Reading Bigen| #SoundStory• Random article• Are you my beggar?

Have you ever heard the sound of flipping paper? I love white noise the most! Miss Siri's bullying and fear of evil.

Three (true) anecdotes about sound.

■ You are my beggars?

When I was in graduate school, I went to the Faculty of Science to take a course called "Advanced Probability Theory". Before the class is over, the professor will designate a few questions on the blackboard (or book) as classwork.

On that day, everyone paid on time, and papers filled with answers were piled on the podium. A few minutes later, the professor came in. Unexpectedly, he glanced at it and became furious, and slapped the table hard with a bang .

" Are you treating me as a beggar? "

I saw him pick up the stack of papers, count them down one by one, and throw one out after each person rolls the call. It turned out that the classmates were too casual, and the different paper sizes were second, the colorful advertising flyers... anger was inevitable⇩.

Image source: Internet

The next ten minutes seemed like ten years, the class was silent, and a needle was quietly connected... Oh no, I really heard the sound of every piece of paper being thrown out, accompanied by my thumping heartbeat . Those papers seemed to freeze in slow motion, and the slowly falling homework seemed torn and ripped apart.

It was very tormenting, my paper was counting down a few sheets, and it was written on a blank page on the back of the A4 paper that was badly printed by the printer; finally it was my turn to accept the judgment, eh! The professor was very satisfied. He said that it was very environmentally friendly, and he re-transcribed each topic, which was very attentive.

This shocking education has had a certain degree of influence on me. In the future, when I submit written materials, it is estimated that regardless of the content, at least the "typesetting and format" must be sincere, because the roar of the year is still in my ears, and it will not stop for three days .

" Are you treating me as a beggar? "
" Are you treating me as a beggar? "
" Are you treating me as a beggar? "

■ I love white noise the most!

The first time I encountered white noise was when I was young, when I was at home, and I could hear cicadas chirping outside the house.

The rustling rustling, the clear and regular sound calmed my heart, accompanied me to sleep.

A little older, in elementary school, has begun to understand rainy days . I will use the torrential rain to pour down, the far side is clattering with thunder, and the near side is the pea-sized raindrops shaking off the eaves, tick-tock , washing thousands of thoughts, and figuring out a main line called concentration, which is related to reading (extracurricular books). )superior.

The sound of wind, rain, reading.

In middle school, when the class bell rang and the teacher arrived at the door of the classroom, the class was usually full of people. I especially liked the noisy background sound, which made me concentrate. Awakening alone" whispered joy.

Holiday is also happy to meet with best friends and go to McDonald's K-book together. Some people say it's too noisy there, but I see the noise as water, like a duck in water ....

Stepping into society, the obsession with white noise—which can also be called noise—according to the " Supreme Learning Law "—has increased rather than diminished.

Downloading all kinds of Pomodoro Technique Apps, not to accurately calculate the twenty-five minutes (secondary purpose), but to try different background sounds, I finally found " Focus on Tomato " (non-professional) . From then on, I fell in love with the crisp sound of the "bonfire" inside . I imagined myself sitting alone in a secluded hut, where people in the deep forest don't know, not playing the piano, not whistling, and seeing and agreeing with a ray of light in the dark, great satisfaction. .

At this time, the home that is driving Netflix has a fireplace 4K classic version⇩, warm, I like white noise the most.

Home With Fireplace Trailer | Netflix

■ Miss Siri's bullying

The power of the car key keeps flashing red. It is not a matter of two days a day.

On this day, no matter how I press it, I can't wake up my Gogoro (non-karma)... Finally, it suddenly occurred to me that I still have a mobile app! It was judged infrequently used and was uninstalled, and immediately reinstalled.

Find the settings menu, add related commands ⇩, and quickly ask Miss Siri for help.

Gogoro Official App

" Excuse me, can I say it again? "
" Excuse me, can I say it again? "

I was so anxious, Miss Siri (voice) was calm . It was very noisy on the side of the road, whispering in her ear was useless, she bullied the good and feared the evil, so I had to shout:

" Unlock my Gogoro! "
" Drive the Gogoro carriage! "

The start light is on, ending the false alarm.

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