie suddenly realized that when he burned down the village that day, he felt that there was a figure in the house, it was not a mistake or an illusion.

Eddie felt guilty and in agony. His years of nightmares were finally confirmed, that the war had made him commit a heinous crime.

Tala had burn scars on her face, and she handed Eddie a stone to wash for herself.

Although he didn't know why he had to clean it, Eddie did it.

It seemed like a ritual, and with Eddie's cleaning, the scars on Tala's face were completely gone.

When it was determined that Tala was the last person he wanted to see, Eddie told Tala about his unfortunate life. He said that he had not accomplished anything in his life, and he had not been where he should have been, and was a "loser".

Tala told him that where he was was where he should be.

Eddie was puzzled. He hated that playground all his life, and was also distressed that he had to be a maintenance worker like his father. He always wanted to escape from there and realize more dreams.

Tala said something that shook Eddie's heart. She told Eddie that the meaning of Eddie's life was to keep the children safe.

Everything Eddie has done in the playground for decades seems to have atone for his sin against Tala - he killed a girl by mistake, but protected the lives of countless children.

Eddie asked Tala again if he had saved the little girl at the playground.

Tala told him he pushed the little girl away, so the little girl was rescued.

Eddie was weird because he only remembered holding his hands, not pushing the little girl away.

Tala told him that Eddie was holding her hand because she took him to heaven.

Eddie ends up in his true paradise, the playground where he's worked for most of his life. Unlike the first time he saw the playground, there are now not only all kinds of rides, but all the people he has encountered in his life.

Including his beloved wife.

There's little in the way of gripping plot points in this film, but it leaves the audience and Eddie in awe after everyone tells it. Every story is Eddie's own story, which may have existed in his memory for decades. However, when he looked at it from another angle, he realized that the life he despised and resented was so precious and valuable. .

There are five sources of Eddie's pain in his life - not cherishing his own life, distress over his broken leg, hatred of his father, grief over the loss of his beloved wife, and feeling that his life's work is worthless.

The five people Eddie met in heaven were the five people who helped him resolve his pain. The blue man made him see the impermanence and preciousness of life. It was a man who exchanged his life for his life; the captain let him Seeing that he sacrificed a leg but saved his life, every sacrifice has its value; in the third story, Eddie met his father again through a woman he had never met, and also realized his father's love for him, From then on, I forgive my father for being rude to me; in the fourth story, Eddie understands that even if life stops, love will not stop by seeing his wife again; in the fifth story, Eddie realizes that he has hated his life's work, in fact has great significance.

Untie these five knots, Eddie can really go to heaven.

When Eddie is enlightened, it is also when the audience is enlightened. Although there are no blockbuster scenes, let alone fascinating plots, this film is worthy of being cherished in your heart and reviewing your own life over and over again - when you enter heaven, who will take you to look at it from another perspective Your life, unraveling your deepest pain?


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高階人類圖 - 亞洲人類圖中心高階人類圖 Human Design人類圖覺醒高階教練 以巴夏、賽斯、佛法、卡巴拉、身心靈整合教授人類圖,推動人們自學覺醒與信念創造實相的生命智慧。 網站: https://www.renleitu.asia/
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