

Actor Kim Min-hee in the perspective of two Korean male directors

The old saying: Realm is better than skill

I re-watched "Miss" two days ago. The reason is that I watched the production footage on the Internet, and I was really attentive. The producer first went to Kobe to investigate the scene, and found that the cherry blossoms would not bloom in the available months from June to August, so they wrapped a layer of bark on the basis of the original tree, made fake cherry blossoms, and used cg for the panorama. After carefully watching "Miss", it is not difficult to find that his camera language uses a lot of tracks, the requirements for the actors' movement are very strict, and the proportion of confined space is large, which means that the original shooting space is also very small. , you need to do the dojo in the snail shell. All this precise and smooth feeling requires practice behind the scenes again and again. The sound of the movie is also very important. In addition to the breathing of the characters in the radio, the background music is also very delicate and just right. After seeing the team behind the scenes, it was recorded by the Berlin Orchestra, no wonder.

The Handmaiden 201

The first time I saw this movie was in college. At that time, I felt that the texture was good, and Jin Min liked beauty, so it was over. After all, same-sex love, feminist themes are not scarce. When I watched it again yesterday, I felt a strange discord. After the experience of feeling and the thinking of the mind, the following conclusions have been reached. The core of the film's story is not the rise of women, defying the patriarchal society (the flight of the young lady and the maid), but the satisfaction of the desire for prying eyes from a male perspective. While the story does appear to be about two women escaping on the surface, this supposedly difficult escape is made fairly easy by the handling of the storyline and is placed in the functional position of the story, i.e. when drawing an able-bodied person , draw ta's feet, no feet are not established, but the feet do not reflect any character about the character.

Second, same-sex love is not portrayed as three-dimensionally mature. If it is said that the maid has admiration for the young lady, it can be understood as the maid pity the young lady and give birth to love. But why did the lady fall in love with the maid? Could it be her rebellious spirit? This is also not reflected and established in the story, because all she does as a maid is to serve her master respectfully. So the only thing that connects the two is sensual sex. But the pleasure of sex is a dissipated emotion. Some people may argue that some relationships are connected by physical desires that are hard to let go, which is deeper than the emotional impact of spiritual Plato. But with all due respect, this feeling is less common among lesbians, when compared to gays and heterosexuals (i.e. relationships involving men). It can be speculated that Park Chan-wook, as a man, understands lesbian intimacy from his point of view, and this is limited by his own experience and perspective. And he put most of his pen and ink on the bed scene of the two. Whether it’s the young lady in the basement reading erotic stories to a group of men in suits and leather shoes, or the various positions on the bed with the maid, all these are shot and constructed to satisfy the director’s desire for prying and erotic imagination as a man. The story feels strange because it clashes between the core of his ostensible advocacy (women's escape from patriarchy) and his narrative angle .

Let's take another look at "On the Beach Alone at Night", directed by Hong Sang-soo and Kim Min-hee won the Berlin Silver Bear. A film that explores love, cheating, extramarital affairs, and loneliness. There is no sex scene, but it makes people realize a lot more about love. Jin Minxi yelled at the couple who met at the wine table: "How many people regard love as a game, do they know how to love? Are they qualified to be loved?" Finally, a quarter of the director recited Whiteman at the wine table. One of the poems of , to the effect, is about loneliness, and life (you think of Whiteman's poetry, the style of American naturalism) is a response to love. In the end, Jin Minxi lay down on the beach in winter, leaving her back. This is a movie with a lover's filter, so I took out the gold and took out the dull beauty. After reading it, I just feel that love seems to be an attempt to get rid of the loneliness coat. If you meet a soul who can fall in love with each other, it is like suddenly swimming together in the cold sea. Familiar souls you seem to have met many times before. The existence of ta is a meaning. Touch each other a little, and still have to spend the days of loneliness, because that is the bottom color of every soul.

On the beach at night alone (2017)

The shooting method of "Alone" is quite simple. The conversation between two people, drinking, walking on the beach, the mirror shift is obvious, and the zoom in and out are rougher than the vlog on youtube. But in this simple confession, you experience emotional sincerity and loneliness as a person. Compared with "Miss", this is already a different state of existence.

This makes me think that as a director or an artist, skill is important, but for a work and the author's self-expression, what is more important is the angle and depth of your discussion. This is not something that can be changed by making a few more movies. It is related to personal cultivation experience. If you do not have this understanding of loneliness and love, you will not be able to make such works.


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