
中學治身心,西學應世事 有拍必回,大家互相加油呀

Felicia Chiao Illustration Award: I really want to continue my long vacation

These bald people are my paintings

The illustrations of Taiwanese illustrator Felicia Chiao have a unique retro texture. The peach-colored bald wooden man is the protagonist in her works and the biggest feature of her illustrations.

Felicia's work is created with ink and marker on vellum, always giving a feeling of languid and warm feeling. She likes to create some works with "home" as the background, and the wooden figures lie on the bed or rest on the dining table. She said: "These bald people are actually myself drawn with stick figures."

Felicia didn't want to add additional hair and clothing to the bald person, because then it became like a specific person. Wooden people also have no gender, because she doesn't think it matters at all.

She also created the image of a little black man, inspired by a stress-induced indigestion. At first she wanted to draw the image of the little black man as a stomach and put it in the belly of the bald man. Her mother thought it was a cat, so Felicia simply placed the little black man in a different position.

Although the little black man has gradually become a symbol of negative emotions, Felicia does not think so, because her work does not have any serious theme, but just wants to improve everyone's mood.


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