It's been a month since I wrote the article

Yes, I've been writing articles for a month

I posted my first article on 7/10, and today, 8/9, is exactly one month, and it’s been a month since I wrote the article; I don’t know if this is worth celebrating, but it’s just a milestone.

This is the schematic diagram XD (Image source:

Why come to Matters

At first, I thought that there was no motivational reason to come to Matters, I just wanted to make money, and then I just found this platform, I felt that it was very easy to get started, and there was no high threshold, so I chose here. But I don't know if my choice was the right one. Maybe I choose a place like Fangzi, where the author and readers are clear, and I can make more money? Maybe it would be better to choose a platform full of advertisements like ruffian country?

I don't know much about these, but at least matters can make me earn money and allow me to create as much as I like. And no matter where it is written, the test is the author himself. Have the articles been written carefully? Have I socialized more with others? Have I studied more to enrich my articles?

Whoever perseveres to the end is the winner

I forgot which article it was before, it was mentioned in it that whoever persists to the end will be the winner . I don't know if it is, but in a way it is. If an author makes a lot of money the first month, but can't stick with it the second, that's still actually making less than someone who sticks around longer.

About traffic, revenue...

If you want to make money, you must find a way. After observing this month, I found that usually the categories of pictures and pictures and texts have relatively high traffic, but because I really can’t draw, I don’t consider it. Another thing I found is that as long as it is related to the matter platform, there will be more traffic. high traffic. I have written a few articles on this part

Then there is the social part. It is good to choose to participate in more community activities, or to leave messages, read articles, and clap your hands more. At the same time, I also found that it is better to discover more new articles and authors, because the existing audience will pay attention to you, but if you don’t pay attention to other authors, others will not take the initiative to read your articles. This is what I discovered recently, and I decided that I should make a plan to discover other authors every day. After all , sometimes, it's not that your article is bad, but no one knows .

I want to complain a little here. Since the tracking revision, I couldn't find the article of the person I followed, so I just wanted to say that I didn't follow someone before? Why haven't I seen his article for a long time?


The above is a little bit of my writing experience for a month. Originally, there seemed to be a lot that I wanted to share, but because I didn’t write it down, I forgot it, and that’s it. I have finished sharing my experience, anyway, I will continue to write when I wake up tomorrow ah ah ah!!!

This article was first published on Matters , and then synced to personal website , square grid , Potato Media
Personal Website: ZIOH Creation Space
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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:
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