Traveling around the world #6 | Family life in Seoul

I have a good impression of Seoul, although it is cold, it is warm when the family gathers together

After flying to South Korea, after two weeks of getting accommodation, I was ready to pick up my family. At that time, it was nearly the end of November. Later, I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau of South Korea to apply for the entry of my relatives. It took almost half a month to go back and forth. Finally, I finally got it, so that my wife and children can live in Korea together. When my family arrived in Korea, I remember it was the beginning of December.

When my daughter and son were young, it was a fun time. After arriving at my home in Korea, of course, I will walk around first, looking at the east and the west, because December is the Christmas month, so there will be Christmas-related decorations in the nearby shopping malls. When the children are free at home, they will draw some scenes. The image looks really cute.

When the child first arrived in Korea, our family of four, the most common activity was going to the park. Walk to the nearby park and get familiar with the surrounding environment by the way. Children, wherever there is a playground, pick up the fallen leaves in the park and play house wine.

In the park, local young people will also be seen coming to the park. Children are always welcome. Even if they do not understand the language, they can still be together. The little girl plays with local young people 1,2,3 Blockhead. That's right, the wooden man in the first level of the squid game. It was a lot of fun, our husband and wife also felt at ease, and I felt that the children should be able to get used to it!

The education of children in different places is a problem. If you have read my last article, you should have seen that I was looking for an elementary school, because the little girl was in Taiwan at that time, and she was just about to enter the first grade of elementary school, but it was very complicated to enter an elementary school in Korea, and the child did not speak Korean. It is easier said than done to go straight to elementary school. Therefore, I wanted my children to start in kindergarten, so I found a Korean-English bilingual kindergarten some distance away from home with a school bus. (Tuition is not cheap!!!!)

When a child goes to school, it is no different from having fun. My sister has a Chinese student in her class, so someone can speak Chinese. The younger brother is carried alone, so almost all of them stick to the elder sister and attend classes in the same class.

I only go out to play with other Korean children when I have outdoor activities ( maybe because of the foreign teacher with long hair who brings games 🤔)

In Korea, the little girl had her birthday and ate a cake made of ice cream in winter. That's right, that's not a cream cake, it's a piece of ice cream.

While eating the ice cream cake, it started to snow outside. You can make a pile of snow downstairs, but unfortunately there is no way to make a snowman. Later, I heard that when a snowman is being built, it needs to get the snow slightly wet before it can be built.

There is a slope next to my house. Snow + slope = ski resort. In order to let the two children play to their heart's content, I also bought a snowboard in Gmarket (an online shopping similar to pchome) in Korea. Have fun!

You can also throw snowballs, and the happiness of children is always very simple.

In South Korea, I have to try "Khanmushi", so I went online and found a khanmushi that only Koreans can go to. I just got up at a certain subway station (I have forgotten which subway station). How far. When I got there, it was the first time I experienced sweat steaming, which is actually a sauna in Taiwan. There are soup baths, salt baths, ovens, etc. that can make you sweat. In addition, there is also a bath . In the boys' bath, you can register to take a bath, and then when it comes to you, you will lie on a board, and a master will take a cloth similar to sandpaper and rub it all over your body. Rub it off, it is really all over the body, every inch of skin is rubbed! That refreshing feeling~~😁 If you have the opportunity to go to Korea to steam, you must experience it.

After taking a bath and soaking enough, you can put on your clothes and go to a hall-like place to drink, eat, chat, or lie down and sleep, just like what you see in Korean dramas. Of course, I can't help but make a croissant head.

In addition to the steamed sweat, I was also impressed by Korea's "Ginseng Chicken Soup". Be sure to go to this place to line up. I usually don’t like to line up, and when I went to eat, it was minus 16 degrees, which is said to be the coldest year in Seoul in recent years. Perhaps because of waiting in line in such a cold winter, the ginseng chicken soup tasted delicious. Especially the ginseng chicken soup comes with a glass of ginseng wine, which is highly recommended!

I personally left a lot of good impressions about my life in Seoul, South Korea. Because the child was young at the time, I asked my wife to arrange a scenic spot every weekend. Museums, amusement parks, big parks, aquariums... Play around with children and leave a lot of good impressions.

As for work, Well, I can only say that the Koreans I met were not that friendly. Anyway, things have changed, I, almost forgot, almost, left a good impression, bad impression, let it go with time.

Finally, add a snow scene. The first picture is the only way to go to work when it snows in winter. It looks beautiful, but you have to be careful when you walk. I once saw a guy slide a long way! I thought: is he okay?

Kimchi Life To be continued.....

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