If I had a basic income, I would want to keep changing the world


As an early and major advocate for Matters, it just doesn't make sense not to contribute an article to the campaign.

In fact, if I really get a basic income, it is estimated that my total income should be reduced, because I will be one of the people who need to contribute more income (because it is difficult to implement this system without raising taxes).

Will the current job change? Probably not, as the reason for my continued employment has nothing to do with income.

But I should be in a good mood (albeit with less income). Think that many people in this society do not need to be oppressed in order to survive, and have the opportunity to do what they want to do; think that human society may change a lot because of this, and become diverse and peaceful; imagine that your children have the opportunity to live in In this era, we live more freely, safely and happily. I hope this joy can be felt in my lifetime.

I will also take the time to pay attention to these changes, and I am willing to make efforts within my ability to maintain this system; I will continue to think about what changes can make the world a better place after that. Work hard to make these changes happen.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

寓森精神科醫師,喜歡思考與寫作,愛好騎單車;主要關注「自戀」與「無條件基本收入」的主題。目前沉浸在「拉康」中,正在關注 i 世代一題... 個人臉書專頁「納西斯花園」,個人網站 lincalvino.me 「自戀筆記」
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「自戀觀察室」1、關於 i 世代