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The Three Lies of the Same Luck (1)

A group makes some or some demands entirely by rights. No matter how selfish and ridiculous these demands may seem to you, you should still show them the respect they deserve. Based on this, although I disagree with most of the demands of the movement, I still respect the movement itself. But the problem is that, perhaps because there is no complete and convincing argument, or because it is more important than emotional contagion, the propaganda of the same movement is often accompanied by a lot of lies. These highly contagious propaganda of lies easily attracted some people who did not know much about the issue and gained widespread sympathy in public opinion. Perhaps some radical leftists believe that in order to achieve a "right end" some controversial means can be used. But to me, who did not agree with its demands, such a continuous deception is unacceptable. As the opposite party, it is my duty to expose these lies to the public, who will make their own judgments after obtaining as much information and opinions as possible. In consideration of space, this article only exposes three very representative and enduring lies.

1 Homosexuality is born

Researchers have made many hypotheses and experiments about the causes of homosexuality, but so far no conclusive evidence has emerged. Around the 1990s, some researchers claimed that their studies had proven that homosexuality was biological or genetic. One of the most representative and the most attention is the study of brain structure, twin studies and the search for homosexuality genes.

Simon Le Vay conducted autopsies and compared the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals to the conclusion that the brain tissue INAH 3 of heterosexual men was more than twice as large as that of heterosexual women, and it was also more than twice as large as that of gay men. This finding shows that INAH varies by sexual orientation [that is, the brain structure of homosexuals and heterosexuals is significantly different], at least in men; it can be seen that there is a biological basis for sexual orientation. (1)

But le vay's research has received considerable criticism. For example, its methodological error - the control group is not reliable. Heterosexual cadavers used as controls were not determined to be heterosexual. The 19 homosexual corpses were all killed by AIDS, and 6 of the 16 corpses assumed to be heterosexuals died of AIDS (a rate far higher than the heterosexual average), adding to this suspicion. In addition, 3 of the heterosexual corpses had smaller brain tissue than the median homosexual corpse. And three of the homosexual corpses were larger than the median of heterosexual corpses. le vay himself admits that there are exceptions in the sample. William Byne and Bruce Parsons published in Archives of General Psychiatry that the size of INAH3 "is most likely due to infection by a human immune system dysregulation virus" and concluded that "

Le Vay's study made several technical errors, such as inconsistent brain tissue sampling methods, incomplete sex records of the subjects, and a too small sample size. "

Bailey and Pillard published in the Archives of General Psychiatry that the incidence of homozygosity is higher in identical twins "Among relatives whose sexual orientation can be determined, the incidence of homosexuality in identical twins: 52% (out of 56 pairs) 29 pairs = 52%) Fraternal twins with homosexuality: 22% (12 of 54 pairs = 22%) Non-twin siblings with homosexuality: 9% (13 of 142 pairs) = 9%) homosexuality of adopted siblings: 11% (6 of 57 = 11%).” (2) This study also has methodological problems. The authors acknowledge that "the sampling method in this study has its shortcomings and falls short of the ideal standard for systematic sampling from a well-classified population for genetic epidemiological studies."

Faced with the question of sampling, after this trial, Bailey, Dunne and Martin conducted another study of identical twins using data from Australia's "Twin Register", reducing the problem of previous sample bias. The results of the study were published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2003. If this experiment adopts the same algorithm as the previous experiment, the incidence rate of identical twin brothers is 3/27, and that of identical twin sisters is 3/22, which is far less than 29/56 and 34/71. Finally, Bailey admitted that "the results of this study found that there is no data to prove that homosexuality is mainly caused by genetics." Overturned the previous research.

Hamer's research caused a stir in 1993. The media has reported that scientists have found the homosexual gene. But hammer himself never said such a thing, he just said cautiously "We have evidence that one of the forms of homosexuality is likely to be inherited from the maternal line, and the related gene is located in the chromosomal region Xq28 ... It seems that Xq28 leads to homosexuality. Orientation gene passages.” (3) This study has attracted a lot of criticism since it was published. Baron "Other studies are enough to make us wary. For example, it is said that another behavior, manic-depressive disorder, is also related to the X chromosome gene. At the beginning of the theory, it was said that it was proved that people with this disorder have X chromosome passages. The same pattern, the location is in the Xq27-28 region. The data of some studies are even stronger than the study of Hamer et al. In addition, the related studies on twins and adopted children, the evidence of the "manic gene" obtained is far more than Hamer's of homosexuality studies strong. Unfortunately, other researchers have not been able to reproduce these gene-mapping findings, and even extensive re-analyses using data from the original study have reduced support for this hypothesis. It can be seen that there are uncertain factors for gene mapping research to explain complex behavioral characteristics. (4) George Rice "Evidence for the location of the X chromosome has been questioned both at the theoretical and experimental level (8, 9). Most scholars agree that gay orientation is not simply inherited as Mendelian traits, and such genes are bound to face strong elimination pressure. Hamer used a sample of several families that passed on the X chromosome to identify a gene near the Xq28 segment as a homosexual gene, but this could make a Type 1 error (false positive). In addition, the gene mapping reports of many complex behavioral characteristics are difficult to reproduce, and we really need to consider it carefully. "(5) The most fatal blow to the hammer research is that the results cannot be reproduced. In 1999, rice tried to reproduce the hammer results but was unsuccessful." The researchers took 52 pairs of gay brothers in Canada as samples and tried to find common genes in paragraph Xq28 . The researchers analyzed the four genes in this paragraph... However, the found common genes and haplotype genes did not increase as expected. The results do not support the theory that homosexuality is derived from a gene on the X chromosome. "

To sum up, researchers have made many hypotheses for the causes of homosexuality and designed quite a few experiments for them. But unfortunately, no single experiment can reach conclusive conclusions. Therefore, the best answer to the cause of homosexuality is "there is no evidence that homosexuality is born or acquired". This is also the case of Lawrence S. Mayer, professor of biostatistics at Arizona State University, and Paul R. McHugh, former chief of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Conclusions after reviewing the considerable literature on homosexuality research. However, many activists refuse to face scientific conclusions, and insist that homosexuality is born without any evidence, which can only make people suspect that they are doing lies and propaganda.

1Simon LeVay, "A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Men", Science, 253: 1034 [August 1991])

2J. Michael Bailey and Richard C. Pillard, "A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation", Archives of General Psychiatry, 48 (December 1991): 1089, 1094

3Hamer, et al., “A Linkage Between DNA Markers on the X Chromosome and Male Sexual Orientation”

4Miron Baron, "Genetic linkage and male homosexual orientation", BMJ, 307: 338 [7 August 1993]

5George Rice, Carol Anderson, Neil Risch, and George Ebers, "Male Homosexuality: Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite Markers at Xq28", Science, 284: 666 [April 1999]


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