

The allure of mnemonics

Throwing bricks and attracting jade to cut leeks

I saw someone on Twitter asking how to use Ledger

Image source: Twitter

Pretend to accidentally include seed phrases when uploading a photo.

Neuropathy, Joke or Scam?

I think it's Joke, because the seed phrases are not repeated and have repeated words in them.

If it's not Joke, it's Scam.

Do you think getting seed phrases is useful in this case?

Usually, after logging in, you see there are coins in it, but you can't transfer it, because there is no gas fee. After you transfer ETH for gas fee, a bot will immediately transfer the coins you deposited. As long as more people see it, go to Attempts to transfer coins, keep transferring gas fee and then keep being transferred, cutting a bunch of leeks.

Of course, the road is one foot high, and the magic is ten feet high. You have a way to write a bot override, and if you transfer the coins in your wallet quickly enough, you will win.

This process is complicated, and the follow-up is to use tornado cash, and then use burner wallet, a bunch of technical requirements.

So when you see other people's mnemonics, don't think that you are getting rice.


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