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Social clapping can lead to mass disappearance of good articles

Are there any problems with social clapping and automatic clapping programs?
This article is a more in-depth discussion of social clapping after the article Do not abuse like coin clapping.

Problems with social clapping?

Let’s break the question first, there is a problem with social clapping! And where is the problem? What’s wrong with socializing? The problem is the mechanism. Because of the free clapping mechanism, you can support others without paying, but if social clapping and automatic clapping programs are everywhere at this time, it means that everyone is allocated less and less money, although it seems that everyone can be allocated Money, but not every article is a good article.

Under such a situation of continuous dilution of profits, although everyone gets money, those who write more attentively and those who write more casually will receive money of the same value; The other book is written with heart, but they sell for the same price, and the two authors get the same profit, so who should write with heart?

There is a question here, that is, " Is it possible to write articles with heart for money? " Yes, of course, writing articles with heart can certainly be for money, and articles with more heart will of course make more money in theory (of course, publicity and marketing are not excluded.) ); So if you want to make more money, of course, you have to write more carefully, but when other authors who don’t pay so much attention get the same price, is it unfair to the authors who write with heart?

Of course, the mechanism itself is like this, so if you insist, it is a good thing that I use the automatic clapping program, which can bring me more profit, but because of this, the number of people who write articles with heart will probably be reduced a lot, and the rest will not ask for The author of the report is willing to write the article with heart.

This is not to say that it is wrong to write articles with less care, but to say that if you don't have so much time to spend on articles, that is, the quality is not good, of course, but you should not get the same profit from articles of better quality than you. ; This is not to say that it is a bad thing to write articles with your heart and no return, but there is nothing wrong with the purpose of money. Of course, the money you get should be consistent with your product.

social clapping

" Social clapping " has two possible purposes " social" and " money ".

Let’s talk about pure social interaction first. If the purpose of clapping is just to socialize, that is, to simply want to communicate and chat with others, is this a good thing? In fact, I don’t think it is common for clapping to be purely social. Think about it carefully. , If you want to socialize, you can use messages and join more groups to let others know you better. Compared with clapping hands, you can let others know you better. After all, it is for the purpose of socializing.

In terms of money, it is more common, such as automatic clapping programs. This type of "social networking" is entirely for the purpose of money. This situation is like what I said above. There is no problem in essence, because the mechanism is like this, but if it continues to spread like this, it will eventually lead to the disappearance of good articles.

in conclusion

There is nothing inherently wrong with social clapping, because this is the mechanism; but the original intention of this mechanism is not to be like this. While providing convenience, it has become a big loophole. If it persists, the result could be a mass disappearance of good articles. And the way to fill this loophole is nothing more than " mechanism change" ; or "everyone working together".


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