In order to clarify the rumor of "Zhu Jun's return to CCTV", I encountered a cyber storm

The world is bad, and choosing silence may save a lot of trouble, but if no one speaks, isn't it just what those people want?

Author: small C

"Zhu Jun has returned to CCTV?" A few days ago, I found that many of my communities were discussing this topic. I hurriedly went to Weibo, only to find that many marketing accounts were releasing a "news" with the core content of Zhu Jun's return to CCTV and his name returning to the host list. The picture shows Zhu Jun in a suit behind the studio. Sit upright. Although there is no CCTV logo on the picture, it does not prevent netizens from cheering: Great, this shows that Lao Zhu is really innocent! It's finally snowed in! When will Xianzi's false accusation be punished?

The marketing account collectively released the news of "Zhu Jun's return to CCTV"

I didn't have time to sigh for the fact that netizens were too lazy to verify the authenticity of the information and what to see, so I privately messaged a friend who was also concerned about the Xianzi case and asked her if she had followed these hot Weibo posts. Sure enough, the friend was filled with righteous indignation: What nonsense! That picture comes from a show called "Ingenuity of Great Powers", and it has nothing to do with CCTV's variety show! This is clearly a fake news that refers to a deer as a horse and steals the concept!

After verification by my friends and I, I found that "Ingenuity of Great Powers" is not actually a CCTV program, but a program on CCTV's shopping channel that purports to conduct interviews and actually advertise for companies. Moreover, Zhu Jun has been making money on this show since he did not appear on CCTV in 2018, but he has already appeared several times in 2021.

The official introduction of "Ingenuity of Great Powers"
Zhu Jun participates in the recording of the program in February 2021

The so-called screenshot of Zhu Jun's return to CCTV circulating on the Internet comes from a blogger named "Bariatric Surgery Doctor_Ding Xingxing". The blogger said that Zhu Jun talked about obesity and weight loss surgery with him on CCTV, which should actually mean that they participated in the recording of the new program "Ingenuity of Great Powers" together. At present, the blogger has deleted this Weibo for unknown reasons.

The first Weibo account that Zhu Jun recorded a program on CCTV

Another statement from the marketing accounts is that Zhu Jun's name finally appeared in the list of three CCTV hosts. This is even more nonsense. There has always been Zhu Jun's name in the host list of the three CCTV variety channels. He has never been removed from the list, so how can he be on the list again?

To put it simply, marketing accounts and misogynistic self-media KOLs took advantage of the public's information gap and secretly exchange concept, creating the illusion that Zhu Jun was finally repented of his grievances and resumed his work, using the name of CCTV "official" to manipulate. Public opinion, deceive netizens, and set up strings. Many netizens were swept up in this incredible rumor. At the same time, Xianzi's two Weibo accounts have been banned for a long time, and he is unable to defend himself or clarify the facts. No matter what the purpose of these revellers is, I am horrified.

My friends who don't use Weibo ask me, do you want to write a clarification Weibo? I said, good.

Knowing that I would be harassed by the Internet, I still posted on Weibo

I tried to anticipate the situation I might face. I realize that my home page can't contain anything that could be maliciously misinterpreted, nor can it contain any of my private information. Otherwise, I may be banned, bombed, and abused, threatened, detained, and even human flesh by those who call themselves "patriots" and who attack women for their careers on Weibo. Not only will it not have the effect of clarification, but it may also affect the strings in turn.

So, I set my Weibo to be visible only for half a year, and started to check all my speeches in the past six months, trying to put myself into the logic of those people, and deleting almost all Weibo that they might not like . In this overly harsh self-censorship, I feel sorry and helpless for my compromise.

But my thoughts at the time were firm: even if I was banned, I would still post a clarification on Weibo. I can only try to avoid potential risks, and what will happen after that is beyond my control. In fact, I have already been bombed by a trumpet inexplicably, and the tuba was also banned for a week for reposting Xianzi's court information in September. The public opinion environment has become worse and worse for us, and it has become more and more difficult to speak out. But it is precisely because few people have the courage to speak that it is necessary to speak harder. Plus, I love her and I can't stand her being so framed.

In that Weibo, I used the mildest language possible to clarify the rumors of Zhu Jun's return to CCTV, and at the same time did my best to fight back against the so-called guardians of justice who were conspiracy theories. After the Weibo was sent, I opened the permission of the comment area and private message. I understand that this would give the gang a space to "show me", but that was really my intention. I want to see what absurd reasons they will use to attack me and women when the public opinion field is occupied by them.

Sure enough, with the spread of this blog post, my Weibo comment area and private messages quickly flooded with a lot of abuse.

Some of the abusive messages received after posting a clarification Weibo (picture provided by the author)

"Women's boxing is so dead, open champagne!" "500,000 foreign forces, brothers report it!" "What Kinder Wonder Eggs (Kinder Wonder Eggs are an Internet term for humiliating women's bodies)?" "Curtain Blade (Mother, an online term that insults women), you’re still pretending to be a Nima, I’m dying of laughter!” “Bitch kills the whole family, Nyuquan is an NGO force that engages in gender antagonism and opposes the people of the country!” They tried their best to swing Women humiliate us, filthy words are their weapons, and women who express themselves in comments and retweets who have also been silenced and try to speak for Xianzi are their prey.

Interestingly, they don't seem to care about the content of my Weibo or whether Zhu Jun has returned to CCTV. They have developed a very similar set of solidified logic, so the ability to think again has disappeared from their world. For them, I explained that Zhu Jun did not return to CCTV and speak for Xianzi, which means that I am a "female boxer", "foreign force", "bitch", "Kindergarten", and I am a big traitor who betrayed the people. The women who rebelled were foreign devils who handed knives to the West. Yes, the only conclusion they came to was that I be damned and nothing else.

If I want to be a "good woman" in their eyes, I should keep silent, or celebrate Zhu Jun's grievance with them, and I can't expose the falsehood of this news, let alone what Xianzi and her friends have suffered. unfair treatment.

Lost lawsuit = false accusation, why is Metoo stigmatized?

Although the vast majority of those who personally attacked us and detained us, there are still a small number of people who choose to use seemingly objective arguments to "question" us: Zhu Jun has already won the case, why should he speak for a false accuser? What is your intention, blogger, why can't you see the facts that have happened?

First of all, they believe that the law is the yardstick by which everything is measured, and the only fairness and justice. Winning the case means that Zhu Jun is innocent, while Xianzi is a false accuser. Our legal result does not mean that Zhu Jun has no sexual harassment, and there are many injustices in the legal process. They can infer that we do not believe in the law, the country and the people.

This is actually very stupid thinking. "Legal facts are not equal to objective facts" should be common sense. At the same time, the law itself has many shortcomings, so it needs to be constantly revised. In the process of hearing a case, those who hold public power also have a lot of room for maneuver. The same case is judged by different courts, and there may be different results. Injustice has always existed. There have been countless unjust, false and wrongful cases that can be used as examples in the past. Those in power can also rely on certain means to win the case for themselves - for example, Wu Yifan did not lose the case before the accident this year, and Zhao Fuqiang used to be domineering. Unharmed for decades.

Secondly, they believed that Xianzi had no evidence that Zhu Jun sexually harassed her at all. What she had written before was all made up and deliberately framed Zhu Jun. It is clear that they have never seriously understood the matter and have no knowledge of related sexual harassment/assault cases. The information elements provided by Xianzi are neat and can be reviewed. According to Caixin's report, the surveillance video extracted by the police and the details of the violation mentioned by Xianzi can confirm each other.

The content of the appeal statement issued by Xianzi in October has been very detailed, honestly listing all kinds of doubts in the first instance of the case. It is a pity that her petition has been deleted by Weibo and WeChat platforms and cannot be spread, making it difficult to see the petition online.

Download pictures of Xianzi's appeal and first-instance judgment made by netizens

In the end, they believed that Xianzi wanted to become the leader of Metoo by falsely accusing Zhu Jun, and then for his own benefit. This is even more ridiculous speculation. I had a brief discussion with a netizen who held this view. I mentioned that Xianzi had already called the police in 2014, and at that time the #MeToo movement had not taken off in China. Don't think that people can't be that bad. There are a lot of people in our village. How can you be reasonable in the face of such a person?

Behind the violent carnival is the crushing of power

There are too many facts in this battle that I cannot ignore.

I cannot ignore the fact that we have been forced to silence. Xianzi's tuba was banned for a year without any reason before the trial. She used her trumpet to publish her appeal in October. , even if the neighbors only forwarded Xianzi's court information, they would be banned from speaking, and even more serious. It was a massive, months-long cyber carnage that wiped out many friends from the internet forever. The abuse of public power has led to serious asymmetric competition in the field of public opinion , and a single information flow has led to rumors smearing Xianzi prevailing on the Internet.

I can't ignore the huge status gap between Xianzi and Zhu Jun. Montesquieu said: All those who have power are prone to abuse of power. In this typical contest of unequal power, the powerful party arbitrarily banned the speaker online and bought the navy army. It can be seen that there is also a very large gap in the adjustable relationship between the two parties.

I can't ignore the huge price that women's rights have to pay. During this process, Xianzi sacrificed almost all of his privacy, spent a lot of time and money, endured pressure from powerful parties, incomprehension from relatives and friends, as well as countless online violence and stigma, social resources, reputation They were also irreparably worn out.

Those who attack Xianzi claim that "false accusers" like Xianzi will make it more difficult for women to defend their rights. In fact, they ignore the fact that victims of gender-based violence are difficult to obtain evidence through judicial procedures and have a low success rate, and directly suspect the victims. They stigmatize victims who fail to defend their rights as false accusers.

Due to the inertia of patriarchal thinking, they also conspiracy theories about the victim's rights protection process, denying the victim's sexual autonomy, thinking that the victim wants to "superior", demonizing and slut humiliating the victim himself. There are only a few victims who choose to defend their rights. For fear of being labeled as "false accusers" and willing to take these risks, fewer women will go through the judicial process. They are the culprits that make women's rights harder.

Screenshot from Yuanzhong Family and Community Development Center "Sexual Harassment Law and Judicial Case Study Report (2019-2021)"

Even if you are weak, you can't stop speaking

Recently, we found that the topic of "Zhu Jun's return to CCTV" has disappeared. Regardless of the role our clarifications play in the process, choosing to clarify was the right decision. At least we let more people see the clarification and come out of the cave. We have also left our own voice in the field of public opinion. Although it is weak, it still exists.

I have a deep sense of the price that the voices will bear. In the past few days, I have been repeatedly bombarded by the Internet, and my past remarks have been picked up (even as I said at the beginning, I have done my best to clean up), and finally I chose to close the comment area and private messages again. I tell my friends, never overestimate your tolerance for negative information. A few negative comments may not do us much harm, but the overwhelming and long-lasting cyberbullying can leave us immersed in a pool of stagnant water, gradually and irrevocably worn away by a sense of suffocation. I can't imagine how many attacks Xianzi himself has undertaken and how many tears he has silently swallowed in the past three years. Compared to her, the reproach we endured is only minimal.

But if I had to choose again, I would still make this clarification. If something similar happens in the future, I will still abandon my cowardice and choose to be the voice. The world is bad, and choosing silence may save a lot of trouble, but if no one speaks, isn't it just what those people want? As long as we can speak, we have to let them know—just like Sisyphus pushing a boulder, no matter how difficult our situation gets, someone will stand up to protect our conscience, and someone will try to stop the world from sinking.

The action itself is meaningful, and it is an honor to fight this beautiful battle with you all. I will never be afraid to stand with Xianzi and other women who are victims of gender-based violence.

This battle is far from over, Ning Ming died and lived without silence.


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