[Writing Income-3] Comparison of Common Blog Platforms: Wordpress, Medium, Square Grid|Little People Talk about Shares

For the past two years, I have used at least three platforms to write articles, namely wordpress, Medium, and Grid. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. This article will use a table to compare them. If you have any questions, you can also ask me in my fan professional! Blog Platform Comparison Table [Wordpress, Medium, Checkered]

[Writing Income-3] Comparison of Common Blog Platforms: Wordpress, Medium, Square Grid|Little People Talk about Shares
This article is published on this link for the first time. For more articles, please refer to Little People Talking Shares

For the past two years, I have used at least three platforms to write articles, namely wordpress, Medium, and Grid. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. This article will use a table to compare them. If you have any questions, you can also ask me in my fan professional.

Blog Platform Comparison Table [Wordpress, Medium, Checkered]

[Writing Income-3] Comparison of Common Blog Platforms: Wordpress, Medium, Square Grid|Little People Talk about Shares

1. WordPress

WordPress is a free and open source blogging software and content management system based on PHP and MySQL.

WordPress Advantages

  • high degree of freedom
  • High degree of control
  • The platform has a large number of users, and there are countless plug-ins that can be used
  • can be advertised
  • Complete background analysis system

WordPress Cons

  • Requires a little knowledge of web programming
  • Need to set up by yourself
  • You need to buy your own website and host
  • The cost is slightly higher (about 3000 a year, depending on the service provider you buy)
  • If you encounter a problem, you may not be able to solve it yourself, and you need to ask for help!

WordPress recommends users

  • someone who has time to do something weird
  • Users who want a high degree of control over their blog
  • You want to make money by advertising

2. Medium

Medium is a platform that integrates online magazines, story publishing, communities and content to publish articles in a blog-like format.

Medium Advantages

  • Has its own cash flow system: the original clapping system
  • Has its own subscription system
  • Simple interface, easy to use
  • Medium has a writing community where many seniors will teach you
  • Free, if you pay for more features

Medium Cons

  • There are not many Chinese writers, and there are disadvantages in SEO and number of readers
  • Same as above, there are language barriers
  • Can't link ads
  • Jinliu is not public, I don't know how to make money

Medium recommends users

  • Authors who want to write in-depth long essays
  • Meet various great writers on Medium
  • Enjoy the simple UI
  • Concentrate on writing and don't want to use ads

Three, square grid

Fanggezi is an all-Chinese platform that was launched a few years ago. It is similar in nature to Medium and has subscription services and cash flow.

The advantages of square grids

  • Have your own cash flow system: need to open a special topic
  • Has its own subscription system
  • Simple interface, easy to use
  • Chinese-speaking readers
  • If the quality of the article is good, the official will recommend it to the home page for you
  • free

Checkered Disadvantages

  • The editor is a bit weak, but will be updated regularly
  • You need a certain number of readers to track and count the number of articles before you can apply for a special topic
  • UPDATE: In 201903 the feature has been made available to all
  • Just starting, not many readers, but according to my observation, there will be more and more users

Grid recommends users

  • Support local XD
  • You who enjoy the simple UI
  • Concentrate on writing and don't want to use ads
  • Readers through subscription services

Why not use ruffian state?

The main reason is because the appearance is not good-looking, and there is no free control over whether to use ads. 2018 was the exodus of ruffians, and many large bloggers switched to Wordpress or Medium, so I was hesitant on these two platforms at first, and finally I chose Wordpress because I was a little interested in the technology of building websites.

If you ask me if I will regret it, I will say no, Wordpress's plug-in technology and network resources do have their irreplaceable places. Although Ruffian is still the best platform for SEO in Taiwan

As for Fangzi, I decided to start writing about investment and financial management in September last year, so I found this platform as an experiment, and it turned out to be surprisingly easy to use. Basically, you can think of Fangzi as Taiwan’s version of Medium. There are still some differences.

Conclusion: In fact, as long as you want to write, no matter which platform you can write

The platform I currently write on is mainly WordPress, supplemented by Grid. Medium is less friendly to Chinese writers and is considering giving up the business.

But aside from these, the important thing in writing articles is not the platform, but the content.

As long as your content can be consistently produced, the quality keeps getting better, and you enjoy the fun of writing articles, in fact, no matter which platform you are on, you will live happily ever after!

This article is published on this link for the first time. For more articles, please refer to Little People Talking Shares

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