
A Shelter to keep my every moments for a record Released depressed & anxiety A long way to go, yet near yet far yet long #yinnstory 那三月綻放了誓言 在四月遺落了謊言 而五月我依然眷戀 陌上花開 可緩緩歸已 憂鬱和焦慮的滿溢 地心引力都反抗無力

Mood Diary⑪ ~ The concept of staying up in the middle of the night

don't sleep in the middle of the night

what kind of concept

sounds like insomnia

but not entirely

It can even be said that there is a 90% probability that it is not insomnia

don't sleep in the middle of the night

as the name implies

When it's time to go to bed, but don't sleep

Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night

Why don't you sleep when it's bedtime

Any idea why?

Do you know what kind of concept this is?

Because turn off the lights, lie down, close your eyes

The impact of darkness

The shock of tranquility

The impact of silence

Cerebellum Cerebellum Whole Brain Starts Thinking Rearrange

close your eyes dark world

deepened clear thinking

The label the world has put on you

The cynicism of this society towards you

Close your eyes to see what you hear

Others slandered and abused their mockery accusations

I am disappointed with my own pressure, disdain to criticize failure

last thought

do not sleep

keep yourself awake

been busy

Watching movies, watching videos, reading books

Does your brain not organize these thoughts on its own?

Do you not have these fantasies and hallucinations?

But people always have to rest and sleep

your words

What would you do?

my words

Keep yourself busy sitting in front of the computer

Until I fall asleep at the table

No deep sleep without dreams

so that I can rest

so that I can get a good night's sleep

Depressed anxiety or autonomic nervous disorder

Do you have the same problem

Or to put it another way

Are there people who can't sleep like this?

Are you suffering from depression, anxiety or autonomic nervous system disorder?

~ 30.08.2020

~ Day168 stay in Singapore

~ Today's song Today's song: Listening to nothing, can't hear any soothing music


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