
高敏感、內向、多愁善感的貓。 慢熱慢熟、又愛自言自語的貓。 寫作風格平平淡淡、寫作體裁不限,只要有興趣和靈感都想嘗試看看。 喜歡彈琴、聽古典音樂,和任何好聽的音樂,很隨興但不隨便的貓。 IG:han8.16

【Matters】A guide to following dramas: Japanese anime "Cosmic Brothers"

Plot introduction + thoughts and feelings = long text, please take your time.

Write in front:

This animation was released in 2012 by China Television, the old three TV stations in Taiwan (TV, China Television, and China Television's wireless TV stations, collectively referred to as the old three), I forgot the time and date of the release; I just remember that at that time, it was boring to watch. TV, when I was turning the channel, I suddenly saw an animation about space, I was surprised!

Because it was the first time I saw Japanese animation with space as the theme, and the style of painting was different from the exquisite and gorgeous style of popular animations. It was realistic and simple, and I had an inexplicable love for space; so I couldn't help but put it down. With the remote control in his hand, he stared intently at the screen to see the end of the ending song. Later, I couldn't watch it on TV on time, so I didn't watch it all at that time, but only saw that the male protagonist had finished the assessment training in Japan's JAXA.

His animation has a total of 99 episodes, each of which is about twenty minutes (including the opening and ending), neither long nor short; and the manga is still being serialized, but I didn't look for the manga to read it, this one The main thing is to write the experience of animation, I will divide it into three parts to write my experience, there may be thunderstorms, please take it carefully (laughs).

Before writing the text, I want to ask you four questions, so that when you read the text, you can think by the way and be flexible with your brain (laughs). There is no right or wrong answer. Everyone has their own unique opinions. You are also welcome to leave a message at the bottom of the article and chat with me about your thoughts. Thank you.

1. Why do humans go to space?

2. For life and space, do you have the awareness to be mortal?

3. What are the most important conditions for teamwork for you?

4. If one day, you are hit by an uncontrollable accident in your life, will you still stick to your dream? Or will you turn around and run away?

A small model of an astronaut.

★Crisis is also a turning point: assessment training in Japan JAXA

From the very beginning of the story, it shows that our male protagonist, Mr. Nanbo Liutai, was born on a very unfortunate day, how unfortunate it was, on October 28, 1993, during the World Cup football qualifying match, The "Doha Tragedy" happened in Japan, and our hero was born on that day (laughs); I think the author might be watching a football match that day when he came up with the inspiration for this comic. In short, deliberately using this event to render the fate of our curly-haired male protagonist was challenging at the beginning, and it was really challenging later on.

The time comes to 2026, Nanbo Sixth University has become an uncle, but his "headbutt" boss has lost his job; and his younger brother Nanbo Riren (his chestnut head is super cute) is going to fly to the moon and complete the two brothers' childhood. Agreement in 2006.

Here's a digression. Do you still remember NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the "Apollo Program" from 1961 to 1972? Although I was not born at that time; I have heard the elders mention this historic moon landing plan, and the textbook also mentioned the story of the "Apollo 11" moon landing. I remember when I was young, I was moved to cry when I saw this story, especially when I saw it. When the picture of Armstrong's footprints in the textbook was taken with the moon landing dinghy. When I got home, I kept asking my dad about the moon landing on TV at the time. He actually said back to me, "It's just that humans have landed on the moon, what's so good about it." Although my father didn't like it, I still love space. When I was in elementary school, I was full of curiosity and excitement about space. I remember looking up at the stars and the moon every night, and going to the library to find books on space and astronomy to borrow home.

Later, after NASA successfully landed on the moon and returned to Earth in 1972, "Apollo 17", the United States ended the last manned lunar landing program. If you are interested in the "Apollo Project" documentary, you can click here to watch it.

Although the cartoon is set in 2026 when NASA restarts the second human lunar landing plan, I later checked the relevant knowledge on the Internet, and NASA seems to be planning to return humans to the moon in 2024 (maybe due to the epidemic. Change or delay Right); and this project is called "Project Artemis". Everyone should know about Greek mythology. I found that NASA likes to name everything related to space with the name of Greek mythology, even space movies. So is it.

I was thinking about this one time while I was in the shower, why are space capsules, re-entry capsules, and even space missions named after Greek mythological gods or constellations? Later, I suddenly remembered that the high school history teacher said: " Greece is the origin of Western civilization, and it is very important! " Yes, even when I read the history of Western literature in college, the first article was about the introduction of the three major Greek tragedies, and also mentioned "The Netherlands". Important works such as the Epic of Horses, the Iliad, and the Greek Mythology, yes, the Greek Mythology, and there was still an exam at that time.

Therefore, it is related to the stars. Even the eight planets refer to Greek mythology and are related to the origin of the entire Western civilization. When I think of such a connection to space, I am suddenly moved. I admire the wisdom of our ancestors and insist on the goal of exploring space, so that future generations can follow it. Walking in the footsteps of our ancestors, there is a feeling of standing "on the shoulders of giants"; so it reminds me of a passage of Confucius in the Analects of Confucius: "For example, if a mountain is not formed, it will stop, and I will stop. On the flat ground, even if it is covered by a pile, go in and I will go.”

Going back to the topic, when my brother's sixth wife watched my younger brother follow the dream that the two of them promised to "go to space and go to the moon together" when they were young, it has now come true; Anxiety and a sense of melancholy, make me feel very sad. I don't know if you have, when you were young, you made an agreement with someone to achieve a certain dream or goal together; but when you grew up, you found the cruelty of reality and gave up the original agreement.

In short, the crisis is a turning point. The unemployed Liu Tai received an interview invitation because his younger brother secretly sent his resume to JAXA ( J apan A erospace E x ploration Agency, Japan's aerospace research and development agency); suddenly realized My long-forgotten space dream, and my brother's promise on the mountain; every time I see this, I really envy the brotherhood of the two brothers, so close and support each other; not one is particularly weak, but Look down on him, or say some sour words to damage the other party's self-confidence, but try to support the other party. It is no wonder that Liu Tai will pay special attention to the mood and thoughts of his teammates during team training.

Having said that, Liu Tai has gone through a series of JAXA's five levels and six generals (to use the words in the play, sometimes luck is also a kind of strength ), and finally came to the final assessment, which is a seven-day secret room laboratory with five people as a group. I think this part is the most exciting part of the animation. There are many interesting tests and some team spirit, so I won't go into details. But the "two-dimensional ants" and "green card incident" are the ones that I feel the most deeply. We often look at things we don’t understand with a prejudiced eye, and even have a prejudice of contempt, even I myself fall into such an attitude; All these people, the more we explain, the more we will have a deeper prejudice against him; then what should we do?

If I encountered such a situation before, I would choose to be too lazy to explain and let time explain all the negative behaviors, because I felt that the person who had a prejudice against me in the first place, no matter how much time they took to explain, the other party would definitely not listen, so I I don't want to spend my time on this matter and let time explain it; but later I found out that after a long time, although the other party understands, but the previous intersection has disappeared, the personnel has changed, and there is no chance to communicate with the other party.
I think this anime does a good job of saying this, you can go and see the plot about this part.

In short, as the protagonist Liu Tai, he will definitely pass the assessment. Even if he fails, he will definitely pass in some way (because the story is to pass, otherwise what will happen later).

Regarding the issue of teamwork, this animation also specially described it. After all, in a team, it is not just about cooperation. There are often problems with running-in and competition. How to deal with them without hurting the peace , In fact, it requires a lot of wisdom.

Serious failure is worth it: training at ASCAN in Houston, USA

After passing the assessment and training in Japan's JAXA, Liu Tai, of course, came to NASA in Houston, USA with people from other countries to continue a series of two-year training to pass five levels and six generals before becoming an official astronaut ( In the animation, it took Liu Tai a year and a half to pass and become official astronauts), before they became official astronauts, they were called ASCAN (AStronaut CANdidate , space supplementary personnel).

Seeing this, I really feel that being an astronaut is a very hard thing. Not only is the body and mind healthy, but also the knowledge, experience and emotional intelligence are very good; I also need to learn the operation of various aircraft and machinery; there are other professional Weightless training, etc., the psychological quality and on-the-spot reaction must be very high, otherwise, there are many people who can't bear such torment and retreat.

I was very moved when I watched a few scenes. Among the six-member team of Liu Tai, one of them, a man named Nitta, also from a Japanese partner, lost his mobile phone accidentally during the training mission. Said the important phone was missing (because he was waiting for an important call); but they were competing with other teams for the rankings, and if they fell behind, it would affect the distribution of subsequent missions, and may not be able to go to space for life.

Everyone watching the article, if you were the captain, how would you deal with it? Want to go back and find your phone? Or continue to complete the task and ignore Xintian? This question is left for everyone to think about.

In short, I like the way Liu Tai handles in the animation. This kind of plot reminds me of what will happen in reality, "the test between human nature and reality", usually everyone will sacrifice personal interests for the team mission. People usually don’t care how the mood of the sacrificed person will change, as long as the team wins and achieves the goal; after all, no one will affect the operation of the entire team because of the problems of a few people, just like a company , the boss won't care if your employees are in a good mood today, or what happens at home, as long as you don't interfere with the operation of the entire team; if it really interferes, he will kick you out and let you go home and eat yourself. The superiors will not worry that you worked for the company more and made more money for the company. As long as you have a flaw, the superiors think that you are obstructing the plan, and they will drive you away or lower your position. At the end of this animation (also the third part I'm about to talk about later), the episodes that are about to end have covered this part. It's a very realistic and cruel part, which made me feel very down.

All in all, Liutai and his team are very united and harmonious. In the last part, I would like to mention a point, " It is worthwhile to fail seriously! " is what Liutai said (the protagonists of Japanese animation are really good When I say that kind of encouraging words, I am often moved to tears), failure is not shameful, but you must fail seriously, learn from it, correct it, and slowly move forward on the road to success! ! Although it is a commonplace, people are always forgetful. Otherwise, why is history always covered in blood, constantly fighting and killing each other for the sake of profit?

★Hold on with the invisible: task distribution and inner pain

I think this part is a bit heavy, although there is a happy part, but a lot of times, it describes the feeling of when people achieve their goals and dreams, and suddenly an accident disrupts all good things and falls from heaven to hell.

When I read this part, many emotions made my eyes red, and I also had the previous two parts, but many of them were moved to tears; this part, on the contrary, was caused by sorrow and sigh.

I think the most insignificant thing about human beings is: after all, we are flesh and blood, and we must go through the process of birth, aging, sickness and death, perhaps because we feel that life is limited; human beings yearn for the seemingly endless vast universe.

Liu Tai, who managed to stick to the step of becoming an official astronaut, was assigned the mission, but an irreversible thing happened to the person who was closest and trusted around him. Dr. Sharon Astronomy, who took care of the Nanbo brothers like a mother since childhood, got ALS ( Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, commonly known as "ALS", everyone should know that the world's great theoretical physicist, Dr. Stephen Hawking, had it too, and he got it at a very young age.

When I got this symptom, there is no way to cure it with current medicine, and I can only slowly die after the failure of various organs. I knew this symptom when I read a book "The Last Fourteen Lessons on Tuesday" in high school. Afterwards, my heart was extremely heavy, as if I was sinking in the deep sea, I couldn't see the melancholy of the sun, and I felt like I was shrouded in dark clouds for several days. When I was watching this part, I felt the same way, thinking about how my life suddenly became like this Symptoms, but the goals and dreams I want to achieve have not been achieved, why does such a thing happen? (Such gloomy thoughts once appeared when I was hospitalized)

Then Liu Tai's younger brother, because of an accident on the moon, although he returned to Earth safely, he has suffered from panic disorder (PD) since then, and may never be able to go to space again. When I saw this, I thought of my younger brother, who also suffered from panic disorder. When he first got sick, he used to frighten our whole family. Fortunately, I took medicine to control it in the past few years, and I haven't been sick for a long time.

To be honest, animation always draws the ideal side, but the reality is very hard, not only the pain of the sick person, but also a great psychological torment as a family member who has been together for a long time, the kind of patience and tolerance It's not easy. Sometimes, I want to say, why can't you be stronger? Do you know that we are worried about insomnia because of you? The personal pressure and the pressure you bring, as well as the pressure from my parents on my eldest sister, the multilateral pressure once affected my emotions, and I almost collapsed to the point of arguing with my younger brother, but fortunately I have Stop the bad temper like that, hold back, and express your emotions in other places.

So I saw Liu Tai and other astronauts act for the day and save the day, so that he could overcome his panic attacks and prove once again that he could go to space. To be honest, at that moment, I was really happy. move!

I don't have the wisdom and ability to be the eldest son in the family like Liu Tai in the animation. My relationship with my brother is often not good. It can even be said to be a cold war and a relationship with strangers. Seeing and prejudice, coupled with the relationship between my parents who loved him more when I was a child, made me often jealous, but the suppressed emotions that I can't say accumulate. I don't know about my brother's dream at all, I only know that he can do web design and other things. For something that seems boring to me, he can sit in front of the computer until the middle of the night, just to come up with a pattern, maybe I'm really a disqualified older sister. I only care about my dreams and the goals I want, but I ignore getting along with my brother.

at last:

This poem was written on July 6, 2021. At that time, I hadn't rewatched the animation, but I just suddenly remembered this Greek myth.

Orion is the English name of the constellation Orion; in this animation, the spacecraft that the Japanese people went to the moon at that time was called "Orion", and I checked the Internet and NASA plans to return to the moon in 2024. In the painting, this spaceship is also used. And Artemis is the goddess of the moon and the hunt. She used to like Orion. She also mentioned NASA's "Project Artemis". All I can say is, it's all too coincidental, I'm writing this song Before the poem, I had no idea about the Orion spacecraft and Project Artemis. By the way, when I was rewatching this animation, I started watching it in mid-July; at that time, there was a sudden update in the ISS (International Space Station, International Space Station) Facebook fan professional, which surprised me a bit, it was a celebration The 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon was on July 20. At that time, the whole thing was a coincidence. July was the month when I had a relationship with space (although I was born in August)

Last but not least: Don’t forget the four questions I raised before the main text. Friends who have ideas, you can leave a message and tell me about it. Thank you for reading the long article. I wish everyone good health and safety in the seventh month of the lunar calendar. hapiness:)

References: Wikipedia, Science and Technology News

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