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Bay Area Cultural Salon x Seven Points Books and Shadows|Living Room Salon: Economy and Game in the Web3 Content Ecosystem

Bay Area Cultural Salon x 7:00 Books and Videos Saturday, September 10th, 6-8pm (Western Time Zone), Matters Lab's second cultural salon in the United States will be held this time. Project founding team: Zhang Jieping, Kevin Zhang and Liu Guo will share their thoughts and experiences in the Web3 industry. The event is held physically and there will be article records.
Matters Lab is about to host its second cultural salon in the United States Matters Lab is about to host its second cultural salon in the United States


The value of the Internet is condensed in rich and cheap content, but it has made the traditional content ecology step by step, making it difficult for high-quality content to survive. Web3 makes up for the lack of financial channels on the Internet and makes new organizational forms possible. Can new economic models and new organizational forms produce new ways for good content to survive? In the 40 years of the Internet, many new media business models have emerged, forming stable roles and games, but also facing different problems. Thirteen years after the emergence of the blockchain, a large number of projects have tried new economic models one after another.

What can we learn from these experiences and what possibilities do we see?

This event will discuss the games and interests existing in the content industry, and discuss the design of cutting-edge financial flow models and potential application scenarios.


@Bay Area Cultural Salon|

Activity time

September 10th (Saturday) 6pm-8pm Western Time

Event Location

Menlo Park, CA (The space for this event is limited, please register through eventbrite , we will notify the specific address by email)


  • @张杰平: Reporter, editor, entrepreneur, founder of Matters Lab, editor-in-chief and co-founder of Front-end Media
  • Kevin Zhang: Full stack developer, entrepreneur, founder of @TEAProject
  • @刘国| Guo Liu: Developer, amateur photographer, co-founder of Matters Lab


Afra Wang: Mask Network Head of Operation, Host of bilingual podcast @Web3 Revolution

Introduction of the organizer

The Bay Area Cultural Salon is a forum for interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and public discussion. Relying on lectures and round-table dialogues and other activities as the carrier, the salon aims to provide a platform for rational dialogue and connection establishment for Chinese in North America, and jointly build a high-quality public cultural life. Welcome to subscribe to our mailinglist:

Seven Points Book Shadow is a cultural community charity organization based in the Bay Area. We believe that no matter when and where, people have the need to be cared for by literature and art, so we are committed to building a community for friends who love literature and art. By sharing a book, watching a movie, or strolling through an exhibition, we meet interesting people and push the boundaries of our minds.


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