
紙燃代表 : 潘梓然 Tim Poon 本人是香港的編劇和導演 過去十多年,Tim 一直拍攝多部出色的廣告和微電影。短片《骨肉香》更獲得New York Film Awards 年度短片大獎等多個獎項。現正籌備拍攝下一部電影。

Micro-fiction <The Realm of One Person>

Li Lipin woke up with pain all over his body and his mind was blurred. He only remembered coming to a remote mountain to play a game of VR elf catching. When catching a elf, he accidentally fell down the hillside and suddenly fell into a coma. Li Lipin didn't know how long he had been in a coma, and he didn't know where he was.

Li Lipin woke up with pain all over his body and his mind was blurred. He only remembered coming to a remote mountain to play a game of VR elf catching. When catching a elf, he accidentally fell down the hillside and suddenly fell into a coma. Li Lipin didn't know how long he had been in a coma, nor where he was. Because his eyes were pitch black, his eyes were still bound by the VR goggles. With blood on his hands, he couldn't open the electronic fingerprint lock of the VR goggles. He tried his best to open this annoying lock, just like Sun Wukong couldn't get rid of the Vajra hood. Li became more and more frightened. The cold wind from the mountain and the blood loss caused Li to enter a state of panic. He kept hitting his head against the VR goggles, but unfortunately he couldn't open them.

"Help, help." Suddenly Siri responded, "Can I help you?"

Li was overjoyed and called Siri

"Siri, Siri help me"

"You want me to help you"

"Call 999 for me"

"Unable to connect because there is no network"

"Siri try again"

"Unable to connect because there is no network"


Li Lishi was in panic again

"Siri help me leave here, think about the method"

"I can't locate because there is no internet"

Li suddenly smashed the VR goggles with his head like crazy. After dozens of bumps, he finally smashed part of the VR goggles. Li Yixin wanted to pick up the stone and try his best to finally smash the blindfold open, but the fragments of the blindfold stuck straight into his right eye, causing him to scream in pain, shaking all over the valley, and the poor man kept pressing his right eye and bleeding continuously.

After a round of struggle, Li was finally able to remove the blindfold, and with his left eye and memory, he walked all the way back to the original path and retrieved his driverless private car.

All the way, Li regretted why he chose one person to come here to play games to catch elves, why did he have to be so "home", why has he never had any friends? Why has he been relying on his parents' money for a living? Is that what my life is like?

When Li returned to the driverless car, he was about to drive, but unfortunately the facial recognition in the car could not pass, and the car system could not be activated. Li wiped away the blood on his face, but he couldn't identify it. Li Cong looked at the bleeding right eye from the rear mirror, but he couldn't open it. Li knew that this was just waiting for death.

"Siri, call the police for me"

"Unable to connect because there is no network"

"Siri, play any stored song"

Siri played a song he loved as a child, "Love Me Don't Go"

Li kept listening, recalling his childhood. He suddenly thought of Shirley, his first love, who he used to sing to her from time to time. Unfortunately, after graduating from college, everyone had different goals and eventually broke up. Li always wanted to get her back, but he just didn't have the courage, so he was always addicted to the Online game. At this time, he was not willing to die like this, and he wanted to get Shirley back. Even if you fail, you have to explain to yourself.

"Siri, please broadcast my favorite internal recording file 001"

"find a file"

A female voice appeared

"If all I want to do before I die is to travel the world with Li Lipin after graduation..."

"I want to travel around the world"

"Because it's my dream to travel the world with the person I love the most"

Suddenly Li burst into tears, and then there was a drum of unnamed motivation, and he pulled out the glass of his right eye while weeping.

Li opened his right eye with force, and he kept screaming, as if awakening something deep inside.

The driverless car starts. Li knew he was going to hit the road again, on a path of no regrets.

"Full speed ahead"


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