Shitty families are like shitty politics



My family has a strong sense of self-awareness, not in terms of how they perform, but in terms of their authority.

Whenever their self-awareness emerges, it's not when they feel guilty or blame themselves, but when their sense of entitlement explodes and they feel that you should be grateful to them.


Whenever I talk to my elders about bad news in China, they always advise me to think more about the good side: "The vast majority of people are still doing well"; or "Think about Africa, at least we are not at war or starving to death." Logical fallacies aside, their basic point is: Overall, China is good, and the Communist Party is good.

I also happened to come from a family with good material conditions "in general". My parents believed that this "in general" established their authority. My father asked my mother to thank the matchmaker. He said to me during my rebellious period: "I gave you such good conditions". My mother said that the family would not exist without her. She said to me: "You inherited your good grades from me".

I don't doubt whether I am living a good life or not, nor do I speculate whether I am smart or stupid. Okay, I admit that I have enough material things "generally", and I didn't earn them myself, but their sense of entitlement still confuses me. I don't understand why they gave birth to me. If they think they are awesome, then they can just go and get into a 985 university. What's the big deal about letting me get into a 985 university and then thanking them?

If you are a powerful Communist Party, why don't you just make your own chips? If you are a powerful Communist Party, why do you need ordinary people? Fortunately, people don't have children now.


I saw a post on Douban. A girl's parents divorced when she was a child, and the girl was raised by her mother. Her biological father never participated in her growth, and every time he appeared, he used threats and inducements. Later, her mother remarried, and her stepfather knew how to respect and support the girl, and the girl also trusted her stepfather very much.

When her biological father found out, he was filled with resentment and told everyone that the girl was his daughter since birth. One day, he saw the girl and her family of three taking a walk. Seeing this, he rushed up to the girl in a rage and said, "Remember, I am your father." The girl looked at him without saying a word, but just leaned against her stepfather.


A person's sense of entitlement will only make others feel threatened and threaten one's independence and dignity.

If I'm squatting on the curb begging for money, and you give me two dollars, then point the camera at me and ask me to say thank you, I might even perform a fancy kowtow.

If you put money in my hand and ask me to thank you, I would rather put it back in your hand.


In a shitty family, children have no independence and no dignity.

In this shitty political system, there are only residents, but no independent and dignified citizens.


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