Can't remember things, what is the cause of forgetfulness? How to remedy forgetfulness and enhance memory?

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Many people are forgetful, and what they want to do one second is forgotten the next. Western medicine believes that forgetfulness is a problem of the brain, while Chinese medicine believes that it is a problem of the heart.

The mind dominates the gods, people's thoughts are in their hearts, and poor memory is due to a lack of qi, and the functions of the mind governing gods are differentiated.

Excessive fatigue, thinking, and staying up late will consume the heart energy, and the heart fire will drop every moment. Send the yang energy to the kidney, and the kidney water will not be cold; and the kidney water must also rise every moment to nourish the heart yin. , the heart fire will not be too prosperous.

Heart and kidney restrain each other, heart fire and kidney water blend with each other. If the heart and the kidneys are not connected, the mind will naturally be incapable of being bright.

Therefore, in the treatment of forgetfulness, traditional Chinese medicine generally starts from the heart and kidney.

Sun Simiao's "Qianjin Yaofang" records a good prescription for treating forgetfulness, called Kaixinsan, which consists of only four herbs: Polygala, ginseng, Poria, and calamus. Or grind into fine powder, or simmer in water.

What's so great about Fang Zi?

first flavor ginseng

Ginseng can nourish the five internal organs, soothe the spirit, calm the soul, stop fear and palpitation, remove evil spirits, improve eyesight, and be happy and intellectual. When you have enough energy, your memory can be improved.

Poria cocos

Poria has mild medicinal properties, dispels dampness and diureses water without hurting the spleen and stomach, and also has the effect of calming the heart and soothing the mind. If the heart orifice is fascinated by phlegm-dampness, the person will be drowsy, sleepy, and forgetful. Once the phlegm-dampness is removed, the heart orifices will open, and the spirit will recover.

The third flavor of Yuanzhi

Yuanzhi has the function of communicating with the heart and kidney, which can push the kidney water upward. There is such a story in Baopuzi. There was a man named Lingyang Zhongzi who had the ability to never forget. Every time he read a book, he could memorize the contents of the book word for word. Why is this guy so awesome? It turned out that he had a habit of drinking water with Polygala every day.

fourth flavor calamus

Acorus calamus is pungent and warm in nature and has a special fragrance. It has the functions of dispelling dampness and appetizing, relieving phlegm, and refreshing the mind. Chinese medicine believes that fragrance can open the orifices, and fragrant things can open the orifices that are closed.

The ancients believed that the calamus had masculine energy. Among the five internal organs, the heart was always beating, and the yang energy of the heart was also very sufficient, so the calamus could also enter the heart.

The combination of the four flavors can not only replenish the heart, enhance memory, but also make people feel happy.

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