Crazy World: Serial Killer

Serial Killer, Chinese translation is mostly serial killer. Most of the people who like to watch detective novels/movies will have a little understanding of this topic. Most of the documents about serial killers in Hong Kong come from the United States. If you look at the Chinese documents, you will find the more famous se...

I have always been addicted to the topic of serial killer.

Serial Killer, Chinese translation is mostly serial (or serial) murderer. Most of the people who like to watch detective novels/movies will have a little understanding of this topic. Most of the documents about serial killers that can be seen in Hong Kong are from the United States. If you look at the Chinese documents, you will find the more famous serial killers, such as Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Henry Lee Lucas, Ed Gein, John Wayne Gacy, the more "unique" Serial killers. But recently I found out that there is a podalcast dedicated to serial killer stories, so I heard more different Serial Killer stories.

I have always had the impression that serial killers are products of the United Kingdom and the United States, and are mostly white men. In recent years, it seems that more serial killers have been unearthed in the United States (?). However, it was only after I really read and understood more recently that I realized that serial murderers are not a US patent (just read a story about an Indonesian wizard who killed more than 40 people), but only because of the issue of gun control in the US. Serial killers can have more effective(?) ways to fulfill their homicidal fantasies. At the same time the United States is (one of) the countries where serial killers are most systematically studied. So most of the information we see comes from the United States.

I've always been fascinated by the dark topic of serial killers. Sometimes I'm afraid, do I have this dark side that I don't know about? Will one day go crazy and start killing people? Later, I had the opportunity to see a film explaining the Netflex drama Mindhunter. The filmmaker analyzed the protagonist Holden Ford like this:

Ford has always been fascinated with being a serial killer, and the film seems to imply that if it weren't for the presence of seniors (Bill Tench, Dr. Wendy Carr, etc.) with him, he might be another devil

Ford wasn't darkened by his dealings with the serial killers, but he was a dark man, or reinforced those dark sides of him while having ongoing conversations with those Serial Killers. However, being a detective and having someone walk with him and lead him allows him to make a difference in this darkness - analyzing and chasing down criminals who are still committing crimes. I feel that when analyzing others, Ford is also analyzing himself, knowing more about himself, and putting himself into the role of the hunter rather than the hunted.

This, isn't it me? I've always been attracted to things that are dark, the sun, things that are too bright, and I always feel like I can't stand it. When watching Mindhunter, I was as always "attracted" to one Serial Killer after another, but while watching this show, I had a feeling that I wasn't following this show just because of those Serial Killer stories, but It's because there's Ford's (and maybe me?) self-seeking path in it.

While understanding the stories of different Serial Killers, it may have been out of a curious and curious mentality at first: who would make all kinds of murder cases that violated moral ethics? But then I began to wonder more, why? We can find (plausible) reasons in some stories. For example, John Wayne Gacy [Clown Killer] may not be able to accept his sexual impulses towards young boys. In addition, he suffered from domestic violence since childhood, which made him anti-social, so he Only...kill the boy he fucked.

But more often there is no reason or people did not explain it at the time. (I've always wondered why Ted Bundy wanted to kill... I can't tell from his background that he has such a big incentive to kill)

From analyzing Serial Killer, we are more likely to reveal one of the darkest themes in this world, here:

  • Many people suffer from domestic violence
  • Many people have been sexually abused by (family members)
  • Being bullied by (classmates or even family members)

In short, many of them are living in a world without love and hope. Honestly, if we look at Serial Killer and see people living this life at the time, we might instead feel comfortable:

He was just forced to become a demon by circumstances.

The most frightening thing is seeing some people become Serial Killers for some unknown reason.

This, can only be interpreted as, they are Natural Born Killer?

This is a more frightening notion than there are murderers in the world.

They do exist in this world.

The story, the show, I suddenly felt a sense of relief:


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賈瑰熱愛戲劇藝術,無奈只能放下,不知人生何去何從。 好想快點離開,卻又戀戀風塵。 輕易戀上,卻不易放下。 回首已是百年身,終歸只是回憶。 喜歡契訶夫、田納西威廉斯的作品,又害怕那些叫人哭笑不得的痛和殘酷。 看愛情作品,卻又害怕看完後那種空虛的心碎。 相信公平,不相信世間有絶對的公平。
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七日書V|06 隱青危機
