"You have logged into Room N": The light that shines in the darkness, the largest online sex crime in South Korea's history is revealed!

This is how it started. Two college students, Huo Hexun, set up the theme of "illegal filming" because they wanted to participate in the news award. Unexpectedly, they stepped into the deep pit of room N after the investigation...

Reading this book "You Have Logged In to Room N" naturally stemmed from great curiosity about the incident in Room N. Therefore, when I saw the publication of this first-hand investigation book, the first reporter and first reporter of the so-called Room N, "Tracking Group Spark", I couldn't wait to buy it.

This is how it started. Two college students, Huo Hexun , set up the theme of "illegal filming" because they wanted to participate in the news award. Unexpectedly, they stepped into the deep pit of room N after the investigation...

When I heard the news from South Korea last year, I was very shocked, and many questions arose in my heart, so I read this book with two main questions:

  1. Why would anyone do such a thing?
  2. How can I prevent this from happening again?

To be honest, I still don't have an answer after reading it, and the process of watching it is not very comfortable at times. Just put a dialog box in the book and everyone should be able to understand what I mean:

High Talk Room Dialog Box (taken from "You have logged in to Room N")

The last time I felt this disgusting was probably when I watched "Fang Siqi's Paradise of First Love", right?

However, I still received something vaguely, so I still try to write down my feelings, hoping to let more people know and understand this incident. Next, I will briefly describe what room N is; then I will talk about how criminals can use technology to help achieve their goals; then I will share my thoughts on the issue of women in the book; finally, I will try to talk about how to avoid it. It happens again.

【Room N Incident】

The incident in Room N mainly used the chat room of the well-known communication software Telegram to link up the entire criminal network. The structure is like this, the main window is the so-called "high talk room", and there are several "extension rooms " below.

Event structure diagram of Room N (taken from "You have logged into Room N")

Room N will distribute photos or videos of so-called "slaves". The way to become a slave is roughly as follows:

Targeting victims → building trust satisfying desires isolating each other inducing sexual relationships threats, sexual exploitation

This kind of behavior is called "sexual abduction". By first gaining the victim's trust, and then grasping the other party step by step, and then taking the opportunity to shoot threats, using the victim's fear of the incident, the victim becomes a submissive "slave". , to shoot more frightening shadows and photos.

Announcement of Room 1 (as taken from "You have logged in to Room N")

If you want to know more about Room N, here is a video of Zhiqi Qiqi's event lazy bag for your reference.

[Zhiqi Qiqi] The "Nth Room" incident in South Korea may not be far away from us! How did such evil come about?

【Technology promotes crime? 】

The reason why these cybercrimes exist and are not easy to uncover and arrest is that these people use technology skillfully. Here are three symbiotic structures of technology and crime:

[1. Telegram]

Telegram's biggest selling point is to ensure the "security" of its users. This is indeed a good communication channel under totalitarian oppression, but such a protective umbrella also covers the users of Room N equally. It is mentioned in the book that even if you call the police, Telegram will not assist in the investigation and cannot issue a search warrant.

[2. Cryptocurrency]

In addition to chatting, when these N-room users have financial transactions, they will choose cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin . For example, a user nicknamed Dr. opened a paid chat room. If you want to join, you must buy an admission ticket of 100,000 to 1 million won (about 2,000 to 20,000 Taiwan dollars) with Monero .

The core value of cryptocurrencies is decentralization. But these people use this feature to make their money flow difficult to track down.

[3. Deepfake]

In addition to the situation that the candid photography will be a forced victim, some people will post photos of their girlfriends, friends or family members, teachers and other nude photos in Room N. This brings me to a more advanced synthesis mode: Deepfake . To be honest, I was amused when I first saw Deepfakes appear, until I saw this video on Ted:

Danielle Citron: How deepfakes undermine truth and threaten

The film mentions an Indian female journalist who was daring to expose a scandal, and her avatar was spliced into sex videos by opponents and spread, almost ruining her life.

It is not difficult to find from the above three examples that these crimes are the beneficiaries of technology. Of course, I'm not saying that technology is a breeding ground for crime. But these questions can be regarded as a reminder that understanding technology is indeed a double-edged sword, which can carry a boat or capsize it.

【As a woman】

In addition to the help of technology, I think the attitude of the whole society towards women may also be the driving force behind this incident. Here are some things I read in the book.

[The issue of gender equality]

The disadvantage of women is an old issue. However, since it will be mentioned all the time, it means that there is still room for improvement in the whole society.

In the book, Yun mentioned the so-called "things that only girls experience". For example, when she first entered university, she started learning how to dress up because she was told by her seniors that she looked "male-looking", but was later told by a better male classmate: "This is like a girl." like a girl". Another time, a girl walked into the classroom without makeup, but a male classmate said, "Why don't you go out without a face?"

Maybe because I studied science and technology and I'm in the technology industry, I don't seem to have encountered this situation. After all, it's normal for girls to wear makeup without makeup (you can't go into a clean room with makeup). But I think of a similar situation. In the past, there was a saying in the technology industry that "girls will fail when they climb on the machine", so the older generation would get angry when they saw female engineers climbing on and off the machine. But that is no longer the case.

Another interesting example is that when Huo said she was watching an American drama, she found that there were no honorifics in English, but the subtitles translated what the wife said to her husband into honorifics. Suddenly a little glad that Chinese does not have such a problem.

Some of the sexual harassment issues cited in the book also opened my eyes. Like Xuan mentioned that when her high school teacher praised her, she took the opportunity to knead the inside of her arm. Later, I heard that it was because the inside of the arm felt very similar to the chest... And when she was working part-time, she was also asked by the restaurant manager if she wanted to. Be " office wife ". Ironically, after she understood the meaning of the word, she tried to look up Office Husband but found no such usage.

From the above, it is not difficult to understand why Huo Yuxuan constantly mentions concerns about the condition of women in the book.


From the above context, it is not difficult to understand the importance of Huo Hexu always advocating "feminism". However, these four words are actually quite controversial in Taiwan, and even a little "stinky".

For example, the "feminist buffet" criticized by many people believes that women are under the banner of equality, but they are reluctant to back down when they see their own advantages. For example, men need to have a car and a house to get married, or they will never get tired of the AA system.

The AA system is not mentioned in the book, but a term I am very unfamiliar with: "break free from the corset" . At first glance, it was a bit confusing, but later I realized that it was a reaction to the need for women to dress up when going out, and I wanted to resist the phenomenon of "dressing labor".

What I find very interesting is that one of the ways for women to "break out of the corset" is to cut their hair short . Although it is not incomprehensible to think about it, the maintenance of long hair is indeed troublesome.

In order to have a "human appearance", women have to spend a certain amount of time and money every day to approach that basic value. On the contrary, men have already achieved "human appearance".
- "Breaking Out of the Corset: Imagination of Arrival"

However, there are also situations in the book that I think are more than that. Like Xuan mentioned that she once pretended to have no boyfriend because she wanted to create an image of an independent woman, deleted photos of her boyfriend in the community, and always kept a five-step distance on dates. Although she confessed in the book that she regretted looking back on that time, her boyfriend comforted her: "It's just a process of finding your true self." Holy light, this (laughs).

But through these female perspectives, I did see some aspects that were overlooked in the past. Earlier, in "Current Events ▕ "The Missing Valentine's Day" - On the Civic Responsibilities of Film Creation and Appreciation, I left a message saying that I am not sensitive to these issues. Whether watching "Sunshine", "Gone Valentine" or "Classmate Minas", I don't realize the male gaze problem. But maybe like the addict said, it's never too late to cultivate slowly.

From my one-sided understanding, Taiwan should be better than South Korea in terms of women's rights. Of course, there is still room for change. Maybe when both parties are more willing to understand each other's predicament, there will be no situations like "misogyny" and "extreme feminism"?

Put two related videos for your reference. May South Korea and Taiwan both become countries that are kinder to each gender.

Are Korean women low in social status? Why is the gender conflict in South Korea so serious? |Zhiqi Qiqi

Taiwanese Elegy: It's not Gao Fushuai, is it wrong? |The Story of Taiwanese Men

【So how to avoid it? 】

From the above discussion, we can see that modern technology and the weakness of women may be the reasons for these crimes. The book believes that online sex crimes can be eliminated through legal means, for example, by adding the following three bills:

  1. Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act
  2. Sexual Abduction Prevention Act
  3. Legalization of Internet Sexual Crime and Phishing

The first two items are not difficult to understand, and the legalization of online sex crime phishing means that the police can induce criminals by means of inducement, such as uploading an article titled "15-year-old girl wants to find a place to sleep". In addition, the book also constantly mentions the problem of insufficient sentencing of online sex crimes by the law, such as Sun Zhengyu's light sentence.

However, I have reservations about the effect of the law. Due to the rapid development of science and technology, many times the law may not keep up with the pace of the evolution of crime, and the increased sentencing always seems to be a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

I thought, would it be more effective to start with the whole social concept? As mentioned in the previous paragraph, if everyone can more empathize with the difficulties and situations faced by men and women, wouldn't such an environment be less likely to have the above perpetrators?

And if everyone can face up to these problems and have more empathy for victims, so that they will not worry about secondary harm, and are more willing to confess, will there be more dark sides that can be swept by the light?

The suffering of victims cannot be expressed in a simple sentence of sexual exploitation.
- Victim K in Room N

Of course, these may be too ideal, and I have not figured out how to do it in detail, so I can only continue to search. You are also welcome to give your opinions and discuss together!

[Postscript: Courage to act]

Finally, I want to talk about the more inspiring part (laughs).

I liked the essays of the two in the second part of the book, recording many private murmurs. From the encounter between the two, their growth experiences, their family situation, and the bitterness of their investigations, there is nothing to write about. At first glance trivial, but very thought-provoking.

From this, we can see that Huo and Hao are actually just like us, they will be afraid, confused, and vulnerable. For example, he was worried that he would be retaliated by showing his face; he was on the verge of collapse after repeatedly watching the movie in Room N, and then he had to receive psychological counseling;

But even though the process encountered such great difficulties, these two girls, who were even a few years younger than me, still did not stop, trying hard to turn those dark corners. And that spark can really start a prairie fire in the end. This is what touched me very much about this book!

As long as you go step by step and do your best to do the things in front of you, one day it will prove that what you are experiencing now is the best choice.
- "You have logged in to Room N"

I think even if we are all ordinary, we can still make different choices. If everyone can start from themselves and change a little bit around them, maybe the world can be very different, right?

I suddenly remembered a very burning sentence I forgot to see when I was re-exporting before: We can't become Mr. Saitama, but everyone can be an undocumented knight.

May everyone be able to bloom their own sparks and make our world more dazzling.

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