[Recovering Strength] Are you accompanying yourself today?

Accompanying yourself turned out to be the key to achieving your dreams.

Every day, we experience life events large and small; every moment, we experience a variety of feelings.

When positive feelings arise, we feel lucky, awesome, and loved; when negative feelings are provoked, we fall into pain, struggle, and self-denial.

Sometimes, we believe that the pain comes from misunderstanding and mistreatment of us by others; sometimes, we feel that our family of origin has made us ill-fated; or, we have no choice but to ignore these negative feelings...

Time and time again we look for various reasons and methods to make ourselves more comfortable. Of course, we have also rationally persuaded ourselves not to care too much, but to be stronger, more tolerant, braver, more mature and sensible...

Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, when people are quietly asking themselves, the inner child is still sad and crying, as if he is alone, and has never been truly empathized and appreciated by this world. However, do we empathize with and appreciate ourselves ?

Catch rather than eliminate your negative feelings

When we talk about being with and loving ourselves today, do we really care and fully accept our negative feelings ? Or do you just want to quickly "solve" negative events and "eliminate" negative feelings ?

But "solving" and "eliminating" essentially fall into a deeper level of self-denial, so that the inner child is still lonely and helpless. And as long as the inner child has not been truly empathized and accepted, similar situations will occur repeatedly, and a series of negative feelings will be aroused.

Why is it that the inner child is not taken care of, and the situation that we do not want to see occurs repeatedly? This is the magic of how the subconscious works for us, and the blessing of the universe for each of us to help us look back and take care of ourselves.

You must know that our underlying beliefs manifest into various realities of life from time to time. When negative situations appear, we have greater motivation to return to and acknowledge our feelings, so as to deeply perceive and escape from habitual thinking, and then discover that we actually have option. Therefore, for many people, experiencing the helplessness brought by the outside world is the key to turning life around.

See the source of inner pain

Here, I share another life choice: change your circumstances with your heart .

Many people who understand the profound meaning of "situation changes with one's heart " will feel their true feelings , clearly take care of the source of negative feelings, rather than blaming only superficial and external factors; and can accompany themselves to experience the negative feelings .

He doesn't need to pretend to be strong; he doesn't need to use external people and things to fill the inner emptiness; he doesn't want to solve and eliminate low self-esteem; he no longer deliberately seeks to become a better self; he just recognizes and accepts his own every a pattern.

It is also because he can truly see and accept the suffering that he has created , and from then on he has the ability to heal his wounds and relieve the pain, and no longer suffers from external conditions. Even when he gradually ceased to create inner pain and began to affirm his own growth and recognize that he had the right to choose , all the external situations were quietly transformed!

How about you? Do you prefer to let the situation dictate your mood? Or do you want to face your true feelings and discover your options, so that you can let your situation go where you want to be and enjoy what you want?

In any case, choose a feeling to "accompany yourself" today!

Acknowledging that pain comes from within
Accept that negative feelings exist
Accompany the inner child in the same way
Get back the power to turn your life around

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S+【心靈創作/潛意識導引諮詢/社工師】曾經,日復一日迎合世界的標準,追求完美、害怕失敗、討厭錯誤...,苛刻地做為自己最大的敵人。直到踏上靜心與自我覺察道路,發現潛意識影響著我們每一天的生活,體認到力量在於心念之間,每一個當下我們都擁有選擇! 原來,生命本身是一場祝福,只待我們去「覺知」它。 也因此,盼將這份覺知與祝福,傳遞給與我相遇的每一個你,一起讓生命成為禮物!
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