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The hottest concept right now, what is the metaverse?

Although the capital market has been hyping the concept of "metaverse" intermittently for almost half a year, it has only recently reached a climax——

A certain concept is the purest. It came to Changyang with a 20cm root for two consecutive days, and it also closed up 14%+ yesterday.

I've heard the concept of the metaverse for a long time, but didn't really understand it for the first time until three months ago.

A friend of mine is a venture capitalist, and a company they invested in has something to do with the concept of "metaverse". I listened to him talk about it for an hour or two during lunch.

The feeling at the time was that I felt that I understood, and I felt that I didn't understand. After reading a lot of research reports and materials, I probably got a clue.

Here I will give you a conclusion after my own research. The metaverse is very imaginative, and its future potential is absolutely no less than the Internet.

However, it still has a long way to go in terms of technology.

Therefore, to buy this concept in the stock market, hoping to bet on a giant in the next few years, I think it is a dream, and I do not recommend everyone to participate.

Well, back to the topic, what is the metaverse, and what kind of shape is it in the end.

In fact, as far as the most basic concepts are concerned, the market is still very vague, and there is no clear consensus.

According to Roblox, it has eight elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversity, anywhere, economic system, and civilization.

But in my opinion, the definition of Roblox is just an empty concept that has no meaning.

Since we can't define it, let's take a look at some companies on the market that are promoting the metaverse.

I am also very disappointed to observe that most of the "metaverse platforms" are just rudimentary games or social applications.

What does this feel like? It's a bit like the blockchain someone told me many years ago.

In other words, the concept is very grand, but it doesn't seem to have any very practical application, and it also feels a bit vague.

I think if the metaverse is explained more intuitively but less rigorously, it should be like this:

You bring a device and enter a higher-level world, which is virtual but closely connected with reality, and can even realize almost everything in reality.

If you think you can't imagine, then you can imagine the current AR and VR games. However, the metaverse is much higher dimensional than current AR and VR games.

In order to reach the above level, there is a shadow of the metaverse, and I think there are at least two very important thresholds to be crossed.

The first is that the interactive experience of VR devices should be so good that you can even forget you brought them when you are using them.

The second is to get rid of the mode where you can only interact with NPCs. In immersive games, you can also interact with other people, that is, have social attributes.

And if you want to achieve the second, which is to have social attributes, then the first point is the first technical breakthrough.

Just imagine, if the device you use does not give you a very immersive experience, you will be dizzy after a while, and it will be difficult for you to enjoy a more comfortable social experience in it.

Another problem is that top-of-the-line devices are too expensive with current technology.

This means that our access to the "metaverse" through devices is now very limited, and it is more like a spice in life than a main course.

Even spending so much money and configuring top-of-the-line equipment, I think it's still too far from the real metaverse.

The metaverse also needs a very strong openness. Only by lowering the threshold of creation will we have a rich sense of participation in the metaverse until culture is produced.

Speaking of this, I don't know if you have a feeling that it is too far away.

Finally, if you want to know what the metaverse is more intuitively, I think you can watch a movie "Ready Player One". Many scenes in this movie have a bit of metaverse meaning.


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