[Obviously want it, why do you just have no action? 】

Is inactivity a disease?

Whether it's chatting with friends or consulting a case, a classic question is often asked:

"Obviously I really want to make a lot of money (investment) (achievement) (travel around the world) (the brackets can be replaced indefinitely), but I keep making a wish every year, but I haven't really implemented it. Where is my problem?"

Procrastination, making excuses, lack of execution, and standing still for 10,000 years are not Gen Z's patent.

It's fair to God, no matter how old you are now, you've experienced this more or less.

It's just that some people affect life all at once, and some people affect life for a lifetime.

I summed up why and found that most people start with the following three mindsets:

Perfection/comparativeism at play:

Wanting to be perfect actually comes from fear of comparison (to be precise: fear of being compared). I found that the comparison mentality of the Chinese is particularly serious, which may be due to collectivism.

When the company tells you what to do, you usually do it without thinking about it clearly. You can't start what you want to do after thinking about it for a long time. why? Once it's all about yourself, you suddenly feel a great responsibility. If you don't do well or can't do it, the whole world is watching. It's a shame, isn't it? My dear, everyone is just hot, and if you follow along, you will be fine. Who really cares about what other people are doing? How can you do something better than others if you don't even have a beginning?

What you say you want, not what you really want:

If you ask someone what they must do in life? Nine times out of ten the answer must be: "Around the world". Saying "travel" I can understand, but "travel around the world"? ? ?

I really don't understand why.

Why do you want to travel around the world so much? Do you know how much that will cost? Do you have time to go? When are you going? Some people are afraid of cold, some are afraid of heat, some people can sit and don't want to walk, but your common desire is to travel around the "world"?

There are also terms such as "big company owner" and "billionaire". If you ask more carefully, many people can't even answer the first "how to do it". To put it bluntly, these wishes are just blind obedience and follow the trend. The society and the media have fed you some inexplicable information since you were a child. When you grow up, you haven’t digested it carefully, or you haven’t thought about it. I just feel that there is no wish that sounds very inspirational, as if it lacks legitimacy. of.

In the end, have you really asked yourself, what is your ideal life, a life that is not "should"?

In fact, you want to be at ease but you just don't want to admit it

When inspirational thinking such as "Youth succeed", "You have to work hard to be strong", and "How to be successful at the age of 30" become obvious learning, it is easy to cause everyone's collective anxiety.

I have always admired people who work hard. But it must be said that not everyone is this kind of person, nor is it forced, everyone can become this kind of person. If you really like something, you will want to do it without anyone telling you. Otherwise, who forced those children who played video games all night when they were out of their parents' sight?

Why can't the wish for thousands of years be broken? Admit it! You're not starving, and you're too lazy to work hard, you just want to look like a dreamer.


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艾莎解結🌷「艾莎」為您「解」開心「結」🌷 想要解開職場千千結,你需要深諳各種江湖套路,又受過專業心理諮商訓練的艾莎解結。 ~願人人都有選擇人生的自由~ To be free group-TBFG 我的個人網站:elsajj.com 粉專:艾莎解結-跨界生涯顧問
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