A love letter written by a Taiwanese girl to Hong Kong

Yu, Chin Mei
This article was written on 1 July 2012 and posted on FB Notes,

Dear Hong Kong


When I was four years old, my father took me to the airport.

Then a person got on the plane through customs,

flew to Hong Kong,

Living in a kindergarten with a bunch of kids who didn't know anyone who spoke Cantonese.

I remember that the narrow, dark alley stretched endlessly to the other end,

It’s different from the bright and spacious Taipei where I live.

I often carefully grab money in hand and walk through the long narrow alley to buy rice rolls from the stalls.

When I was four years old, I was still a child who didn't talk, cry or make fuss.

Unlike other children, I never cry looking for my parents. In fact, I don’t understand why they look for their parents.

When I went to Hong Kong, I didn’t have any luggage, not even a rag doll.

I just live quietly with my rice rolls,

The kindergarten was a Catholic kindergarten. When I was four years old, I learned to pray in Cantonese and thank God before eating.

Summer passed and I returned to Taiwan with my habit of eating rice rolls and Cantonese porridge.

In those years, my parents often flew to Hong Kong for business, and Hong Kong was a place for business and shopping.

A few years later, I grew up following Andy Lau's "The Falcon" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and other wireless videos.

You can watch 110 videos for 1,000 yuan. During the Chinese New Year, I put an ice pillow wrapped in a towel on top of the video recorder.

Marathon watching one TV series after another.

In those years, the most powerful kung fu person in Taiwan was named Chu Liuxiang.

During the Chinese New Year, Jackie Chan’s Lunar New Year movies are a sideshow for children.

Hong Kong began to become a place producing movie stars and television shows.

A few years later, the Hong Kong star I knew who played "Falcon" ten years ago began to come to Taiwan to sing.

The nymphomaniac female classmates began to regard themselves as Mrs. Liu.

Their biggest dream in life is to grow beautiful long hair and go to Hong Kong.

There was a song in Taiwan called "Go and See Hong Kong" and a movie series in Hong Kong called "My Cousin Arrives."

Hong Kong has become a place where both Chinese and Taiwanese want to go.

Hong Kong represents high-rise buildings, boutiques, food, and concerts.

The Hong Kong film industry has become the second largest film industry in the world after Hollywood.

One summer when I was a teenager, I was walking on the streets of Hong Kong, and the streets were still filled with incomprehensible Cantonese.

I was asked by a stranger: Do you want to be an extra?

Hong Kong, which has produced so many movies and held so many concerts,

Probably everyone has been an extra in a movie or a staff member of a concert!

It was my first time to read newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong, and I was dumbfounded.

It was the first time I saw enlarged and colorful Chinese characters on the headlines of a newspaper.

It writes about which female and male celebrities are being kept, and who is being chased by the underworld to collect debts.

I looked at Chungking Tower, smiling and continuing to keep a pleasant distance from the strange Hong Kong.

One month before the high school entrance examination one summer, many students died in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

We secretly read newspapers and listened to the radio in the classroom every day, crying loudly because of the news of Wuer Kaixi's death.

All of Hong Kong's brightest stars were wearing jeans and white T-shirts to support the students.

After that year, Hong Kong people were frightened and began to immigrate and move their money.

Even the ghosts in Hong Kong comedy movies want to immigrate and burn US dollars.

In those years, we all lived under the snow-drinking knives and peerless swords of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng.

They all live in the love of the white-haired witch and the little dragon girl.

Hong Kong’s cultural and creative industry has given us a generation.

Hong Kong has returned to the motherland, Hong Kong people's Chinese has begun to improve, and Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport, which is the most difficult to land in, is goodbye!

I started to transfer at the bright and beautiful new Hong Kong Airport,

Hong Kong is still strange. It has changed from being full of foreigners, Filipinos, Indians and Pakistanis, to being full of Chinese and Africans.

People started peeing in the flower beds of the shiny shopping mall, and people started littering the ground.

Hong Kong people, who have always been busy making money and enduring high prices and housing prices, are starting to become impatient!

Hong Kong people, who have always been indifferent to politics and social issues, are beginning to care about social phenomena and politics!

In 2004, my then-boyfriend and I traveled to China and stayed in Hong Kong for a few days.

My ex-boyfriend is British, and Europeans are very used to traveling to their former colonies, so I have other feelings.

One day while eating noodles at a noodle shop owned by Cantonese people, I said loudly to my ex-boyfriend: Hong Kong used to be yours, but now it’s ours!

Then he turned to me and said: Taiwan will belong to us from now on. If you don’t obey, we will beat you!

We didn't reply and continued to eat noodles with our heads down. I suddenly understood the helplessness of Hong Kong people.

Because I have never heard the British say to Hong Kong people: If we hadn't built you, you would still be a small fishing village with five families!

Or shouting loudly: Look, this port is named after our Queen!

The British would not be stupid enough to verbally deprive the colonies of their last dignity, because they knew that they had already taken advantage of them and that there was no benefit in killing the goose that laid the eggs.

In the past, Hong Kong people could tolerate the pride of the British white-collar elite;

It has even inherited the British elite system and has become a distant and indifferent Hong Kong that pursues the best interests.

The Taiwanese style is warm, enthusiastic and bold, but seems to be a bit inexplicably rustic to Hong Kong people.

But after fifteen years of Hong Kong under Chinese rule,

They will say to Hong Kong people in Hong Kong, if the Chinese didn’t come with lots of money for sightseeing, what would you Hong Kong people eat?

The rule of law and freedom are Hong Kong’s last line of defense, and they seem to be slowly disintegrating.

Hong Kong people understand that they have slowly lost their last bit of freedom of speech in the past fifteen years!

For many years, Hong Kong people have been accustomed to seeing wealthy people coming in and out of Hong Kong to do business and run for their lives. The streets are full of good cars.

The most expensive luxury homes in Asia are always located in Hong Kong and Tokyo.

But in the end, the Chinese rudely and rudely stripped away the last dignity of the Hong Kong people.

Hong Kong people want very little from the government, and they rarely get angry. They will find their own way out and make money.

over the years,

The British are coming, the Japanese are coming, the Chinese are coming,

None of them had the ability to resist, so they could only gather together in a foreign land to drink tea and eat rice rolls.

Today marks the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's "return" to China. Hong Kong people have taken to the streets for a rare occasion to have a dialogue with Beijing.

For many years, Hong Kong has been the most open city in Asia, allowing us to see the microcosm and pulse of the world.

Taiwanese's admiration for Hong Kong stars and Hong Kong, and their pursuit of famous brand products all come from Hong Kong.

Hong Kong today is very brave;

Like a lady who has changed into a brand-name boutique,

I finally had the courage to tell the truth "I don't love you" to my rich, powerful and rude husband.

The truth is ugly, Beijing is embarrassed, the problem will only get bigger and bigger, Hong Kong is brave!

Although your Andy Lau sang Chinese on the Great Wall, Hong Kong movies have gone to China to find financial backers.

But these shining superstars are not the protagonists today. The protagonists today are the people of Hong Kong.

You make July 1st meaningful.

Mr. Li's "suicide" will also be remembered for this.

Dear Hong Kong,

I believe that more people love Bruce Lee than Mao Zedong.

History will give us justice sooner or later.

I believe that if I continue to pass by Hong Kong and eat rice rolls, Hong Kong will continue to surprise me.

We have all been tourists in Hong Kong for a few days,

We all love Hong Kong,

We will always love you.

want. Brave. dare.

PS. This article only represents a superficial understanding of Hong Kong from a Taiwanese girl who grew up under Hong Kong’s entertainment culture, and does not represent other Taiwanese people.


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Yu, Chin Mei疫情前為一位教育者, 曾前後在五大洲教書十七年, 拜訪過一百多個國家,包括亞馬遜和撒哈拉。 2020 年成為 Full Time 數位遊牧, 主要移動位置在中歐。 2024年在瑞士與兩位歐洲夥伴成立新創公司。
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