
A Shelter to keep my every moments for a record Released depressed & anxiety A long way to go, yet near yet far yet long #yinnstory 那三月綻放了誓言 在四月遺落了謊言 而五月我依然眷戀 陌上花開 可緩緩歸已 憂鬱和焦慮的滿溢 地心引力都反抗無力

Movie Diary① ~ Later Us

Movement Control Day 3

Finally watched the movie I've always wanted to see on Netflix

Later Us and Them

happiness is not a story

misfortune is

Then I don't want what happened to us

if not if

Then we have everything

but without us

Xiaoxiao: Did you love me?

Jian Qing: Have you ever cheated on me?

Xiaoxiao: I have always loved you

There are two such deep feelings

throbbing and urge

Stopped by a sudden accident

They also told them that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't go back.

The movie isn't too provocative

Maybe I have high expectations

I'm not impressed, not because I don't understand

The only thing that made me cry

It's not that Ye Jianqing and Fang Xiaoxiao missed it

It's the miss that Ye Jianqing's father understands

Not from Ye Jianqing and Fang Xiaoxiao to understand each other

Instead, I understood that understanding from Ye Jianqing's father.

If only we could have been less stubborn

Not so sorry now

my biggest regret

It's your regret that is related to me

Too bad we didn't wait for us

I only hope that you will be happy in the future

That's what I want the most

In the end we became friends who have been in love for a long time

After watching the movie, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten what it was like to like someone

Today's song Today's song: Eason Chan • Us


Picture taken from Rene Liu Facebook
Picture taken from Rene Liu Facebook
Picture taken from Rene Liu Facebook


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