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How can I cash out Likecoin after something goes wrong with BitAsset?

How to realize Likecoin? There are hundreds of methods, depending on whether you want to invest or withdraw cash. This article is the process of exchanging Taiwan dollars.

I believe that everyone should have known the news of the problem with the BitAsset trading platform for a long time, and I mentioned in my previous article that I applied for withdrawal in April this year, and I successfully received Taiwan dollars after about a week.

During this period, I also joined BitAsset's Line group. Every day, a large number of netizens complained about the slow processing speed of the exchange, and even threatened to call the police. Constantly appease everyone with canned words, but still can't explain clearly what happened? From what everyone thought was a technical problem at the beginning, they turned to doubting the status of the platform funds. Otherwise, how could it have been delayed for so long and still cannot be completely repaired?

Seeing that the platform repair time is nowhere in sight, I decided to trouble @catding to assist in the OTC transaction service. In fact, I really relied on a trust in the beginning, otherwise I would have to go to other platforms to exchange it into Taiwan dollars Only other currencies can be converted into Taiwan dollars. It is too time-consuming and costly for my mother who usually has a very trivial time. It is more convenient to directly find Likecoin validators to do off-exchange transactions!

So that's it, we have already traded three times in succession, the process is very fast, don't worry about the remittance of Likecoin, and as for the exchange rate that everyone cares about, there will be different quotations each time (adjusted according to the current exchange rate) , what we must understand is that the exchange rate of entrusted over-the-counter transactions cannot be the same as that of the exchange. They have assumed the risks of pending orders and the troublesome platform procedures for us. We still have to give them what they should earn. Otherwise, it is recommended to go to the exchange by yourself. Do it yourself.

During the over-the-counter transaction, I also sold the little bit of Likecoin pending order in BitAsset in June, and it took longer than the first time to withdraw the Taiwan dollars. I waited for more than two weeks, and the money was not received. After a long time, BitAsset finally issued a statement explaining why it has been reluctant to come forward for a while.

I saw in the statement that the Chinese technical team and wallet merchants were investigated by the judiciary without warning . Just seeing the word "China" made me decide not to use this platform again. Everyone should understand that if a platform can be used at any time If China wants to check it, it will be really difficult to predict the risk if our funds are still in it, unless you really don't care at all.

I can only say that I was very lucky that the Qiantongtong transaction in it was completed and withdrawn successfully. There are also many netizens who wailed in the Line group and their funds of hundreds of thousands and millions of Taiwan dollars are completely stuck in the exchange. Really. What a tragedy!

This morning at 3 o’clock in the morning, I saw @义古’s post saying that a Likecoin over-the-counter trading platform has been established. After entering the platform test, one thing to remind everyone is that the exchange rate on the platform is only a reference, and actually makes the market. The exchange rate for merchant purchases will be lower, just like the off-market transactions I mentioned earlier, if you want to trouble others to help you cash out, you still have to give. I personally think it is very cost-effective to spend some handling fees to save time, and I also look forward to Likecoin After the OTC trading platform , new functions have been launched one after another.


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