
A Shelter to keep my every moments for a record Released depressed & anxiety A long way to go, yet near yet far yet long #yinnstory 那三月綻放了誓言 在四月遺落了謊言 而五月我依然眷戀 陌上花開 可緩緩歸已 憂鬱和焦慮的滿溢 地心引力都反抗無力

Mood Diary ⑨ ~ Unconsciously August is here

When the report is consolidated at the end of July

stumbled upon

Unexpectedly, August is here

How long have you been home?

5 months

From time to time, I will find foods similar to Malaysian tastes to satisfy my cravings

From time to time, I also buy some books, toys, etc. online, and send them to the rental office, although the shipping fee is very expensive

I feel that there are more and more things in the room that I don't go home and rent.

How have the past few months been?

What about the next few months?

Melancholy Depressed Helpless Disappointment at Work

You still have to live, you have to feed yourself

Who makes me want to die but so afraid of death?

How long has it been since I wrote anything?

Suddenly I thought of whether I should spur myself to write one or two articles a week at least

Because this way you can throw away your mood at any time without being bored all the time.

Is this better?

In fact, it seems that it is just to satisfy the desire to write something?

Or to clear the photo area in the phone?

It's the second weekend of August

recent frequent activities

They all eat and drink tea with my brother and cousin.

Looks busy and tired

But it's just eating and drinking tea and it seems like nothing

It doesn't look like there's any activity

But I heard a lot of stories including gossip and philosophy of life

Whether it is useful or not, whether you can use it or not, listen first

It seems like it took me a long time to finish writing this mood diary

Recently I have been immersed in YouTube videos and looking for some information on the Internet

Recently I have been looking at blogs, Eslite Taobao and some online courses

But better late than never?

At least record your mood

Maybe it's the only thing I can do now

Maybe it's nothing to look back on later

~ 07.08.2020

~ Day144 stay in Singapore

~ Today's song Today's song: TGOP this group of people • Do it to die & ten years of me (recent infinite loop, have the opportunity to introduce and share)

Occasionally there will be such blue sky and white clouds on the way to the factory, it looks very healing
A cup of Dino Milo Brown Sugar Pearl Fresh Milk I've been wanting to drink for a long time, the result is very ordinary


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