
Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 Instagram @venus_free

Life Notes 15 | July, busy but not boring

July 29, evening

I started working as an intern in July, and I also signed up for a car driving training class. Therefore, the pace of life in summer vacation is much faster than when I was in school. Even so, I still hope that I can take care of myself in the limited spare time.

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Not long ago, I wrote a post-reading sharing of "There is a kind of work called life", which received feedback from many netizens. Some people have already read this book and agree with the concept of "don't let work limit life". I think we are very fortunate in this generation. The convenience of technological development has made life planning more flexible, and we must learn to rest when we are busy, instead of taking hard work as the standard.

The internship is approaching the 1/2 stage, and I have gradually developed a formula for life, which looks like this on weekdays:

07:00 Wake up, freshen up and look your best

07:30 Breakfast time - make coffee, eat cereal and read the newspaper, all of which are necessary to wake up the sleeping brain

08:00 Touch the cat, organize the environment, organize the mood, go out

08:30 Practice driving, currently in the loop of advancing and retreating S-type, reversing and roadside parking

10:00 clock in for work, usually five minutes early to enter the office


17:30 I have to leave work on time

18:00 Buy ingredients from the supermarket, listen to the Podcast, and cook your own dinner

20:00 Sports

21:00 Shower - take away sweat, in exchange for comfort and energy

22:00 Me Time—is the most cherished time of the day. I like to drink a few drops of lavender essential oil to heal my body and mind, have a good conversation with people I value, or choose a bedtime reading to accompany myself to sleep...

Coupled with the recently looped songs, I decided to enjoy the full summer without rushing.


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