good teacher


I only wrote three articles, and it caused two friends to quarrel under the article. I am really sorry. No matter how controversial the opinion is, don't extend it to the level of personal insults. If it is really noisy, what is the difference between Zhihu and Weibo.

During the current epidemic, there are a lot of news and quarrels every day. As I said before, many of my friends turned against me. A large number of people believe that it is better to starve to death than to let foreign enemies black China. This can only be said that the education of the motherland is good.

And my views may differ from others. It's not that I'm not patriotic. I love this land and the easy to meet people in this land. and many more who simply do not know what satisfaction is. It's just that I want to think for myself and communicate with people of the same kind, without fear of being reported, affecting my family, and affecting the education of future generations. I say that those who do not think about their rights are willing to be slaves, and those who support them can also say that I am willing to be a rebel. This is all freedom of speech, and the standards of value are different.

It is very difficult for the ordinary middle class to break free from the idea of totalitarianism in this social environment. If you want to jump over the wall physically, the efforts of a generation may not necessarily succeed. It also requires the hard work of the second generation. And what can the second generation learn under this education system? Too much unknown.

When it comes to education, think about the education you have received since childhood, which is no different from your peers. It's just that sometimes the content is different for certain things or what some teachers teach.

How many of the words spoken by the same teacher in the same class can really be listened to and remembered in a lifetime? After all, the current education system is not like the ancient master who led the apprentice, who is a teacher for a day and a father for a lifetime.

In middle school, the Chinese teacher was a very different kind of teacher. In each composition class, he would read to the students what he thought was a good article for half of the class. The remaining half of the time is discussed. Write after class. Every time I read a very interesting article, reportage about prisons. About a year's college entrance examination papers were stolen to solve the case. That feeling is much more interesting than the TV show when I recall it now. When spring arrives, he will lead the students to climb the hill next to the school. Along the way, the birds and flowers are fragrant, and the stream is gurgling. Even if he can't write a good composition, he is in a good mood. When he learned a lesson about shepherd's purse, he took the students to dig the shepherd's purse in the field, and then added pork to stir-fry a large pot, and he even paid a few mouthfuls in the class. Every time the classmates get together, he is always mentioned.

And one of the most memorable conversations I had with him was on a weekend when I happened to meet him in a field. In the fields after autumn, many peanuts fell into the mud and began to shoot buds one by one. These peanuts will not survive the winter. But the buds are very green. Holding a small basket, he was digging for the new shoots of peanuts. I asked, "Teacher, what are you digging for?" He said, "Cooking."

I was surprised and asked, "This is not bean sprouts. Will it taste good when fried?"

He said: "I don't know if it tastes good or not. But after thinking about it, peanuts are non-toxic, and the buds of peanuts should not be poisonous. As for the taste of peanut buds. Maybe no one has eaten this way. If I fry and eat it No matter if it is good or not. I am the first person to eat crabs. Many things need to be done by myself to know the result.”

It was an encounter outside the classroom, and I always remember what he said. Therefore, when I encounter some new problems and no one has an answer, I will think, try and do it, and then I will know how to do it. This is much better than telling me a hundred times to practice to produce true knowledge.

In high school, there were several boys in the class whose grades dropped rapidly because they often went to the video hall. Some of the boys are the third youngest in the family. People born in the 1980s should be able to understand what the third child means. That is the superbirth under family planning. The head teacher asked them to talk about the country, ideals, family and so on. Not much effect.

In a Chinese class, the Chinese teacher explained some classical Chinese texts such as national loyalty and righteousness. He called the names of the boys and said, "What you should repay most is not the country, but your parents. Under the current policy, it is not your country that gives you life, but your parents. You should understand now. , many things can't be changed by yourself. However, if you don't study hard, your knowledge will stay at the current level. Not only will you not be able to repay your parents, you may not even be able to maintain your normal life. As for the love for this country, is it? Hate, you won't have time to think when you grow up."

Although it was spoken in front of the whole class, although the parties involved felt a little humiliated. However, after the teacher finished speaking, no one in the class said a word. All fell into contemplation. That was in the 1990s, not 2020 now. There was no well-developed Internet. It took more than 20 years for students to report teachers, and it will take more than 20 years for new students to report teachers again.

At that time, I knew that country, home and interests were not tied together.

In college, in the last law class, the law teacher talked about the anti-drug scenes in Hong Kong films or some domestic films that were very popular at the time: when they arrived at the drug production scene, a police detective dipped his hand on a white I licked the powder in my mouth and said it was white powder.

He said he brought a little because he was a law teacher and had a little sample. Ask the class if there is something you want to try, the white thing. The cops in the movie can lick it, it won't be a big problem. Try it with no problem. Students who want to try raise their hands.

At that time, many students in the lecture hall really raised their hands.

So the teacher walked up to the students with his hands behind his back, and then took out an iron ruler and slammed it into the palm of the raised hand three times. !"

After drawing his palms, he said that the scene in the film was wrong and very misleading. This is the last law class in the university. He did this to warn the students that they must not touch drugs after entering the society. Don't think there's nothing wrong with trying it. There are only a limited number of people on record who can completely detoxify, and the condition is that they will no longer be exposed to drugs in the future. In addition, don't take the scenes in film and television dramas as common sense. If you want to know what kind of information, you can find professional information yourself.

In one's life, there will be many good teachers. Also take many classes. And there are only a few memorable moments that may be recalled from time to time. And every now and then, these moments guide you in your direction, or warn you not to take risks.

And such a teacher, who can use another language or practice to impress students deeply, is a good teacher.


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