Taiwan's presidential term is too short to cause the government not to fight housing!

Why is it really a question of the president's ability and morality, why all the presidents who have been elected will only serve the landowners of the consortium? Or are blue and green just garbage? Or is there something wrong with our electoral system itself, which leads to a ruling party that does not think about the people no matter how the election results.

Anyone who has taken a first aid course must know that when you are unable to make time during the rescue, you must "designate" a passerby who is watching and ask him to help call an ambulance. Car?", "Please help me make a call." If there is no designated person to call, it is easy to delay the rescue time because the more people onlookers, the less people will help to call for help.

This is just like our legislator because he has too many seats, he flips real estate and I also flip real estate. Even if I don’t have to flip real estate today and rely on a consortium, I am a legislator who has his own spotlight and has a public opinion base. The senior is a real estate tycoon himself, and it is not good to suppress the real estate speculation too much when thinking about friendship. He thought, "I can only be the bad guy in the 113 seats. I don't have to be too serious and be regarded as a lone ranger and ruin my political future." This is real democracy. The shortcomings of the system have also led to the fact that the house-beating bill is always unable to pass the customs or is blocked, and its power is reduced.

Therefore, under the democratically elected system, only the ruling party elected as the president will use its executive power to crack down on housing prices to improve governance satisfaction in order to stay in power. To put it bluntly, if the president wants to keep working, he will have to suffer from the people , but the short term and only The restriction of being re-elected once abruptly turned the elected president into a person inside and out.

Let’s think about it, let’s say that today, relying on your own continuous efforts and dedication, you have finally climbed up to the position of the company’s top executive and general manager. As a result, the company’s system tells you that in order to avoid excessive concentration of power and allow everyone to have the opportunity, the company always A manager can work for a maximum of eight years. After eight years, sorry, you can only step down as a general employee or find another job.

Scholar, what would you do in the last two years of your tenure as general manager of the company, assuming you are in your 50s and full of professionalism eight years from now? I know the answer with my butt, of course, they are all seeking personal gain! In order to maintain power and influence , for example: contacting rival companies to prepare for job-hopping, appointing confidants to key positions in the company, and considering their own value positioning more important than the long-term operation of the company...Why do you do this? Because you are still young and no matter how good you are, you have to pack up and leave!

Let’s not talk about it further, let’s take the parents who are actually in power in the family as an example. Suppose your family is the father in power. After you wait, go and say to him, “Dad, you are old, and you will be old from now on. Step back and let me take over all the power and affairs in the family." (See if your father will beat you with a stick!) How much more is it that the children take over the baton and hand over the power to others?

Therefore, holding power is one of the basic human desires, not to mention which of the people who can come out to elect the president is not an outstanding person? Naturally more ambitious than the average person, how can he be willing to let go of power easily? It can be seen from this that our system of presidents who are elected every four years and can only be re-elected once is really stupid. No matter how well the president does, he can only serve for eight years at most. Who will fight with you? What does it have to do with the declining birthrate, energy, and national defense policies? Historical positioning and maintaining power after retirement are what the current president cares about.

If you still don’t understand it here, the pedant will take you to a rough inventory of what the president will do in eight years (assuming he is re-elected)

The first year: No one is born to be a president, and there are no books like "Getting started when you become president for the first time." This period can be said to be a period of adaptation.

The second year: After getting started, adjust the personnel arrangements of administrative officials and factions within the party to ensure that the appointed officials will govern in their own direction. (For example, if the Minister of the Interior in the first year beats the room too hard, and he still can't wake up after touching his head, he will quickly change it in the second year...)

The third year: I can do something in this year, I mean to stabilize the housing price, but it is impossible to crack down on it, because now is not the emperor of the Ming Dynasty in 1368 AD, the disobedient corrupt officials and landlords have been killed and replaced Okay, then who handles national government affairs? How can I be re-elected without a funder?

Fourth year: Voters are sorry, I'm about to be re-elected. Let's stop for a while. Everyone who wants to stand on the left side and those who want to be independent stand on the right side...

The first year of re-election: the environment is all too familiar, but there must be a new batch of officials to bring a refreshing and generational feeling to voters!

The second year of re-election: I can do something this year. I mean, I mean to stabilize the housing price, but if there is any major international event, natural or man-made disaster, I am sorry, the shellless snails may have to delay their great housing career. slow.

Third or fourth consecutive term: Voters are embarrassed that I have to retire, and the people who have issues of unity and independence can choose by themselves, but in order to maintain my influence after retirement, I can only stand on the side of the consortium, "You know!".

Such a bizarre electoral system is totally out of date in today's era when everyone can live a healthy and healthy life of 80-90 years old. Therefore, we people should think that we have been elected for so many presidents but only serve the landowners of the consortium, really. Is it a question of the president's ability and character? Or are blue and green just garbage? Or is there something wrong with our electoral system itself, which leads to a ruling party that does not think about the people no matter how the election results.

Besides, since we have deduced that there is a problem with the system, should we continue to believe in housing justice and the nonsense that there must be a place to live when we are old? The academics believe that if the current system continues , the future government will only raise the rent with consortium landlords, forcing people to come out to work to subsidize the rent increase. Therefore, it is recommended that if you live in Taiwan, you must have at least one set of self-occupied housing , and you cannot afford a big one. Just buy small ones, and buy far ones if you can’t afford the near ones, so as to ensure that you can live with dignity and dignity in the future.

Unless, unless, in the future, a wealthy and conscientious entrepreneur is elected president, the consortium itself naturally does not need to look at the face of the landlord, but the winning rate is still only 40-50%, because the funding sources of the opposition parties and legislators It is still in the hands of other consortiums, but once it finds that the force of the house attack is too strong to hit the common interests, they will unite and cause all kinds of troubles to the ruling team every day to make all its policies fail and fail to implement, in exchange for the compromise of the strength of the house attack policy.


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