If you encounter a bottleneck, then return to the original intention, adjust your mentality, and start again

I forgot which book I read, it is said that life will only get worse and worse, so now it will only be happy, but the past was the happiest existence, so people only need to live in the present and enjoy every second of existence Joy is worse than misfortune in the next second, anyway, it will only get worse in the future, it is better to cherish the proofs you have in the present and the past...

I really want to write a certain emotion, but I can't find a corresponding figurative description. This state may be called a "bottleneck" or something. This state occurs quite frequently, because the world is so monotonous that it is difficult to discover subtle differences or oddities in it. In particular, the so-called life is to repeat the cycle of eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping. It is easy to fall into a self-rotating subconscious behavior pattern, revolving around a fixed date, from spring to summer, then from summer to autumn, and finally from autumn to winter, damn it. It is the appearance of spring after winter. A regular life pattern can easily paralyze a person, but if the regular rhythm is not followed, a person will begin to pervert and become "abnormal". First of all, the body produces a disordered response that causes the pain to multiply for no reason, and then the mood gradually expands and fluctuates. When the world is still running as usual, you have to go in the opposite direction and go against the reality, and the end may be unexpected and embarrassing. Therefore, if you want to solve the "bottleneck" problem, you must be mentally prepared that you will be "abnormal", because the world will be complicated and out of control, you will continue to exchange the power and ideas of writing, but you must also pay more. The mind fights against the habit of regularity, thereby draining the vitality. Therefore, according to irresponsible statistics or imagination, when a writer has a higher chance of dying prematurely than the average person, it is almost the same as a mental patient, perhaps because it is silly to distinguish between "writer" and "mentally ill".

I forgot which book I read, it is said that life will only get worse and worse, so now it will only be happy, but the past was the happiest existence, so people only need to live in the present and enjoy every second of existence Joy is worse than bad luck in the next second. Anyway, it will only get worse in the future. It is better to cherish the proofs you have in the present and the past. I quite like this saying, instead of expecting "tomorrow will be better", and then letting expectations fail and disappoint, and constantly attacking the phenomenon of life, it is better to let the idea of "tomorrow will only be worse" occupy my head. I can still breathe now, I can still write and record with a pen, and I can recall the beautiful past. This kind of thought instantly brings an unparalleled sense of happiness to life. A feeling of "living in the moment" is really good, and the world has become a No longer monotonous, the law of life has become more comfortable, anyway, the next second will only get worse, everything is earned now. As long as you hear "make money", you will feel happy without knowing it. It is not only because of your personality "greedy for petty cheapness", but also a "cost-effective" trick. "Behavior becomes the way to relieve stress for the mind. Thinking about it from another angle, this is also a good inspirational statement. It may not be applicable to everyone, but if you can make your life easier, it is not a view worthy of appreciation. The so-called writers need to rely on the relaxation of words like this, just like I feel very useful, and solve the self-healing after my own writing encounters a "bottleneck".

Sometimes, an idea arises in my heart, it can't grow for a long time, it just stays in place like this, doing nothing, can't do anything. That's when I think of the movie "The Visitor of the Mind". There is a scene in the movie that I found most useful and pondered for a long time, that is, the black young Wallace accepted the writing instruction of the great writer Foster, and let Wallace type at will in front of the typewriter without thinking, with the most primitive mentality, The idea, memory, and habit of "writing" and letting the words pile up into a state before they have been carved are the concept of "essence" of literature, and then the work of "carving". Both "heart" and "art" are indispensable, and both need to be cultivated, but the order must be based on the foundation of "heart", and finally, in the way of "art", the heart can be brought to the fore. Just like a diamond, the rough stone must first appear before the subsequent forming process. When this mentality encounters a "bottleneck", it is most suitable to reflect on the nature of the self and the use of writing methods. Often, writers have to return to their original intentions in order to start a higher ladder, and to better understand the level of strength accumulated by experience.

Therefore, when encountering a bottleneck, let yourself write at will, let the words settle for some time, and adjust the delicateness of the aroma when the words and sentences have brewed their own flavor. Don't forget, the most important thing in writing is not how much you won the prize or how much profit you get, but how happy and healed you are in the process of writing, the sense of accomplishment after creating a piece of work, and the time spent with words. Pickled expectations are the happiness and unique existence that a writer has.

2021.07.01 (first draft, reading Yuju)
2021.07.01 (starter, checkered)
2021.10.23 (Shared, Matt City)


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