Where does Falun Gong go?

In the future, will this far-right group mainly attack the United States, protect conservatism or expand globally?

The third point about the misunderstanding of China's collapse is ready to write about American influence. There is not enough time, so tonight I will talk about Falun Gong. I hope someone who knows better can explain Falun Gong.

In January of this year, I saw CTV news on Twitter, and a postman who refused to deliver the Epoch Times was suspended without pay. Interested search keywords: Canada Postman, The Epoch Times

I read for a while in Malaysia ten years ago. The first month I went out to play, when I met a Falun Gong member, did I just know about organ harvesting? Shocked by how their members are all over the world, after all, I thought they were mainly living and developing in developed countries. Sorry for not talking more.

Last year, I read a copy of The Epoch Times, which was full of insults to Tsai Ing-wen's homosexuality bill. I was a little puzzled. President Tsai is also an anti-communist overlord, so what's more? In the 2020 U.S. election, Sydney Powell said: The Epoch Times news is the real news! The Falun Gong media also extensively interviewed many members of the ''election fraud group''. From these two stories, it is safe to draw the conclusion that Falun Gong media is a far-right force.

I once heard from a Falun Gong member how they overcome all difficulties and taught themselves to typesetting and publishing newspapers as non-professionals when they first came to Canada. When the Falun Gong dropped a billion dollars to interfere in American politics, and now tell me koch brother, Rupert Murdoch is the media sponsor of Falun Gong, and I choose to accept it.

Falun Gong has deteriorated, and the priority of killing homosexuals seems to be higher than the overthrow of the Communist Party and the Chinese people who are trapped in emancipation? Falun Gong is now firmly resisting progressivism? What are the branches of Falun Gong in various countries? Are these branches true branches or have they become independent individuals actively participating in local political activities?


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