Looking at the students in the latter class in Taiwan from the perspective of tutoring

After I went to university, I started to receive private English tutors. The subjects ranged from elementary school to high school. During the tutoring process, I discovered some interesting phenomena~

I don’t know when it started, but I have been half out of the state of a student, and I have started to have clearer goals. For me, university study is only a necessary process to achieve my goals. From the previous daily Jiji Camp, I got up early to go to school, went to cram school after class, and completed homework after returning home. Now, I have classes 3 days a week, and I actually go to school 2 days (the other day is online classes), and the rest are 4 days a week. , I will start to arrange more activities and extracurricular courses for myself that can enrich myself. This should be the process of growing up.

After I went to university, I started to receive private English tutors. The subjects ranged from elementary school to high school. During the tutoring process, I discovered some interesting phenomena.

Students who usually hire tutors fall into two categories, either very good or very bad. Among the students who are generally taught, about 70% of the students are relatively backward in grades, and the remaining 30% are among the best in grades, hoping to further improve their studies. Today I would like to talk about students with weak subjects. Among these students, I found that there is usually one thing in common: the wrong establishment of mentality concepts .

Students who are better at tutoring are the kind of students who want to work hard, but their grades cannot be improved . The counseling method of this case is relatively simple: provide correction suggestions from his learning method, and continue to observe, learn by doing, and learn from mistakes.

Due to the long-term performance is not as good as that of their classmates, some students will have a sense of inferiority that " no matter how hard I try, I will never be as good as others ". Regardless of whether the reason for falling behind others at the beginning is due to your own lack of effort or wrong methods, you will eventually develop towards the same result- self-abandonment . Not only did their academic performance not improve, but they fell further and further behind. Without the patient companionship, guidance and guidance of their parents or teachers, most of these students would only get below-average grades in the final exam.

Therefore, the first substantive task I give myself when instructing such students is to " maintain grades ." At the beginning, don't expect his grades to improve. Instead, he can maintain the status quo and not continue to deteriorate. Only by maintaining the status quo can he identify areas for improvement in his approach and provide suggestions. Ideally, the goal would be to " get back the momentum ." Reading motivation is already a very bad term, but not many people can actually find it and make good use of it. Usually, for students who lack self-confidence, the most intuitive motivation for reading is to improve their scores. Seeing that the more questions you write, the more correct you are, and your self-confidence will naturally be built up.

I usually give students one piece of advice: compare yourself to yourself . Comparing yourself to yourself is not an act of frogs in a well, but setting clear and achievable short-term goals. In the competition between yourself and yourself, your opponent is you last time, which is a certain number; but once you compare yourself with your current classmates, how can you predict how your classmates will perform this time? The two of you are not students of the same score level, so it is normal to lose; even if you win, how do you know that it was not a fluke, and it was not because he was not ready this time that he won. Only by comparing with yourself, you understand your opponent best, and you have the best chance to win, and get the motivation to continue working hard.

After one or two periods of hard work, the grades will usually improve gradually, not to say that the improvement from the bottom five in the class to the top five in the class overnight, but that the grades can change from the original 50 or so, to the top five in the class. Slowly climbed to 70 points. When a student sees his progress, it is like giving him a light that has already shown a half-give up state, letting him know that he still has a chance, and it is too late to work hard now. To educate a student who lacks self-confidence, no matter how uncooperative he is in the early stage, he still needs to be patient and help him. He must not be affected by his emotions and make himself unhappy.

As a tutor, I am his one-hour counselor, not limited to a single subject, any aspect of counseling, as long as I can help, I will help. I often tell my parents that I hope that what I bring in this hour is not just an hour of subject concepts, but more importantly, the motivation and willingness to make him continue to move in the direction I gave him in the next week. In class, I always think that mentality is more important than subject concepts. Although it is relatively easy for me to study subject concepts, I would rather spend 40 minutes talking to you about the importance of learning English than spend an hour playing the piano against the cow. Parents have spent money and students have spent time, so I should give them substantial and effective results.

But this is still a student with only some willingness to learn. Finally, there is another kind of students, there are a lot of clubs and extracurricular activities, which cause them to have no time or energy to complete their homework, and even if they can finish their homework on time, they should be thankful. good attitude. I think it will lead to more and more students of this type. On the one hand, in addition to external factors: audio-visual platforms such as Douyin, Xiaohongshu, and YouTube are easy to flourish on campus; on the other hand, there are also problems with education reform and national education policies. Our educational policy has changed from the traditional hard learning of curricular knowledge to " encouragement " to participate in extracurricular activities. Students' participation in extracurricular activities is of course helpful to improve all-round development, but this encouragement should not become an arms race for students to go to university book review. No one encourages that if A has it and B does not, then B will lose. If it becomes an arms race, encouragement will deteriorate and become necessary . Isn't this putting the cart before the horse? Taiwan's education policy has always been imitating the American style, but if the mentality of teachers and parents is not fundamentally changed, the tutoring atmosphere will still be strong, and these changes will only increase the pressure on students. For the students in the latter class, the original books are not good enough, and now they are asked to participate in science competitions and summer camps. Isn't this messing with him? As a student who has received 12 years of international school education, I can clearly assure readers that the learning under the current system is definitely not the so-called "American education", but more like a monster produced after the merger of China and the West.

Far away.

I am not the Minister of Education, so I cannot propose any substantive changes to the system. Therefore, I can only provide advice on parent and student guidance based on my experience. I only come here for one hour every week, and the rest of the time is for the students themselves, but I hope that the influence I bring to the children will not leave with me when I step out of the house. These children, those who are regarded by their parents as not interested in studying, these students who are regarded by their teachers as not interested in studying, and those students who are regarded as scumbags by their classmates, actually have a chance to keep up with the progress, but no one wants to, and the school teachers do not have the time. If you can provide one-on-one in-depth counseling, then this task will be completed by me.

May all students be able to be taught in accordance with their aptitude.


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