[Hindu Teachings] January 4, 2022, Nehyananda English Co-education Lecture [Destroy the concept of time through your consciousness]


【Destroy the concept of time through your consciousness】

Saturday, 4th January 2022 (India Standard Time), Nisyananda English Co-education Seminar

Today is the 11th day of Nithyanandotsava - Celebration of the 45th Incarnation (Birthday) of Guru Sri John Nithyananda Paramashiva, Supreme Pope of India (Hindu) Ecumenical Spiritual Master.

A live broadcast of the Daxian of the Supreme Pope of India (Hindu) Ecumenical Guru Sri Johnny Shyananda Paramashiva, Direct Connection with the Divine (Shakti pada) and Indirect Connection with the Divine (Shaktini pada).

*Message from Praramashiwa directly from Greater Kailasha:

* Disintegrate time in your consciousness. I will now use it as your inner initiation. I don't have time to give group seminars to prepare you, then enlighten you and awaken you.

*I don't want to waste your time nor mine. I want to make time as efficient as possible.

*I will verbally convey these truths forcefully, bring them to consciousness, make them a reality and manifest it for you immediately.

* Maintain a stable and comfortable posture (Sthiram Sukham Asanam) in Half Padmasana (Artha Padmasana) or in Padmasana (Padmasana).

*When consciousness happens, it devours length, width, depth, time, space, everything. You have a consciousness that can swallow time.

*You can apply it to your daily life. So anything you think you can do in 8 hours, if you work, then you'll make $2 million in 2 years. But if consciousness is applied to daily life, it will be greatly shortened to two months or even two days.

*It's not difficult. Without awareness, you cannot function. Inhalation, exhalation, ingested bread will be converted to blood...even if there is no difficulty, these will be very clean.

* Decide not to have cheap struggles and failures

*Stop empowering your frustrations and struggles, and you won't build up your frustrations or sink into failure.

*Any mode you have or trigger, you will experience and you will be a serious offender to God.

* Stop being tired. You failed until yesterday, but you will tell me: today I am going to do it. There is nothing to lose.

* Deal with all your problems, whether it's a simple headache or a conscious suicide pattern. Do not seek any other solution.

*Struggling is just a defense of your laziness and stupidity.

* Seek truth from facts and live an active life.

*For those who decide to live an active life, life is gallantry. If you have already succeeded then there is danger but if you have failed many times then there is nothing to lose so just develop the perseverance which is the most important asset in life. "

* At this moment, your consciousness has the ability to devour and digest all imperfections, toxins and negativity.

* Meditate with your life situation. Don't shy away from it. Decided to pour conscious solutions, decided to maintain tension in every activity.

* Knowledge in the field of intelligence - cosmic support - is available; I'm not giving active living crap, I'm not talking positive thinking. Ideas themselves are rubbish!

*I am triggering your consciousness. Examine your life: listen to this.

The struggle you decide against time is time (Kaala).

You decide to swallow time is Kalabhairava.

Don't struggle with the same issues, whether it's on the health level, or all the struggles and failures on the mind and consciousness level.

*Don't make the same mistake. If you reduce one frustration, you reduce time considerably; only through awareness. Do not seek any other solution.

*Yesterday a guy tried to describe my Sacred Child Disciple School saying: Sacred Child Disciple School is focused on enlightenment. doesn't do anything practical. This guy who defines the worst of the Holy Child School is so violent!

*Centering on enlightenment is the most practical. Macaulay is the least practical. Even engineers can't get other training in their actual labs. They will work with them and graduate from college.

*I know; I studied in engineering school. You can only see one museum, which is the machine from when India was independent long ago. This guy is completely brainwashed. He thinks the system of the Awakening Movement Center is the most impractical! He was not in front of me, so he ran away!

*Approaching your life in an awakening-centered, awareness-centered way is the most practical, powerful, and authentic life.

*The struggle is nothing but proving that your laziness, arrogance and stupidity are part of your loveliness. Be brave and diligent, and be realistic about yourself.

*Life is an active life. Life is for those who decide to live an active life.

*Nithya Nishkrodhanada - Blessing. I read your message. I am with him. I am taking care of him. don’t worry.

*If you have been successful, then you are in danger of losing what you have gained through success.

*If you have failed, there is nothing to lose. Beggars have nothing to lose. So have courage!

* Cultivate strong conscious will persistence. That is the most important asset in life.

*Your consciousness is now capable of swallowing, digesting, clearing all imperfections, struggles, setbacks, failures, depressions - all negativity and toxins.

*Sit back and watch your life situation. Don't run away. Decided to inject conscious solutions into it.

*Decide to be intense in every activity. Everything you need - knowledge, cosmic support in the form of wisdom, resources, blessings, energy is available.

*I'm not giving you some positive life crap. I'm going to tell you the truth of life. I'm not helping you think positively. Thinking itself is an illusion. What's in positive thinking!

*I am triggering your consciousness!

* Examine your life. Time itself is nothing but your decision to be arrogant, stupid and fight the same habits.

*You decide to fight the same habit is time (Kala). You decide to swallow time and all your struggles and failures, everything is Kalabhairava!

*Do not struggle with the same problem again, whether on a health level, or on a spiritual or conscious level. Don't be a liar and a fool. Once you struggle with one pattern, that's enough. Why are you doing the same second struggle?

*I always tell my disciples: Don't make the same mistakes again and again. You are not as creative to make new mistakes. So you don't make new bugs. *If you decide to break a pattern, a struggle, a setback, a failure, you will drastically reduce your time. From 1 million in 2 years to 1 million in 2 months. I'm speaking from a money perspective, because that's all you know.

*You can understand this in terms of health, daily life, career, business, any level.

* Make up your mind not to be frustrated by setbacks, not to fail by failure, not to be frustrated by frustration.

* Outsmart your repetitive thoughts. Repeated thoughts are time. Time has nothing to do with chronology.

*Only one regular worker gets up at 8am, goes to the office, and works like a regular worker, and the time is limited.

*My followers - mostly not in chronological order. You all live in mental time. Chronological order is used in the human world (Bhoo Loka) for things like birthdays, meetings, etc.

*But when you don't exist and live in chronological time, you have your time and your life is yours.

*Mental time is nothing but mental patterns.

*Someone asked, "In Swamiji of the Ramayana, did Ahalya really live like a stone for millions of years?"

*If you decide not to break your depression for millions of years of mental time, you will fall into depression. The moment you decide to break that pattern, you swallow those millions of years and wake up in the moment.

So much joy, positivity, clarity and love in Sri Ramachandra's lotus feet inspired her, she just decided to get out of that depression!

*I will give you 2-3 minutes. Try to write down what the main problem you are struggling with today is. When you open your eyes, immediately see who the enemy is in front of you other than your spouse, just like your inner enemy.

*I initiate you to destroy this concept of time through your consciousness.

*You can fold time and swallow it inside.

*You are consciously empowered.

*Don't decide to fast-forward life.

* Decide now to eliminate your laziness. Be courageous about yourself and suppress doubts and patterns of self-detention.

* Fill yourself with more commitment, more responsibility, and motivation.

*Bull napping, your laziness and commitment: I'll do yoga starting tomorrow. Once committed, don't worry even if it stops after a month. I'll be back and yelling at the group seminar! As long as you have me as your guru, I will let you manifest Parama Shiva.

*I can outwit all your patterns because I outsmart all mine!

* Group seminars just scream at you very politely. It's public so I can't scream out loud. Only your inner guru will scream at you deeply.

*I will enlighten you. Don't worry about future failures.

*Decision: Today, this is all in front of me. I will swallow it and be done with it.

*I myself broke one pattern at a time. This is how I evolved. Breaking a pattern becomes a pattern after 2-3 successes, which gives me the courage to break 100 patterns a day, then break 1000 patterns, and then I swallow everything - length, breadth, time and space, superconsciously swallowed everything. that's it!

*Don't keep stupid, toxic and negative struggles in your heart.

*I was like the old man sitting on the balcony outside swallowing betel leaves and betel nut, screaming at everyone who came into view. He will take your entire astrology (Jathagam) and wake him up.

*I will keep reminding you until you become enlightened. I will not rest until you become Parama Shiva

*Ramesh Ramani, Blessings. With all good luck, you will be with me and I will be with you. bless.

*Don't think I'm teaching you when I give you these great truths. I am giving you a conscious initiation.

*Learn these great truths from the perspective of consciousness, enlightenment.

*It only brings awakening when you do yoga or prayers. You can also do yoga for health. Who just wants to be healthy? A healthy awakening, from awakening to radiating and manifesting awakening or superconsciousness is what we want!

*It should be an awakening-centered manifestation of health, wealth, career, abilities, and everything in and around you.

*I give this to all my disciples and I will give you this as a gift. With today's initiation, I will swallow everything you are trapped in and free you. I endow you with a consciousness that devours time.

*You know you're constipated by eating a certain food, but you're eating the same junk. This is what I call being stuck with time at a fitness level.

* Free yourself from this bondage and save time.

*If you save time by reducing wasted time in your life, a pattern of disease (Roga); Parama Shiva will break the pattern of worldly disease (Bhavaroga) - your disease of life and death!

* Swallow time by breaking your patterns

*If you're lazy doing yoga, break it now. After the seminar

*You will see it become addictive; spiritual abilities of enlightenment and manifestation become addictive.

*Aruna Giri, Yogiswaran show the results of recording patterns in your kidneys and intestines. When you break this pattern, the freedom is registered again in your kidneys or gut, and even they start to support you. Digestion will improve.

*Someone asked, Surya Namaskar can only be done during Brahma Muhurta (Brahma Muhurta refers to an hour and a half before sunrise, which is the best time of day for meditation, yoga, worship, prayer)? Should I wait until Brahman time?

*In your life, have you waited for anything but Shanti Muhurta? For other things, these people get things done when they're in a good mood. But for this, they will ask all Muhurtas!

*I was bought off by very powerful beauty gurus who took my life as theirs. That's why so much has manifested in me in 45 years. I am not a first generation successful person. I am a third or fourth generation successful person.

*I started writing when I was 12 or 13, no matter what I heard from my gurus, and my earliest books were when I was 13 or 14. We didn't realize this until yesterday, when we were putting together the books I've written from the beginning to the present!

*These are the teachings I received from my teachers. How should I apply what I started doing in life. This is my own handwriting.

*We have 3 hard drives. Only one hard drive has 1500 books with ISBN numbers. We also have 2 untouched hard drives. I've done so much for 44 years because I have great teachers who have been so brave and hard on me.

*They will say: There is no doubt about it. If you die, who will do it? So "do" is the only option.

* Vidwan Panduranganar is my Adi Shaivism teacher. I learned Tantra from Mata Vibhutananda Puri, the science of energy elixir from Narayanasamy Thatha, and the transcendental diet from Mouna Swami and other Advaita Vedantis ( Nirahara Samyama). This is an amazing ecosystem!

*You just come and sit and listen to my group seminar, that's enough. I will know what is in your heart.

*I am the one who made it happen. No question or reason.

*Justification for your failure does not make it successful. Justification for not doing is not the same as getting the job done.

* Make it happen and surprise your friends.

* Make it happen and shock everyone! This is my life purpose. This is a statement I can easily make.

*The dimension of consciousness will devour length, breadth, depth, time, space and allow you to manifest Divinity (Ishwaratva).

*To live is to manifest the Paramashivatva.

* Don't waste time on every level.

*I have been busy for the past three years, working closely with a large team.

*We are working with the Minister of Home Affairs and the Prime Minister.

*With the help of Parama Shiva, we succeeded.

*If you make a Brahma celebration a success, it becomes a ritual (Nithyotsava) that goes around the temple. This will be a celebration.

*Gowri tells us: I wish to connect with Swamiji. Those who support me will have the first right to come to Kailasa

*Those who have spent time with me, supported my long-term resident volunteers, and stayed committed to me through this turbulent crisis will come first during this crisis

*Anyone related to my life, I keep every detail of that person in my heart. I don't remember anything else

*The 3rd level Paramashi I-included course will be a revival of the whole event! This will be a condensation of everything I've said so far like manifesting spiritual abilities, vertical time zones, 25 states of consciousness, multiple levels, everything.

*Gowri is asking again: "I'm glad you called my name. Can you name my daughter?'"

*If you're going to hand your girl over to Saint Child Disciple School, I'll name her.

My request is direct. Otherwise, keep one for yourself and give one to the School of Disciples of the Holy Child. I'll give that girl a name then, and then as a bonus, I'll give another girl a name too.

* Motivate at least 10 people to practice Hinduism. At least in this way to create productivity for Hinduism. There's nothing wrong with even 10 children; you keep 3 or 4 and give the remaining 7 or 8 to the School of the Disciples of the Holy Child. I will bring them up. I promise you I'll give them the best, that's all.

*Gowri promises she will. So send a child to Saint Child Disciple School! I will name two children.

* Make a living "Wish" Satya sankalpa to live a new life. Take responsibility and be proactive about your health, career, and everything.

**It is OK to be unrealistic in a positive life direction. Even if you fail, you will learn the habit of trying again and again and moving on.

*When you have self-hatred, it will only turn into hatred of your guru, and it will only turn into hatred of Parama Shiva.

*The essence of today's co-education talk: How a living consciousness swallows time, by swallowing your laziness, tiredness, stupidity and boredom, be brave to yourself without abusing others, let the future become the present, become conscious The presence.

*As the Living Manifestation of Parama Shiva, I have triggered all of you as initiations.

* Let superconsciousness trigger and manifest throughout your life. Let it fully manifest the unmanifested parts of Parama Shiva. Let Parama Shiva manifest in you.

*Om (Om) Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om

*I bless you all with this

Original English text: https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/posts/481153360044167

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5XQ2Gt_v4U&t=178s

~ Nesyananda Chinese Translation Team


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