
大馬.砂拉越.古晉 | 天蠍男 | 媒體人 | 愛閱讀 | 寫生活 | 寫城市 | 寫不成材的小說 | 每星期二、四、六更新文。

Life | We all eat tofu

The family basically eats tofu and dried tofu once a week or two, most of them eat flat tofu, and the practice is also simple. It is to cut the plate tofu into small pieces, put it in the pot and fry it again, then add soy sauce, eggs and some ingredients and fry it until it is cooked.
(online picture)

While eating breakfast in the morning, I shouted to my sister upstairs: "Sister, hurry up, it's almost nine o'clock now, if you go to the supermarket after ten o'clock, there will be too many people lining up to pay and you have to wait. More than ten minutes."

"You guys go out to buy food, right? Buy me a few pieces of tofu and come back." After I called my sister, my father told me to buy something.

Remember to buy a piece of water tofu later, you will use it when you worship your father-in-law for two more days. "My mother also stepped in and explained that I want to buy tofu.

From my impression, when worshiping ancestors, they will definitely offer a water tofu sacrifice. The method is very simple, that is, put a piece of water tofu in the pot until the skin is golden or slightly coke, then add water to boil, and finally add sugar, and then roll it again and then it will be out of the pot.

I asked my parents why there must be water tofu in the offerings? In fact, they don't understand, they just know that this is a traditional "ceremony".

I checked the information on the Internet, and there are all kinds of sayings, but when Chaozhou people worship their ancestors or good brothers, they must have tofu as a sacrificial dish, such as water tofu or dried bean curd.

Although tofu is cheap, it is rich in nutrients and contains protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. It can be said to be a cheap nutritious food.

My father asked me to buy tofu because I watched a TV health program saying that eating tofu can make my feet stronger. So let's go buy it. Dad only had the operation of the big neck wrap at the end of 2020. Although he took medicine, the calcium was not enough, so eating more tofu can also make up for calcium.

The family basically eats tofu and dried tofu once a week or two, most of them eat flat tofu, and the practice is also simple. It is to cut the plate tofu into small pieces, put it in the pot and fry it again, then add soy sauce, eggs and some ingredients and fry it until it is cooked.

Another common practice of mothers is the most common practice of fried bean sprouts with dried tofu. My mother would cook this bean sprouts fried tofu occasionally to pass my dinner.

But now, my mother often cooks curry tofu, because it is easy to cook and tastes good enough for dinner.

The practice of water tofu is used in our house to make a simple tofu soup, adding vegetarian ingredients or adding bean sprouts. A while ago, I disliked the taste of water tofu was too bland and tasteless, so I made my own sauce, mixing soy sauce with sour orange juice, sour. The water tofu is dipped in the sauce prepared by yourself for a good meal.

Our family is a well-off family, and when we have the opportunity to eat at restaurants, we try to choose cheap or medium-priced dishes as much as possible. The important thing is that the family can get together and eat enough, so the relatively cheap tofu is a must. Our family loves to eat, especially my father. As soon as we sit down and take a different menu, he said to order sizzling tofu.

I have eaten sizzling tofu so many times. According to my observation, the tofu on the sizzling plate is fried until it is just right, and then the egg is added. The key to the deliciousness of sizzling tofu should be the sauce. Topped with a special sauce, it is a delicious hot iron plate dish.

When eating, it must be a piece of tofu with eggs, which is delicious and satisfying.

Tofu and dried bean curd can be said to be a versatile ingredient. They don’t have much flavor on their own. They can be paired with many ingredients, such as frying, frying, frying, and steaming. Tofu is an excellent source of protein for those of us who are vegetarians and not rich. It can make us affordable and delicious.


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