The Shark in Love with the Mermaid (Mermaid / Love)

Sharks and humans are found in every corner of the world. Where there are sharks, there are humans, and where there are humans, there are sharks. The two sides have fought for many centuries, and their strengths are evenly matched. As a result, one side retreated to the land, the other side defended the sea, and each occupied one side. Just overnight. If there is something lost in the hearts of the two races, even if they don't know the reason. Not based on war, nor out of ennui. It's just that on that night, they felt as if they had lost a piece of flesh in their hearts, and they were aching and tormented. The leaders of the two parties did not know the reason, weeping and declaring their retreat with a tacit understanding. That night, the world suddenly became much more peaceful, with only the sound of rolling sand and splashing sea water remaining.

I don't know when it started, sharks and humans became enemies. Scenes of blood tore and killed every hostile heart. The heart was pounding, trying to avoid the stinky hatred, but accidentally pumped the hatred into the blood vessels, infecting every blood cell.

Sharks and humans are found in every corner of the world. Where there are sharks, there are humans, and where there are humans, there are sharks. The two sides have fought for many centuries, and their strengths are evenly matched. As a result, one side retreated to the land, the other side defended the sea, and each occupied one side. Just overnight. If there is something lost in the hearts of the two races, even if they don't know the reason. Not based on war, nor out of ennui. It's just that on that night, they felt as if they had lost a piece of flesh in their hearts, and they were aching and tormented. The leaders of the two parties did not know the reason, weeping and declaring their retreat with a tacit understanding.

That night, the world suddenly became much more peaceful, with only the sound of rolling sand and splashing sea water remaining.


The sea water is very dirty, and the seabed is the black of cuttlefish ink. Creatures who live in the deep sea never know what white is, but that little bit of miraculous white appears mysteriously somewhere in the deep sea. There are so many fishes, none of them noticed that little bit of whiteness—they have pitifully small brains! Their lives are not as fulfilling as humans think, hunting, escaping predators, reproducing... blah blah blah! They just want to chase the bubbles they blow.

That's what they do all day. It's not entertainment, but serious business, and it can even be said to be the meaning of life. Hunting is to give yourself the strength to blow bubbles; avoiding predators is to have the opportunity to blow more bubbles; breeding is because blowing bubbles collectively is a happy and wonderful thing.

Pisces are very harmonious, much more harmonious than humans. They like to blow bubbles together at any time, so humans often find schools of fish. Among fishes, sharks are the most powerful - because their bubbles are recognized as the most perfect. Round, big, light and transparent. Therefore, the shark is the ruler of the fish. Every shark is very dignified. They are proud of their teeth - the teeth are sharp and dense, with unique teeth patterns, and they can often blow wonderful bubbles. Nothing is more sacred than a shark's bubble.


A shark gendu is hunting. Like the other sharks, he picks out bubble-blowing creatures that are ugly because they desecrate the sacred bubble. Gen Du looked down. Seaweed, shrimp, starfish, abalone, sea cucumber... eat them all. The prey was found again - it was a small almost transparent shrimp hair. But Gendu's eyesight is the best among sharks. He chased after chase and swam many sea miles.

Almost finished. At the moment when he was about to take his mouth, a little white dripped into his eyes. Severe pain, as if being stabbed into his tiny eyes by countless jellyfish tentacles at the same time. Unprecedented pain, like the shock of discovering something more important than bubbles. He struggled desperately.

"Can you fall in love with humans?" Very soft voice.

All pain disappeared without a trace.

Gen Du opened his eyes and saw a creature he had never seen before. Has hair on the head, has a strange respiratory organ, has no back, and has two hands...a legendary human being? He couldn't help but rush forward to bite. Countless marine life has been wiped out by this creature! It is the public enemy of marine life!

The creature didn't hide, just let the blood flow, repeating the same sentence over and over again: "Can you love a human being?"

The gendu was dumbfounded—it was a very special white color, shining against the darkness, like the only star in the dark night—human blood should be red. "Who are you?" He calmed down and looked at the scarred creature carefully. The opponent's skin is delicate and flawless, no fish can match it. It has a long and soft fish tail, which swings in the water, arousing rapid currents.

"I'm a mermaid." It smiled weakly, and its blood illuminated the deep sea: "Can you fall in love with humans?"

Gen Du's heart throbbed with Fang's amazement, but he soon came to his senses and flatly refused.

"No. I only love Bubbles." Simple.

"You can't stop loving human beings."

"I only love Bubbles." Sorry.

The mermaid's face instantly turned pale, and she passed out.


"Mom! What is a mermaid?"

"It's just a legend."


"The mermaid is said to be the seeker of great love. It lives for love. Love is as important to it as bubbles are to us. But it is very strange. The blood is white. Only a creature without hatred is worthy white blood."


"It's hard to'll understand when you see it. White can warm your heart, illuminate everything, and help you find something more important than bubbles."

"Something more important than bubbles?"

"I don't know what it is? It doesn't matter anyway. It's just a legend. Silly boy!"


Gendu is beside the mermaid thinking hard about what is more important than bubbles. Suddenly the mermaid woke up and interrupted Gen Du's thoughts inadvertently. Gen Du smiled back, hoping to get the mermaid's peace of mind. The other party responded with a smile, showing white teeth.

"Why are you looking for love?" Probing.

"Love is more important than everything." Resolutely.

"Is it more important than bubbles?" I wondered.

"Bubbles... I don't know how to blow bubbles." Inferiority.

Seeing the mermaid's sad appearance, he couldn't help feeling sad and blowing out beautiful bubbles. This is the first time he blows bubbles out of sadness. "I'll take you home!"

"No." It swam away.

The feeling of being lost returned to Gen Du, infecting every fish that happened to pass by. They wept in unison, hot tears that warmed the ocean. Bubbles appear, like pearls, like hopes, in strings, floating up. The scene is spectacular, it is a fish's dream, who would have expected it to be so sad.

Could this be something more important than bubbles?

Gen Du chased after the mermaid's white blood. The white light of the blood shines on the bubbles, refracting colorful splendor. He became more and more convinced that the mermaid was something more important than Bubbles, so he swam faster, wanting to get back his childhood dream—to find something more important than Bubbles. Back then, many fishes laughed at him as a fool, why should he be so serious about a fictional legend. He just didn't compromise, and as a result, he fell and hurt, and his dream disappeared.

How inspiring it is when dreams are rekindled. He pursued with all his heart, intending to say again: "I'll take you home!"


The mermaid still couldn't tell the route home, and could only verbally describe the local scenery: an ancient city ruins. The huge stone pillars testify to the wisdom and civilization of the ancestors; the desolate streets show the prosperity of the past in every detail; the glowing bones of the ancestors are piled up like a garden of night stars.

"Where's your family?" Gen Du asked.

The mermaid's face is full of grief, and she tells everything with her big affectionate eyes.

There is no such thing as a mermaid in the world. At that time, the shark family was even more hostile to humans. But a shark fell in love with a human. He and her abandoned their family and country, and went to the ends of the earth to build their homes. Unexpectedly, his love for her angered the fate of sticking to the rules. Fate cursed him and her to find another love between human and shark. After that, the love between him and her was allowed to reproduce. Since then, he and she have used their own blood as seeds to continue farming in the ends of the world, planting mermaids, and helping to find them all over the world.

In front of Gen Du's eyes was the last mermaid in the world—the other mermaids died under the obstruction of fate. All mermaids know that they must never approach humans, it is very dangerous. So, it shifted its target and asked the shark family for help. But it found that sharks only love bubbles...


On the way, Gendu clamored to teach the mermaid to blow bubbles.

"Why blow bubbles all day?" the mermaid was curious.

"Because Bubble Beauty." Gen Du replied innocently.

"I think I'm more beautiful." The mermaid's serious face made Gendu laugh. "We're all beautiful, aren't we?"

Thinking back carefully, Gen Du never felt that there was anything more beautiful than Pao Pao. He has never appreciated the beauty of others, and only pursues bubbles. Not remorse, anger, but blankness. He never stopped for anything but Bubbles. When his life, like a bubble, evaporates, what is left?

"Yes...we are all beautiful..." Gen Du's mouth trembled slightly, and he learned to appreciate it. Appreciation makes him happy. No fish ever knew how to do that. Everyone was amazed that the majestic shark would appreciate something other than bubbles! This action makes Gendu even more thirsty for the mermaid's bubbles. The bubbles it blows will be more perfect than the sharks. Looking forward to this moment!

But even the mermaid herself doesn't know the true meaning of Bubble—death.


Life: The bubbles blown by mermaids are the most beautiful, so beautiful that even the most beautiful creatures forget themselves and are fascinated by them. Can we forgive it?

Luck: No! It is always a cursed creature! Don't deserve to be forgiven!

Life: Let it go! It's the last mermaid!

Luck: I curse it...

Life: No! please!

Luck: I curse it for not being able to blow the one hundred and first bubble!

Life: Today...

The situation is changing, and the world is changing.


The mermaid suddenly became much weaker, but in order not to worry Gendu, it still smiled and blew bubbles. Every time I blow one, some of its blood will be lost. As it blows, its face becomes even paler. From a distance, it looks like a dead person. Consciously or unintentionally, it asks an important question: "Can you fall in love with a human being?"

Gen Du felt sad—hasn't the mermaid understood her own mind yet? The bubble has long since become meaningless, its only purpose is to hide shyness. Unable to restrain himself, he asked back, "Can you fall in love with me?"

The mermaid is always as innocent as a child, not aware of the fact that the situation is far beyond her ability, and only wants to save her group. It didn't answer. Because it only regards Gendu as a good friend. "I..." It unconsciously exhaled the hundredth bubble, which immediately disappeared. It's just an instant thing, it doesn't take half a second.


After throwing a hundred kisses to his natal family, Gen Du left his hometown and headed for the human city. He swam close to the shore, jumped onto the shore, collapsed on the ground, and shouted "I love you" with all his strength. But the curse of the mermaid family has never been broken, because human beings can't understand his words-the words from the heart that were spoken with the last effort.


Fish Child: Is this the end of the story of Gendu and the mermaid?

Fish mother: No. He and its soul have been floating upwards, rising higher and higher, leaving the earth, reaching the depths of the universe and blowing bubbles together. Haven't you noticed that there are more and more stars in the sky? In fact, before many stars became stars, they were all bubbles blown by him and it. look! Isn't that group of stars in the sky his and its abode!

Fish Child: Does that group of stars have a name?

Fish mother: No. Why don't we give it a name so that this story can be passed on for centuries.

Pisces: Gendu and mermaid...shark and mermaid...two fish..."Pisces", okay?

Fish mother: Good! "Pisces" is a very good name!


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