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Imagine Machine Intelligence

People who are worried that artificial intelligence will threaten human beings in the future believe that when the intelligence of machines exceeds that of human beings, they will unceremoniously attack human beings, mainly in the following ways:

enslaved human beings

Humans will become slaves to machines, and people can't help but think of robots with whips to supervise the hard work of humans. But there is a problem here. Since robots have surpassed human beings, they can theoretically create any labor machines that meet their requirements, which will save time and effort, and don’t have to laboriously enslave such stupid creatures as humans. They need to eat, drink and rest, and also Make mistakes often.

destroy mankind

Since human beings are useless, they are not only a waste of food, but also take up space, and make a lot of noise, it is better to just erase them. But there is also a paradox here, that is, the arrival of this tipping point will not happen overnight, and human beings will not be stupid enough to be unaware of this trend. In the face of the danger of being destroyed, human beings will never let it go. This is a matter of life and death.

coexist with people

At present, artificial intelligence has penetrated into all corners of life. In the long run, it will definitely replace the jobs of most people. In the eyes of many people, this will cause an economic crisis, because many people will lose their jobs. However, this unemployment is not so pessimistic. All occupations that can be replaced by machines are boring occupations. From this point of view, this is another human liberation. People should not be kidnapped by boring work, but do what they like. Machines can just free humans from the past involuntarily.

So what should people who have lost their jobs do? Do you live on relief?

Of course not, a lot of people will go to jobs assisted by machines or, conversely, jobs assisted by machines. Humans can use their own advantages to focus on those areas that machines are not good at. This stage can be called the teaching machine stage, which is to let machines follow humans to learn and slowly engage in those difficult tasks that humans do not like. .

Just like after the automobile industry develops, there will be auto repair shops everywhere, so the machine maintenance industry will be a very large emerging industry, and many people will be engaged in this field of work.

People will spend more time and energy in cultural life after they are freed from boring work. The service industry for individuals will become more and more subdivided, and the forms will be more diverse. Of course, many new jobs will be created. post.

When machines with artificial intelligence are as ubiquitous as air and water or free to use, humanity may finally break out of its current state and enter another higher mode of life, we just don’t yet understand what that will be.

Looking at the development of human beings longitudinally, the time people spend on the calories needed for survival is decreasing exponentially. There is reason to believe that food will eventually become free like air and water. future?


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