
喜歡奇幻冒險~謝謝每個人的走過、路過、看過~ 想發什麼就發什麼,把這裡當成紓壓的小天地。 最近不常用象特市哦~

Ghost Moon Let the Horse Come Over│A Collection of Short Stories from the Hospital

A little bit of a little story about what happened in the hospital.
Dada: (peeking)

I have a friend who is a nurse, and when we chat, he often shares some big and small things about the hospital with me,
She told me, "There are so many ghost stories in the hospital!" But I found out after typing this...
Isn't that a lot!
Because I have been reading some articles of citizens, and the witch L is in the UK
There are some similarities, that is really a coincidence!


Many first-year nursing students are required to live in the dormitory, and the dormitory is several decades old. You can't blow your hair in the room, and the electricity will trip, so students will go to the corridor next to the toilet to blow their hair. On holidays, students who live close to home will go home. Xiaoqian's family lives far away from the school, so Xiaoqian is left alone in the dormitory. Students usually go to bed late. Today, she took a shower in the middle of the night and dried her hair. Although the corridor is a public area, students are also responsible for cleaning. There are no students and no one to clean it during the holidays. There is a pile of hair in the corridor. After blowing her hair, Xiaoqian was about to go back to her room and found that her back was cold, so she turned her head. At first glance, there was a lot of hair on the floor. She continued to walk forward, and the uncomfortable feeling reappeared. She turned her head and found that it was the hair again. She felt that the large group of hair was following her. Xiao Qian was very frightened. don't go back to bed...
When she woke up the next day, she found the clump of hair beside her bed.
Later, when Xiaoqian arrived on holidays, he would sleep with people in other rooms.

hospital bed

In the hospital, most of the beds have passed away. After the corpse care is completed, the beds are only turned over to be used by the next patient. There was a period of time, and one of the beds was "broken" within two weeks. Four patients were treated. Although those patients were not in very good condition, most of the nurses felt that they should burn the bed, so the head nurse went to take a talisman and spray the mattress. After the next patient, his condition was the same, and the next day was the same. The blood pressure and pulse gradually dropped, once returned to 0, and he seemed to be panting. At that time, he notified his family (the only daughter) to come to the hospital, and the attending physician also followed the patient. Say: Come on and go again, your daughter will come right away, the patient is like a flashback, the pulse slowly rises from 0 to 80, the daughter also came later, but on the third day...
Don't know the power of love?
Or the power of talisman?
After a while, when I received the call bell from that room, there was a swishing sound, but there was no one living in it at all, and the staff ignored him as if the call bell was broken.

Great Compassion Mantra

There is a patient, although the condition is not very good, but it is not very bad. One day he told the nurse that he wants to listen to the Great Compassion Mantra. Xiaoyu also asked him if you are sure you want to listen to this. He said yes, and then he kept listening. In a few days he really...
It seems that some people have some feelings?

hospital locker room

There are sofas in the locker rooms of some hospitals. One night, Xiao Ting slept in it. In fact, she is a very light sleeper and needs sleeping pills to help her fall asleep. There are some rollers in the locker room. The chair that slid away, when she closed her eyes and wanted to sleep, she heard the sound of the roller sliding over, and then she felt as if someone was watching her, but she was very tired and didn't care. When she got up, she found that the chair was leaning against the sofa , but the chair wasn't there originally...
My psychological OS: "he" watched you all night~


This incident happened not long after the outbreak of the epidemic in Taiwan. Xiaoyu just got off work and was going back to her room. As usual, she pressed the elevator and was going to the fifth floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, she walked to the door. She found out that this was not her room, because there were some small decorations in front of her door, so she knew that she had gone wrong, so she went back to the elevator and took it to the fifth floor. She thought that she was too tired, until the next day, a colleague who lived on the sixth floor told her that someone committed suicide in the dormitory. The roommate found out, but the roommate did not call her when she went back. After a period of time, the roommate wanted to talk to her. She went to dinner together, and when she called her, she found that she had...
The suicidal nurse happened to live in Xiaoyu's upstairs room.

In fact, when I chat with my friends, I feel that it is not too scary~


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