"Strangers Met in Namtso" (1) Encounter: Lhasa

It was this kind of clear eyes that made her suddenly no longer afraid. Sometimes she would look back at them, and return a slight smile. The other party would also smile back to her many times - this kind of friendliness between people made her fall in love with it quickly.
The hostel looks out to the sky

In Lhasa, Tibet, she met him from Guangzhou.

She is from Hong Kong and traveled to Tibet alone.

Tibet is among her friends and is not a popular tourist spot. It's not easy to find someone to go with.

So she decided to go on her own.

Because she was traveling alone, she chose one of the most popular accommodation options for young people: a large bed in a youth hostel. First, the price is more affordable, and second, I hope to meet new friends.

Indeed, on the first day of her stay, she met him who arrived at the youth hostel a little later than her. At that time, she happened to meet another boy from Hong Kong to Lhasa, who was leaving the next day, so the two of them just stood in the corridor and talked for a while, exchanging travel information. He passed by and heard two people speaking Cantonese, so he joined them in their conversation casually. It was learned from the conversation that he and her traveled in Tibet at almost the same time, and he and she also planned to leave Tibet in three weeks.

When she saw him for the first time, she thought to herself: This boy seems to be very kind, but why is he talking so much.

After they made an appointment, they had the opportunity to travel together, and each left their room number.

Whether we can meet again depends on fate.

After leaving the hostel, she wandered around Lhasa alone. Lhasa is located more than 3,600 meters above sea level, and the sky there seems to be particularly blue. That was the first time she went to such a high altitude. Just walking around the street like that, she already felt very happy, as if she had gone to another unknown country.

People there don't shy away from staring straight at travelers, who don't dress like the locals. Their staring made her uncomfortable at first, but later she found that they were not malicious. They are more like children, and they want more when they see novel things, because they find her interesting.

It was this kind of clear eyes that made her suddenly no longer afraid. Sometimes she would look back at them, and return a slight smile. The other party would also smile back to her many times - this kind of friendliness between people made her fall in love with it quickly.

(unfinished continuation)


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namtso一切的一切,都始於納木錯 你見,或者不見我 我就在那裏 不悲不喜 《班扎古魯白瑪的沉默》 扎西拉姆·多多
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《在納木錯相遇的陌生人》| 跋