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crisis management

Crisis handling is a science, and handling it well can actually give you extra points.

Today's article will talk about the actual cases of "crisis management" in the workplace in the past.

Bright and candid crisis management successfully retains employees and earns trust

I still remember that one morning many years ago, the company suddenly caused a commotion. It turned out that another company in the same industry had the big news that employees fled the country after collecting billions of dollars, and it even appeared on the front page of the news that day and shocked the whole Taiwan.

But how does the company do it? In addition to acknowledging that the company has indeed been charged with a huge amount of money as described in the news, it immediately issued an announcement to assure employees that the year-end bonus, dividends and benefits of the current year would not be reduced by a single cent, but the employees also believed in the company's financial resources. And get all the bonuses that you want.

Although the wanted criminal was not caught and has already passed the legal prosecution period, the company's crisis management ability has successfully resolved the tide of employees leaving the company and deepened the trust of employees in the company. A few years later, many of my colleagues I jumped to that company, and up to now, the company that has been charged with billions of dollars is still the leader of its peers.

The failure to deal with the crisis that is not truthful and delayed for an excuse almost collapsed

Another example is a small company I worked for myself. At that time, one of the tasks I was in charge of was helping the company to keep accounts. By the end of the year, many accounts receivable were not received. I also asked the boss if I wanted to go dunning? But the boss said that there is no rush, since the boss is not in a hurry, we naturally don't need to worry.

Just like that, when the day of the year-end bonus was issued, everyone was dumbfounded! The year-end bonus is approaching zero, so everyone went to ask the boss what happened, and the answer was that the company did not make any money (but it was clear that it made a lot of money, and it is impossible to make money without deducting all the costs and accounts receivable. ), some colleagues who still have performance bonuses have also changed the calculation rules and received a lot less. I couldn’t help but react to the boss and got the boss’s response: “Do you think the previous bonus calculation method is reasonable? Let’s talk about which company’s Is the bonus calculation method open and transparent?”

Because this series of protests were ineffective, 2/3 of the employees left in about two months, and the company that was already too small to fail almost went bankrupt. Some legal disputes.

The above two cases are real cases encountered in the workplace, and they happen to be the control group for crisis management. It shows that when facing a crisis, the most important thing is to respond quickly and be honest . One example is that the company is not making money. This is obviously just a pretext for not wanting to give bonuses to employees. In addition, the boss thinks that there is no need to explain to the employees beforehand to arbitrarily change the bonus calculation rules, so the trust between them breaks down, leading to a wave of exodus. It can be seen that crisis management is really a big knowledge. If you handle it well, you can turn a crisis into a turning point . If you don't handle it well, it will highlight problems and increase differences and lead to bad results.

Further reading:

Aikang sanitary napkin "stinky abalone" copywriting insults women and gets bombarded! PR expert: 5 principles to turn a crisis into an opportunity


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